One can only guess why I named it Modern Mockingbird;) It was my first attempt at applique. I was so clueless at the fabric counter that I had them cut plain instead of double sided interfacing. I loved the look of the loosely bound stitching around the applique but could use some practice. Really tiny rickrack might have done the trick too but I didn't think of it until after the fact. Whatever the case, I hope baby Olivia won't mind and gets good use out of it! That....and that it doesn't fall apart in the first wash.

18 {comments}:
It's lovely & you did very well with the cute bird applique. I'm sure it will be loved.
very sweet.
I love your blog so much! Your color choices, patterns, fabric...All of it! Love it! Love it all!
Every time I hop over (from Ms.Ellaneous) it feels like Christmas!
just linked you on my blog...had to!
I honestly love every dress here. My Girl, standing beside me as I scrolled through, said again and again, "I wish I had that dress".
I love appliqués. I only used one sided interfacing also. It doesn't bother me, just takes a little extra effort. Plus it works out better on knit materials!
holy cow girl!!!! you are a very the accomplished seamstress! i had no idea. i'm loving your creations!!! i need one of these. make me one! hugs!
OH MY! I'm so glad you commented on our blog. I love everything you've made. These colors are so gorgeous. A girl after my own heart! I'm looking forward to checking in and seeing all you do. Thanks for inspiring
Love your blog. Just found it through Little Sussy. You are so talented and I love your taste.
These are quite possibly some of the most beautiful and cutest little girls dresses I have ever seen. Might a person ask how we can buy the dresses, or the patterns? I'd love to know. My email is anniewebbphotography@gmail.com. Thanks!
Oh my! Your blog is so cute! I will be checking...do you use patterns or make up your creations?
That is darling! Love the orange trim and ties. Cute Cute.
It's really beautiful! I love the orange spotty fabric!
Another "oh so cute outfit"! I love the applique.
I just caught an interview with David, can we just call him David, as if we were friends, over on NPR. I had no idea he was coming out with a new book either. He gives a nod to the handmade. Made me love him even more.
-My oldest daughter with the love of museums is 14, she also loves to knit.
Thank you so much for making this for Olivia! I can't wait to see her in it...and I hope her and Molly get to play together too!! Please come to VA soon!!
The birdie is oh so darlin'!
loving all your little creations here! Great blog =)
oooh, those little feet!
This is so sweet! My neice would look beautiful in this! I might need to do some sewing for her!
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