African Safari Shorts GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

July 22, 2008

centered darkenedLooks like Lily's ready to hop on her jeep, camera around her neck and snap some jungle photos. I wanted the look of this outfit to resemble that of the European explorers in the 20s.

I used a multi-tonal taupe linen material. The shorts have pleats that billow out at the sides similar to the fashion of the early century. I added real wood buttons to the leg cuffs and waistband.

This was a tad tight on Lily so I would have to guess that it might fit a 2-3T.

Best of all, I think these shorts would be wearable for either a boy or a girl. So all you moms with boys who've I've excluded could enter if you'd like.

PLUS, if you leave a comment I will include the matching wooden button barrets, see below.

This giveaway is for the linen short only.

I've also had a couple people ask whether or not it is a problem if their blog is private. No, it is not a problem. I've seen plenty of private blogs in Technorati but if for some reason you don't think your blog is being recognized by Technorati, just let me know you've blogged in a comment to be sure.

Last day for posts is SUNDAY 7/27/08. Winner will be announced TUESDAY morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win these shorts just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link!

55 {comments}:

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable. Once again the photos are great too. Your daughter is very cute. I am not sure if my link comes through. My blog is

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! These are so so cute! I seriously LOVE your stuff!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

Too small for Roo but so very charming!

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know what's cuter...the shorts or your little "model". Both are absolutely adorable!!

I've linked/posted you to my blog:

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

The most adorable thing ever! I'm posting your link to my blog, I love your stuff!!

Ralphie said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful thing to share your talent like this!

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute are you and your creations. I already put a link up on mine.. I have 2 when you go into mine - those the "through our lens". Thanks!!!!

Malinda said... Best Blogger Tips

They are so cute!! All your clothes are so different and cute.

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

These are great! You are awesome!

Sarah-Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! Kathleen great action photos!
Lily looks like shes having so much fun exploring!
The safari shorts are fabulous!
and your right I think they are very unisex!
Good Luck to everyone who enters xox

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!! I linked to your site, so enter me into the drawing. I figure if I enter all of them, I'll win eventually!

Dawn Elizableth said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! It reminds me of the Wild Kingdom, at least I think that's what it was called. They wore shorts like that!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are simply adorable!! YOur daughter looks like she totally enjoyed the modeling!! These would look so cute on my godchild in a year or so...

Keep these adorable creations coming!!

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

Lily is going to be a "real" model some day!! She is so good at posing and looks great in all the clothes you make!!

Have a great week!

Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy crap I think I just crapped my pants... how cute are those?! How do you do it!? I have a soon to be 3 year old and I would just die. You are linked on my blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So very cute for a little girl or boy, good thing, because I certainly don't think they'd be flattering on me :o) They're beautiful and I like how you incorporate imaginative settings into your clothes. I can so see them being used on a safari adventure! Take care.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

It's on my blog!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

Sigh. Such adorable-ness!! :)
Blogged ya HERE! Thanks!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

She looks so precious!
The shorts are yet another ta die for!
We are all just mesmerized here...

I've linked again!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

they are the cutest short i ever saw!! its the perfect combination the little pretty girl and the shorts. adorable

Heather Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm new at this, but I'm trying to figure out how to win some of your awesome work! I have gone through every giveaway and shed a few tears that I wasn't in the running for the clothes in the past... I am IN LOVE with hand-made clothes and am on Etsy daily eyeing up the new talent. I made a link to this on and I would love to win this pair of shorts.

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the buttons and the matching barrettes. So cute. I used similar fabric and buttons to make my son an Easter suit a few years ago. :) Your creations are perfect size for my daughter. Always hoping to be the lucky winner. :)

onawa said... Best Blogger Tips

my daughter soooo needs these, especially since we might be moving to Rwanda Africa in a year!!! I love these! So dang cute!!!

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok, Ok, These are too stinkin cute for words. I could see my sweet little Zoe in these. I wish I could open her closet every morning and it was filled with all the cute clothes you have posted on your blog. Your girls are probably the best dressed in town.

Linked you as always to my blog:)

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

I want these too bad for words. I wish I had your talent. My daughter would look fabulous in them - you should really start selling this stuff.

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh! Your style & talent just blow me you make any clothes that you sell? & your pictures, the way you "stage" the scene to go with the outfit - sheer genius!

April Massad said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! I found your blog through a friend and all I can say is I NEED a daughter so I can win! Your stuff is beyond words!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Those shorts make me want to paint my apartment like curious george did and make all the furniture look like wild animals. They are too amazing!

Itworksforbobbi said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh!! Those shorts just scream my daughter's name. She is "explorer" personified. LOL! You have talent coming out your ears! Love those photos, too.

Sharon said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy cow!! these are so cute! i think they are my favorite so far... pick me, i'll love them forever:)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These are really just darling!

We blogged:

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously too cute! If you're not gonna sell clothes you should sell the patterns because they are far too adorable!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these shorts and think they are so cute. I can already picture my girls in them. I posted a link on my blog and hope that is how I register for the drawing. My blog is

zandersquad said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful work! I have a sewing machine but have not dared to do things like this...BEAUTIFUL. YOu make me want to get out my machine and practice!

The Hokanson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I'm so happy to finally know about you, and that outfit is too cute!

Kitty said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these shorts. Adorable.

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, NO WAY! This is WAY cute!! OMG!! What a GREAT idea!!!

Bridge said... Best Blogger Tips

cute! I think I know a girl (besides yours of course) who will look too cute in those!

VSJensen said... Best Blogger Tips

very cute photos! the tie on her is adorable :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those shorts are TOO cute. They would look "wildly" fab-u-lous on my little Lauren (who just turned 3 last week). She is all about "fashion". I just found your blog and couldn't stop browsing through your creations. You have serious talent!

Peau Naturelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! My little one, Emma, would love this. She is always "exploring" and has called herself "Go Go Splorer" (Splorer means explorer in little person speak ;) LOL!) after "Go Diego Go" and "Dora the Explorer". How cool would she look "sploring" in this?! Wow!

Liz Nicks said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, maybe someday I'll sew so well! Thanks!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable. You must be a busy lady with all these cute giveaways!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

what an adorable design!

CrYsTaL said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely adorable shorts!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those would made a young lad quite dapper!

The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun and whimsical look!! I love it, as always:)

Simply AnonyMom said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to you! I would love to win these. All your items are sooooo adorable. You have an awesome talent.

cpullum said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the shorts and my kids say they were cool!!

Bobbi & Noe said... Best Blogger Tips

You have the cutest giveaways. I love the shorts. So unique~ I have 3 girls, so I love your clothes giveaways.

Karyn said... Best Blogger Tips

My children are too small but how I love your style! I wish it was available for purchase.

Cam said... Best Blogger Tips

i want this!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my first time visiting your site & I must say...I wish I were part of your family!
How fun it would be to have such a talented mom!

Tiffany UnTwisted said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness. can you please at least do these one more time? i absolutely LOVE them and I only found out about your site today!

email me if you do any side business from here :)

tfeltenberger at hotmail

Sophie Chalumeau said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found out about your blog via Small magazine. I love the idea of giveaways and also the fact that you found a clever way to keep track of everything with the photography(thus combining 2 activities in 1! And your daughters are really nice little models! I'll surely follow your blog. Many thanks, S

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