Piñata Pinafore GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

July 13, 2008

This weekend introduced many chaotic challenges. We celebrated Lily and Molly's birthday. I made matching dresses. I put together a swingset. I exhausted our supply of bandaids and calamine lotion. But the fruits of my labor paid off. Case in point, this darling dress. The colors reminded me of a Mexican fiesta. But for the blue and purple, it nearly matched the pinata.

I made it with a gathered neck that cinches with yellow polka dot ties with crochet flowers at the ends. A little pink, yellow and orange patterned apron ties at the mid section. And best of all, I made a ruffled bloomer that sticks out underneath. In fact, it was the ruffles that initially reminded me of a pinata....layered and square.

When I designed the length of this dress I was reminded of some of the vintage children's patterns I've seen lately. Most of them have lengths that come just under the butt with bloomers to match the dress. As you can see in the picture to the right this was the look I was going for.

As for the pinata, you can see what was left of its carcass below. Think 'Lord of Flies' when they slaughter the pig. Who knew preschoolers had so much aggression to release?

The rest of the party went great too! Lily was a little shy but eventually broke out of her shell....after most of the guests said their goodbyes:) She gets really overwhelmed by a crowd. If you like to see more pics of the party. See them here on The tumtum tree.

Believe it or not, this IS a giveaway. I made an extra 2-4T dress for Grosgrain. Yup, that's three dresses in one weekend (phew, I'm tired). It looks just like the one Lily is wearing. I could not quite bear to part with the originals seeing as they had sentimental value.

PLUS, if you leave a comment I will include the most darling matching bobby pin barrets, see below.

Last day for posts is FRIDAY 7/18/08. Winner
will be announced SUNDAY morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this pinafore just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link! <Click on this link!

Create a Link! <Click on this link!

121 {comments}:

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

You must be exhausted Kathleen! Your girls look absolutely adorable and they look like they had a great time!!

The new dress is so cute and festive looking!! I love the vintage length your talking about too! So cute!!

Have a wonderful week and relax a little!!

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

Those little bloomers are too cute. I have always felt bloomers should come with dresses until a little girl goes into middle school. A girl shouldn't have to worry about her unders showing while she's on the playground or climbing trees in her dress. Middle school is usually when the playground issue is no longer a problem.
These little dresses you made are just too much! Hope your little one had the most special day ever.

Rochelle Barlow said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously, you make me sick (in a good way)!! How do you do it? I just look at all your beautiful clothes you make and just drool and drool. I'm starting to sew my little sugarbear some clothes, but holy crow - the things you come up with blow me away. I especially love the way you present your giveaways! Icecream frock, pinata dress, etc. you are so full of imagination (and follow through!)!! Thanks for the inspiration, hopefully one day I'll be as good as you.

Mary Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

this is just too cute, my little princess would look amazing in this, so we're crossing her fingers...she asked me why lily was wearing a candy necklace and i said that i didn't know, she goes "duh, mawmy, it's a'cause she likes candeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" LOL so true

Terri said... Best Blogger Tips

Once again, you have outdone yourself! Absolutely Amazing!

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

Your talent is amazing. How on earth did you make three dresses? So cute. It reminds me a bit of a dress I had for Mari last year that I got at Gymboree but yours is so much cuter. The bloomers are to die for. Seriously- open a store. Make millions. You will I swear.

heidijogoody said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this cute little dress and matching bloomers is just adorable. You always seem to come up with the cutest funnest ideas for clothes

cpullum said... Best Blogger Tips

She is so cute and I love her dress!! Very fiesta!!

The DiLu-Fam said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love your work. So very talented!

T said... Best Blogger Tips

Your AMAZING!!! Wish I had your energy and skills!LOVE LOVE LOVE these outfits! Too Adorable!!!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute matching dresses!!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the bloomers of that dress!! You are SO creative!! Do you sell your awesome creations? I would be the first in line to buy if you do!!

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute. Not only are you an amazing seamstress but you take great photos. Your girls are adorable.

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

If my girls see this I will be required to make them adorable matching outfits as well. As always - the dress is amazing & love the bloomers.

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Well those are just as cute as can be! I don't think there is anything cuter than a short dress with stubby little legs poking out on a preschooler. Great job on the barettes, too.

sprinklesbowtique said... Best Blogger Tips

Most definitly my favorite outfit I've seen you make thus far... I love how you dress your little girls like little girls instead of trying to make them look like little women. Your blog has inspired me more than you'll ever know... not only with the sewing but with your photography as well. Job well done!!!

Kritta22 said... Best Blogger Tips

You are awesome!! I love EVERYTHING about the whole dress! I would love to win it! Thanks for the chance!

Ella A. said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this dress, bloomers are my favorite. Plus, I have a weakness for anything Spanish-inspired! Thanks for all the giveaway opportunities! The party looked fun!

Jen D. said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing! Wow! I could never even sew one of these let alone two. I just found your blog and I must say it is very inspirational. Thank you!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

Roo needs one of your dresses. One of these days, we need to win... this would be super cute for her to wear for her brother's first birthday.

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously, you don't disappoint! I check your blog just about everyday to see what awesome creation you have come up with:)
Darling! Especially love the bloomers!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm totally jealous of your sewing skills! That's such a cute dres!! I linked you on my blog (hope I did it right!). So consider me entered in this terrific contest!

Liz Nicks said... Best Blogger Tips

Good work and thanks for thinking of us. I am lovin the little undie covers... you inspire me!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely darling! I can't believe what a cute design you made. I just love this!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute, as always! I love your pictures for all of your giveaway posts!! You're really talented! Blogged HERE
bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Stacey Moore said... Best Blogger Tips

another beautiful creation :)
thanks so much for this great opportunity!!
moore.g at insideconnect.net

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

So darling! I love the bloomers! Another great creation and giveaway..Thanks!

Sarah-Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

awww this brings back happy memories of when my mother used to make my sisters and I all matching outfits for christmas, gosh I loved them such good times

Your girls will adore looking back on these photos in yrs to come and remember fondly what good times you all had!
all that effort is worth it!

The dresses are super cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute !!!!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

The other morning my five year old happily complimented me when she said my hair looked like a piñata. I just smiled, said "thank you" and went upstairs to brush my hair.

I do love your designs - they are all so different. I am waiting for the day you announce that you are starting your own children's couture line.

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

I've started reading your blog daily, because I just LUV LUV LUV your stuff!

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing talent!!! You've inspired me to learn how to sew. ;)


Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

this dress would look perfect on my Hillary with her dark skin. I love all the little dresses you make - I wish I had that talent.

Belinda said... Best Blogger Tips

OK, why can I not do the link thing?! I keep trying, but my link never shows up! This outfit is entirely too cute; I thought nothing could surpass the rooster rick rack number for me, but this little pinafore is adorable! What a great outfit for your little girl's big day!
Here's the post I couldn't add to your link list:)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so cute and would adorable on my little sister (2 1/2) I love all your work. It's great!

Joanie Demer said... Best Blogger Tips

You are inspiring! How do you do it all? I love looking at your fresh designs for your girls. I love the length of this dress! I like to show off my daughter, Cameron's chubby thighs!

Christina.B said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are too cute. You are super-talented!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Gosh - this is just beautiful! My sister is also sewing big time (Irish Step Dancing Solo Dresses) and the labor is incredible... I feel lucky to get my buttons in the right holes most the time...

Love the dress - hope my little Empress wins....

Missy - Mom to the Empress & Emperor

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Your cute creations never cease to amaze me. Love those ruffly bloomers!

Amy @ OurScoop said... Best Blogger Tips

MY GOODNESS!! I've just discovered your blog and I'm just BLOWN AWAY by your talent and creativity! I've just discovered sewing for my girls. I'm such a beginner. I think you are my new Idol! If only I had the skill. Do you use patterns? Or just create them yourself! Good Work! I LOVE your taste! Isn't it just so fun sewing dresses and then watching your little ones live in them? That's half the fun in sewing for me!

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Those little yellow bloomers are the cutest thing ever!!! LOVE IT! I would love to see my little girl toddle around in that!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a great dress. I can't belive you sewed sooo much this weekend, put together a swing and then hosted a party with a pinata and preschoolers. You are a busy woman!

I will keep my fingers crossed on all of these, I love to see your newest creations!

And your photography is amazing! What type of camera are you using?

Marci said... Best Blogger Tips

HA! This looks like a blast...if you don't have to plan it. lol. I love that they have matching ones.

bloggr said... Best Blogger Tips

What a pretty dress!

Latida108 said... Best Blogger Tips

You're so inspiring! I wish you would sell your patterns, they are so unique, yet classic! Love them!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! you have an amazing talent! ANd I have just the models for it!!

Tonya Staab said... Best Blogger Tips

We are always up for a fiesta at our house. Marisol would look darling in this outfit. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I hope I am doing this right. I have two links on my blog now....

I really want to win!

Mandi said... Best Blogger Tips

I am highly impressed at how you are able to balance your time and still accomplish so much! what a good mama you are :-) I blogged about this sweet dress (I am picturing it on my niece) on my blog - http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2008/07/piata-pinafore-giveaway.html

Dani said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Beautiful Dresses and beautiful girls, now that is one talented mommy! I traveled onto your blog from Carmel Turtle, and my daughter and I could like to enter the contest! I love your blog, and I'm going to add a post link to mine now!


Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable! You have quite a talent. Lori @benettboo@hotmail.com

Denise Sawyer said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow I am so impressed!! Wish I knew how to sew like that!

Hope I win!

The "Cent"sible Sawyer

Monica-FC said... Best Blogger Tips

the pinafore is just so cute that it would look great on all my nieces. LOL. I have quite a few so deciding who would get it would be quite a chore for me. LOL. just darling. I left a link on my blog about it.

Meredith said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't get over the precious little yellow ruffles!

I linked you on my blog so consider me one step closer to having a tiney hiney with yellow ruffles covering it! *SQUEE* (my daughter's not mine silly!)

Caroline said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute!! Thanks for inspiring others!!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

I have two girls (2T and 4T)that I LOVE to match ... we would love this!!!!

Blake Bench said... Best Blogger Tips

If mothers everywhere had an ounce of your creativity just think how beautiful this world would be! Thank you for being so inspirational to me!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

That is absolutely gorgeous! You are so talented!!!

I tried to create a link on my blog, hope it worked!!!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Well here we all are; you have a following! Here we are drooling all over your website while you're busy pumping out creations.
This is an absolute ta die for! I pride myself on not being jealous of others but if I don't win... I may break my record.

Dawn Elizableth said... Best Blogger Tips

This reminds me of Shirley Temple and her bloomers! Love it!

Mr and Mrs said... Best Blogger Tips

The little yellow bloomers are my fave! Your girls look like they had a fun weekend! Take a break this week tho, you deserve it after 3 dresses! :) I'm putting up the link so I'm crossing my fingers I get lucky!


katy said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented! The dress is beautiful. Rylee would look adorable, as would any other little girl, in that dress.

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this little outfit! You are sooo talented! I can't believe you just give these away....
Anyways, I posted a link on my blog, I hope I did this right!!lol!

Rhonda Martin said... Best Blogger Tips

They are so cute in them dresses. You did a beautiful job making them and you should be very proud of yourself not to mention very tired doing all 3 in such a short time. unfortunately I can't sew at all so I am very envious. I wish I had your talent. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Sooo cute! Your girls are precious too!x

*Kelly* said... Best Blogger Tips

You are just so talented!! I wish I had your creativity. I love the bloomers :-)

PaisleyJade said... Best Blogger Tips

Just stumbled across your site and am so amazed at the beautiful things you create! I just inherited my first sewing machine (everything has been sewn by hand up until now!) so will have to revisit your blog for inspiration! Thankyou!

TUTU Monkey said... Best Blogger Tips

OOOO how fun....I just posted your info on my blog.....you are very talented!!

My little "Tutu Monkey" would love to fiesta in this little cutie!!

Meika said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh those little bloomers just make the outfit! So cute!!

Kelli Radmall said... Best Blogger Tips

So darling- I especially like the little bloomers-we call them bummies at our house! Baby Felicity would love to grow into that darling thing... too cute.

None said... Best Blogger Tips

Again....LOVE your work! You inspired me to do a giveaway of my own...of course not half as cool! You really need to sell these....my husband would probably disagree because it would be one more place our vacation money would be spent! ;) Keep 'em coming.

windycindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, I can't even sew a button on correctly. Your pinafore is too adorable. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Kelley said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I saw a link to your blog on "Empress Fussy Pants" and had to comment. Your work is fantastic!!!!

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

You are serously a genius. Your dresses are so lovely! I think you should go into boy clothes too... :)

phxbne said... Best Blogger Tips

Great dresses - my daughter would love it!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I found your blog and I've looked at everything and am amazed by your talents! This is so sweet and adorable. I have a little girl that would fit that perfectly! I hope I win. :) Have fun sewing, I'm sure I'll check in often!

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely adorable!!!

Tanya Leigh said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, wow. They are the sweetest little pinatas ever! Love the variation on the rhumba pants!

Kamaile said... Best Blogger Tips

This looks like something you would find at Gymboree. It's soo cute. I bought a sewing machine last year in hopes to start sewing clothes for my daughters since everything is so expensive now. But every time I try it looks horrible or I just give up. I must say your blog is very inspirational even if it's not meant to be. Thank you.

queen of everything said... Best Blogger Tips

those are way too precious. i hope i win. i am so impressed, i can barely get one thing sewn a month. the toddler seems to consume most of my time

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips


My sweet little baby MUST have this adorable little dress. I am imagining her in it right...oh.. yes, she's stinkin' cute!!

What a fun giveaway and here's to hoping I win this spankin' cute little dress!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You know I would love to win one of your give-a-ways for Olivia, but I can't seem to figure out how...and how much would I have to pay to get the ice cream social black and white polka dot dress in my size??? Only about 4 more weeks to go, miss you! Seriously though, how do I sign up!

blog n' tell said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling dress-adorable girls. I have a princess that would look equally as adorable.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, so cute!! the pictures and dress are gorgeous!

My Trendy Tykes said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable!
I would be thrilled to win one of these dresses.


The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the bloomers and of course the dress too!! Okay so I just lov the whole outfit!!! You are awesome!

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! this is just too darn cute!!
And I am so excited. the "create a link" finally worked!!

Barley Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I found your link through a friend when she posted a picture of this adorable dress! You are VERY talanted and creative, this dress is absolutly darling!!!

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the retro look of these dresses, and they look absolutely darling on your little girls.

I love the things you do!

Supercool Hotmama said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! Those are such cute dresses! There is nothing as cute as a ruffled butt!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute, I had to stop cleaning (at the risk of being caught by my almost 3 year old!). Your girls are adorable too! I will definitely be back for more inspiration.

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful pinafores. Your girls look so cute in them. I have 2 girls too and I am always on the look-out for new styles of dresses I can sew for them.

You are very talented, I hope I can sew like that one day. :)


Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

very cute dress! we have a cute little girl it would look great on! :)

Aubrey said... Best Blogger Tips

Although I don't know you, I feel like a kindred spirit. I love the dress! especially the bloomers.

Bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

You are a new discovery for me and what a great discovery it is! I love your work!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute dresses!!! How do you have time to do all that. I admire your creativity.

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

I left my poem on the wrong giveaway - so now that I am in the right place, here goes:

My little one Piper
She still wears a diaper
But one day she'll wear a dress.

And when that day comes,
when all's said and done,
without your dress she'll be a mess!

(It's adorable)

4D said... Best Blogger Tips

What a talent you have!

Keep smilin!

jillytacy said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing!!!! How do you have the time to make these gorgeous things and give them all away? I've seen links to your blog all over the blogosphere! I hope you keep some for yourself!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So absolutely precious I'd be luck to just win the hair bows!

Shandra said... Best Blogger Tips


Maddie Dean Photography said... Best Blogger Tips

crossing my fingers (and toes!) I never win anything but maybe this adorable dress will be my big break!!

Molly said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy wow! That pinafore is gorgeous!!! WOW! And that bloomer! Man! I am in love!

~Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! You're work is beautiful!!! Love the dresses and outfits you make- just amazing!!!

Kayce said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I'd love to be able to bust those out in a weekend! Thanks for the giveaway!

tbonegrl said... Best Blogger Tips

Happy birthday again, girls!

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

hey, you don't know me, but I stumbled across your blog when my friend had posted to check yours out! Wow! You exhaust me!:) I think it's awesome to see so much love and energy for your girls. They say to enjoy the moments now, 'cuz they grow up and you just have memories and pics that can fade away if we aren't careful! Your daughters are adorable! I love the matching outfits! I have two adorable girls as well, one is just 2 and the other will turn one in Aug. I love dressing them the same too! We actually are expecting another, it was quite the surprise and the shock hasn't worn off. I feel sick and have no energy, but seeing posts like this, gives me the reason to pick myself up and enjoy the moments with my little ones and have fun with them while I can. I plan on making them christmas dresses, so wish me luck! THank you for your festive post!

Fairy Cute said... Best Blogger Tips

The bloomers are absolutely to DIE for! I've been searching for some for my teeny stepdaughter and having such a tough time finding any. Keep up the amazing work!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that is beautitful!!! I can hardly believe you are actually going to give it away!
It would look fabulous on my little Naomi!


Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

i found your site today and love it! I would also love to enter you giveaways, however my blog is private and can only be viewed by friends. I created a link to your current giveaways, but don't think you'll be able to see it- can I be entered anyway?

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute Cute Cute... Who doesn't love ruffley bloomers!!!! The colors are so bright and citrus-y!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

I am not quite sure where I found your blog but here I am and my little Alexia would look fabulous in that amazing outfit!

Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

HOw do you do it?! I am just amazed how the adorablness of your creations!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, this one is so darling! I still am in awe of your talents! To be able to design new and fabulous dresses weekely is truly amazing!

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips


I linked you! Would love to see my little darling in this ADORABLE dress.

You have an amazing skill.. I would buy your dresses!!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked you on my blog! I love this outfit. What a wonderful gift you have for creating such beautiful clothing.

Kelli said... Best Blogger Tips

Their Birthday party looked liked it was so much fun!!! The bloomers are my favorite part of the dress! I have a 16 month old and I will be having twins next month (1 boy/1 girl) and I have already bought some matching things for them. Your girls look beautiful.

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I added a link to my blog, but forgot to leave a comment letting you know!!
Cute cute dresses!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I also forgot to leave a comment, we had already posted a linky on our blog for this cute lil' dress:


Bobbi said... Best Blogger Tips

What an absolutely adorable little dress!! It would look great on my little girl, so I hope I win the giveaway!!

Mnowac said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my I would love to win that. IT is a gorgeous dress! mnowac@gmail.com

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