Reversible Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

July 25, 2008

centered darkenedWhat little girl doesn't love to feed ducks? But how many times has she been ill-prepared when encountering a flock? With this sweet skirt she can carry a handful of seeds in her pocket just in case she meets a group of hungry geese or pigeons on the street.

Lily had a great time modeling this skirt despite the high noon heat and shouted "Quack, Quack. That's duck for goodbye!" as we made our way home.

When I saw this Alexander Henry fabric I immediately asked for a yard. After seeing the print of the large bird feeding on seeds, the wheels in my head started spinning. I wanted to make a skirt with a tiny pocket on the side, large enough to carry a handful of birdseed.

But I didn't just want to make a simple I made it reversible! It's the first reversible piece of clothing I've sewn since the kindergarten pinafore. After that nightmare I feared I'd never attempt a reversible piece again but I think enough time has passed for me to ease my way into one again....starting with this simple skirt. As you can see, the reverse side is green with a bird print pocket and trim.
(see below)

I made the waist 19" so I would say it would fit a 3t-5t. PLUS, if you leave a comment I will include the matching rickrack doublebanded headband, see below.

This giveaway is for the reversible skirt only.

Last day for posts is WEDNESDAY 7/30/08. Winner will be announced FRIDAY morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this skirt just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

I've also had a couple people ask whether or not it is a problem if their blog is private. No, it is not a problem. I've seen plenty of private blogs in Technorati but if for some reason you don't think your blog is being recognized by Technorati, just let me know you've blogged in a comment to be sure.

Create a Link!

167 {comments}:

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love this one. That fabric is adorable. And, as always, so is your daughter. I love little girls in skirts and dresses for everyday wear, not just special occasions.

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous as usual!! I love the bird fabric!

Have a great day!

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that skirt!! I added a link to my blog! Thanks so much for hosting these awesome giveaways!!

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

When are you going to start your boutique lady?! Beautiful.

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

i don't mean to be a bother, my "create a link" never seems to work. i hope you'll visit my blog and see that i am a big fan! :)

PaperDoll Designs said... Best Blogger Tips

so super cute!! my little girl NEEDS it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this skirt. I wish I had a blog for a chance to win it. Your work is lovely!

Christina.B said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute!
I linked you! *crossing fingers*

Marci said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been following many of your contests, but this is the first time I have entered because this is my absolute FAVORITE item so far and it is the right size for my oldest too! I love all your clothes - so creative!

Mary T said... Best Blogger Tips

Precious design! My granddaughter would LOVE wearing this skirt!

The Brandleys said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have any little girls but this would look so cute on my niece! I wish you made patterns because your clothes are the cutest!

Malinda said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the colors of this skirt it is so cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That's really cute! I think the headband looks darling with it as well.

The Brandleys said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh by the way I did the create a link thing!

The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutley love this skirt!!! Both sides are adorable!!

torinem said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh golly, I really wan to win this one! How cute is that fabric??? I love it! Thanks so much for all these awesome giveaways!!

Sarah-Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this fabric too and Yellow is so in this season!
I have some of this fabric in pink and I think you have just inspired me to make my lil Iris a lil "feeding" skirt!
Loves the photos and good luck to all those entering :)

angela said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love that fabric! Oh, and's just too much for me to live without! Thanks for the chance to win! And yes, I did create a link from my blog to yours :o)

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

So very cute, you are so talented. I'm in love with everything you make! I tried to create a link, so I hope it worked...

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

This skirt may be my favorite so far!! Of course, it's cute as always, but I also love the practical side of it! Great job!

Momma B said... Best Blogger Tips

I just absolutely love your stuff! I tried to use the button you have to make a link but my computer won't let me. It's funny about popups, I tried everything! So I just did it manually, and now you have a link to your blog from my blog. That's what we are supposed to do, right? I hope I did it right!

Simply AnonyMom said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to you. This skirt is adorable! If I win my DD will be sooooo happy.

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE putting my little girl in a skirt. There's just something so adorable about it!

You did a great job with this skirt....the fabric is so cute and fun!!

You honestly need to start selling your stuff. But then again, that's usually when the fun stops right:)

And as're linked!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh My goodness, that is the sweetest little outfit! My daughter said it was 'soooooo lovely'. I am adding a link to my blog, I can't believe it's taken me so long to find you. But now I'll be stalking your blog daily lolRFK

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So super cute, and I love the pictures of your little girl! I don't know how you keep the giveaways going. Good for you!-Amy

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the skirt. If I don't win the skirt I'm stealing the idea for my kids - although I don't know if I feel that I can make it reversible. Blogged about it too.

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

As always, GORGEOUS!!! Blogged HERE :)
bunnybx at gmail . com

None said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE the fabric you used for this! I LOVE green and my daughter is often wearing it! I will win one day! :)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love, love it! Such cute ideas!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

i am obsessed with birds, and i love this fabric! so cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You have such a talent. I love seeing what you come up with.

Handpicked said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey neighbor! I have been reading you thru my bloglines for a month or more and looked at your pictures today and said "wow that looks like the Susquehanna!" So glad to find crafty central pa peeps!

Cindy in Hershey

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable!! I think the headband is so precious!! I know my 3 year old would love, love it!!
You are so talented!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute Cute Cute! I want it!

simplycrazymama said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable skirt! I love this Alexander Henry print and it is an adorable skirt.

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Oo my goodness, that is such a cute skirt. My youngest daughter would look absolutely lovely in that. Great work!!

Tonya Staab said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous colors. Wow.

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is adorable and would be perfect for my little one who loves to feed the ducks at our nearby pond... oh pretty please pick me!!

I also blogged about this...

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

Teach me so sew! Please? I would love the skirt, but I want to sew so much. I have sewing envy!!

Ella A. said... Best Blogger Tips

LOve the fabric, and the headband is so cute, too! It would look so cute on one of my gals!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Your pictures always tie in so greatly with your clothes. They are so cute and make the clothes you are giving away shine. I love all of the things I have seen and I hope I win once! I love this site and am so glad to have found it through a cousin! Thanks for all of the give aways! DARLING DARLING DARLING stuff!

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this is my favorite, oh wait they are all my favorite. I am going to make special wishes that this is the one I win for my little Zoe.

Kellie H said... Best Blogger Tips

You {GOtTa} start a lil store. I loooove this skirt very much! My daughter is so into pockets it's not funny. She would be the happiest gal in this! & oh that headband. How did you make it?

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

They keep getting cuter. However do you do it? It's lovely especially with your daughter modeling it.

I've been working on a series of artworks dealing with birds and cages for the past little while so this fabric spoke to me...or chirped that is! Thank you for another great giveaway.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh i am absolutely green with envy! You have done a fantastic job on the skirt.. .and the fact that its reversable is even better! My little girl just saw it and said "Mummy look at her pretty dancing dress!"

I too wish i had a blog for a chance to win it... maybe i should bug one of my friends with blogs!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

My little Lilly would absolutely love this skirt with the beautiful birds and especially the pocket! She just adores having cute pockets on her clothes!

Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

BEAUTIFUL SKIRT! I've never won anything and this would be great to break my winning virginity!! You are so talented!

momof4kr said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooh, my Ella would look adorable in this!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply adorable!! I LOVE this bird fabric!! I am amazed at all the giveaways you have!! Keep em coming!!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how I love this skirt! My little girl probably wouldn't fit in it for a couple of years but that is one I'd be willing to make closet space for. CUTE!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know if my post is showing up, though my blog is not private.

Love this skirt!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE it and so would my little Chelsea Nicole - birds are her favorite!

Zoë said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link. I hope I win! Love it!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

The skirt is just adorable.

lorieannbell said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!! You are making me want to start sewing again!!

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

i just found your blog and it's fabulous! your creations are darling! i'm linking to you permanently :0)

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh, this outfit is so stinkin' cute, how perfect for Summer!

Rach said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the green. I'm going to win this time. Love all the work you do.

Tamara Mitchell said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely adorable!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

one day I'll win and Roo will sport your finery!

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I've only seen your blog recently, and you make the cutest things!! I'm definitely adding your blog to my list!!

5dollarFanatic said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never seen a reversable skirt-great idea, especially if they want to wear it twice in a row!!

earthmama said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so freakin' talented! Damn girl! Your designs, fabric choices, sweet shots-- impeccable. For serious. Love your blog!

FYI, you are on fire! I have never seen this big of a leap in readers from a bloggers inception to just a mere few months! Awesomeness...


RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this one!! Just posted about it on my blog.

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I am posting about this on my site right now. i love the fabric!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your little one's shoes. Are they just black ballet slippers?

Another adorable creation! You must start selling these outfits!

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in Awe over these incredible outfits you make for little ladies. I am in love with this skirt. I can see my little love wearing this and twirling around.... I would love this skirt.....

I linked this to my blog "through our lens" at, i hope you can check it out...


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it - love the cut, the fabric and the print.

blogged about it here:

Always, Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about this and think it is adorable, love the fact that it is the size my daughter wears! Thanks!

Trish said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute, would love to win this for my girls as would every other person with a good eye for beauty!

Chellie said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness... amazing!! So glad I stumbled on your blog!! WOWZERS... I think I'm in love!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! My daughter would love this.

Robyn said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE the fabric, that is awesome.

Stacey Moore said... Best Blogger Tips

my little bird watcher would love to feed the birds in this skirt!!
moore.g at

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice & I love that headband!

Bobbi & Noe said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobbi & Noe said... Best Blogger Tips

What a precious skirt and little girl =) I love the fabric.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

I so love the fabric. I refer to both of my girls as little birds so it would be perfect for them. Please let it be me this time. :)

Litchfield Family said... Best Blogger Tips

this is just too cute!!

Michelle Leigh said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented. I wish I could so, well maybe not, but in theory it would be nice!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that skirt - what a cute idea for the reversible pattern.

Kacey said... Best Blogger Tips

How FaBuLoUs is this skirt?!! I'm a sucker for just about any Alexander Henry fabric and I LoVe the sweet little pocket you made. The fact that it is reversible is almost too much its just so GREAT! Oh please oh please pick me! I linked you.

Emily Call said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just too cute. I added a link to my blog.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute little girl in a cute little skirt! Love your blog.

emh said... Best Blogger Tips

Pleez, for the love of all that is holy, PICK ME!!! Once again, this is ridiculously adorable! LOVE IT!

Haydee said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I hope I finally win one of these things.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Great choice in fabric!!! My daughter approves :) She is 3 and her favorite color is green and her room is full of birds including 5 birds who hang above her bed.

Angelique said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my I am in love with that skirt!!! And the headband!!! I dont know what the deal is this year, but everything I go to buy is GREEN!

I am all green with envy here!

I can't wait to go read more of your blog- you have some super cute stuff!!

I hope I win!

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this fabric! So vintage and so cute!! LUVIN' it!!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I just took my daughter to feed the ducks in the park a few weeks ago! This skirt really would have come in handy :) My blog is private, not sure if it will be recognized, but you can email me at just in case!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so excited about this skirt that I setup my first link with you! I'll definately be back to checkout more of your blog. Excellent craftsmanship. Thanks!

thundercloudgirl at hotmail dot com

Dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute skirt, my little girl would love it!

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

How great is it that it is reversible?

onawa said... Best Blogger Tips

I NEED IT I LOVE IT I MUST HAVE IT!!! You are so talented!!!!

Just Sew Divine said... Best Blogger Tips

this skirt is just to cute.


Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh WOW - HOw beautiful is this skirt, but your little model is just gorgeous!! I have just found your blog & you are not only talented, but incredibly generous!!

Donna said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE it!!! You are so good at seeing the potential in a pile of fabric! I just feel overwhelmed when I look at rows and rows of prints and patterns.

Totally cute and I hope I win it for my little cutie!

Bri said... Best Blogger Tips

OMIGOSH! I just love it! This was my first venture over to your site and it's soooo cute!

Sara Sexton said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your site. How precious is that skirt. Miss Melanie NEEDS one too!

{jen} said... Best Blogger Tips

cute skirt! I want one for me!!!!

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! Count me in!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG! How cute! Lets fly away and have some fun!

Erica Onelove said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this skirt! My daughter would look adorable in it!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your stuff, I have to add you to my review blog!!! thanks. My post is up.

Genevieve and Ryan Davis said... Best Blogger Tips

I have finally purchased my first sewing machine and your work is incredibly inspiring for a beginner like me!

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

Everytime you put something up I think it must be my favorite...until you put something else up and I love it even more.

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just totally adorable as usual!!! How fun! I wish I could sew!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said... Best Blogger Tips

I have two girls - either one would love this!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You pick the cutest fabrics!

I'd love to win for our baby girl!

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Blogging here:

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness that is ADORABLE! Can you enter without a blog? (I have a blogger profile just no blog!) My daughter would look SO adorable in that skirt!

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute. You really need to open a store. I love it. I hope I plinked it right!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this fabric. I've seen it online and have admired it a time or two. I've just stumbled upon your blog today. I just started sewing and have made my first clothing pieces for my little girl over this past month. I love everything you've created. Beautifully done and beautifully shot. Its inspiring to me and I hope to be able to create my own patterns too someday. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Thank you so much for sharing!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I went ahead and made a link to your giveaways in my sidebar. I will change it every time you post a new one! I want this skirt soooo much! It's too cute!

Layton Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

So perfectly cute! You make the cutest thigs!

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

I know I already commented, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been such an inspiration to me that I have decided to do my own giveaway. I'm giving away these little crocheted hair clips that would look so cute in Lily's dark hair. (I'm working my way up to dress giveaways.) Check the clips out at

Thanks again!

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh this is TOOOOO cute! my daughter would love it...

Doty Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your sight!! I will be checking back regularly!! Wish I was as talented. Beautiful!!!

Layton Clan said... Best Blogger Tips

I'll take one skirt, and one of the darling dark haired doll.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

The Hills said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute. I love it. So very creative.

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute, please count me in!

Bekah said... Best Blogger Tips

oh definatly count me in on this one! That is adorable!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted on my blog.

lou lou designs said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I adore this skirt! Who wouldn't?

Hélène said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so cute! I would love it for my daughter.

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute skirt! The headband is really cute too!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous simply gorgeous...hopefully i entered correctly.....hehe

Meredith A. said... Best Blogger Tips

My niece would LOVE this! How cute! I wish I could sew :)

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable. I have that fabric in pink, and you're right, it would make an awesome little skirt!

MindiJo said... Best Blogger Tips

You're amazingly talented! I came upon your blog by way of "how to make a tutu". It's a great blog.

bec said... Best Blogger Tips

very very cute. i hope i win. :)

Karyn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooo, I bought this Alexander Henry fabric and have been contemplating what I should use it for. I think my 6 year old could be quite smitten with this idea especially paired with the rick rack headband!

Blake Bench said... Best Blogger Tips

Reversible Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!

Oh my goodness! My baby girl's first word was "Quack!" She would love this! All birds are "quacks" to her. You are a fantastic seamstress! thanks for sharing and I hope you pick me :)

KarenKal said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog. Such cute stuff. I have a 2 1/2 year old girl. She is in love with feeding the ducks!

petiteblogger said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable! My little girl would love this skirt...

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, that is the cutest skirt ever! My girls love feeding the ducks. What a creative idea!

hear.t. and hue said... Best Blogger Tips

SUPER CUTE (& so is the model!)! found your link on plum tree studios blog! i'd like to enter! and i'm putting a link on my blog! THANKS for the chance! :) - R

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Please, please, pretty please.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! Love the "partride family"ish fabric!

Ed said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the mod/retro vibe!! Super cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is really cute! I love the colors!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

My 18 month old daughter was sitting here while I was reading your blog, and she screams QUACK QUACK when I got to the pictures. She was so excited about the ducks! I love it. I posted about it on my blog. Hopefully I'll win!

Just K said... Best Blogger Tips

okay, this would look fabulous on my little red-head! Cute skirt, I would love the pattern.

Ylana said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh i am absolutely green with envy! You have done a fantastic job on the skirt.. .and the fact that its reversable is even better! My little girl just saw it and said "Mummy look at her pretty dancing dress!"

(i posted as Lana before but this is with my blog ;) )

cpullum said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute I love it!!!!!!!

mamalou said... Best Blogger Tips

So I created a link on Saturday, but I am not sure if it recognized me. Anyway, I hope it did because I LOVE this skirt!!

fourangels said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! You've made it look like a breeze to make! A friend sent you my way and I am so excited to keep up with your awesome site. Love it, love it!
fourangelsutah at gmail dot com

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the green!

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to you over on my blog but it didn't show up on the trackbacks here. There appears to be a problem with my blogger as it has lost a years worth of posts and technorati isn't working either! Go figure! lol

holley family said... Best Blogger Tips

hey there! i had to post the link in a regular posting, i can't get the create link to work. our blog is btw, cute ideas!

The Royal Family said... Best Blogger Tips

ok, i'm down with a headband. Glad to join the bandwagon this is my first time I have seen your site, its now in my favorites. :) (it is private let me know if you have issues)

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Where do you find such great fabric? You have totally inspired me to sew more. I hope I created a link successfully, my server timed out when I tried. Thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I know I am at the bottom of the comments, but I just came across your blog! You have inspired me to get out and feed the tweet tweets with my girlies!:)

Gatlin Gang said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so darling. I have never been to your blog before. You are amazing to make all this stuff and then give it away. We would love the bird seed skirt. My daughter would think it was the best thing ever!

Halliday's said... Best Blogger Tips

I just came across your blog! Love the skirt!

Desiree' said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found your blog, love this skirt. Green and yellow are so nice together.

kristib said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this skirt! The yellow birds are perfect for summer. You are totally inspiring me to start sewing more regularly. I started with a simple tote bag but it's a start nonetheless! Thank you!

laceeJ said... Best Blogger Tips

My friend's daughter just loves birds! She would look really cute in this one!

laceeJ said... Best Blogger Tips

oops, I forgot to leave my email... montesbugsaliveAThotmailDOTcom You are very thoughtful and creative for doing this! How fun!

The Williams Family said... Best Blogger Tips

This is pretty darn cute!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling in concept and execution!! I agree with natalie jane - you are a boutique waiting to happen. tarasteed at gmail dot com.

Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

Can I get one in adult size? This is gorgeous. Keep up the good work!

Patrizzia said... Best Blogger Tips

OMGosh I just found your website. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this skirt. So amazingly adorable! WTG!

Mama G said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm sorry I was to late for this one. My 3yr old little girl loves to feed the duck!So cute I just love it.

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your work and fabric. I love it

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!!!!!

abbysae said... Best Blogger Tips

How did you make that adorable headband? I've never seen anything quite like it.

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