Garden Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

August 18, 2008

marigoldsI am definitely going to be sad when I pack this dress up to be sent off. It is one of my favorites. I'd say packing the Trainstop Shirtdress was difficult but this one is going to be just as painful if not moreso. I think it's partly because I almost wish I had one in my size. If I had made a mother/daughter ensemble I'm sort of wishing this had been it. Que Sera.

I used a green broadcloth material with a crochet trim that runs throughout the dress. The green and crochet together reminded me of a garden. The dress itself looks like something one might wear to a garden party. It's just fancy enough to be something *not* worn everyday.

As for Lily, she enjoyed running at top speed through t
he rose bushes. She fell over a couple times and I had to kiss the booboos on her knees but otherwise, things were copacetic.

It fits Lily to a tee! So if you have a daughter who has no more than a 21.5 waist, it should be fine.

AND, if the winning post also leaves a comment I will include the matching double banded hair band.

Thanks to everyone who gave me some spandex advice! I had never heard of a stretch needle before so the next time I take on another spandex snafu I will look into it. I'm pretty excited to see how it works so I might just be inspired to give it another go. *Might*

Last day for posts is Saturday 8/23/08. Winner will be announced Monday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this dress just link
back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link!

364 {comments}:

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Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... Best Blogger Tips

very beautiful - I love the green!!! Thanks.

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my heck! I am addicted to your blog! I love your fashion creations. You are extremely talented! I hope i win someday! I will not give up!

mom2four said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. I think you are amazing. I have my fingers crossed

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute. I love to admire your creations. You have inspired me to start sewing dresses for my daughter! You are also a very talented photographer. I hope I win so that I can admire it up close!

Kari said... Best Blogger Tips

This is SO cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

linking now...since i just had a baby girl, your clothes are even more exciting for me.

Me? A Mom? said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog last week. Hoping for beginner's luck! I would take such good care of your lovely creation. And my two little girls would look ADORABLE in it.

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

I have fallen in love. I love this dress. I also wish I could have one in my size. You have amazing talent. I linked to

Lettie B. said... Best Blogger Tips

Totally cute. I only wish I had a little girl. Nieces are good too, right?
So I looked through the Q&A and couldn't find the answers to these questions.
Why oh why do you make such cute things and just give them away? Doesn't it break your heart every time?! (I guess this is one in particular you are sad to see go.)
What inspired you to start this blog? Do you have time to sew a lot of things that you don't give away? And lastly, how do you have time with 2 little ones to both sew AND design(!) these cute little outfits every week?

Sarah Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

goodness! THis has to be the custest dress ever. perfect color green. I am in love!!!

Melanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the lace and the style of the dress..when are you going to sell your patterns or designs?

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my little toddler would love this. So so lovely.

The Royal Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!!! So so cute! Good job, your talented!

Malinda said... Best Blogger Tips

Your clothes are always so beautiful. I wish I was as talented as you. But since I am not. I guess I have to jsut keep entering until I win one of these amazing creations.

Tana said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE your blog. I have 2 girls & do some sewing, but you seem to have some vision that I don't. Keep it up you inspire us all!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

My SIL sent me the link to your blog last week, raving about your clothing. She was right. Your work is amazing. And your daughter is the perfect model.

Also, she was wondering if I knew you because you attend Hershey MOPS. Although I don't attend that MOPS, I live in Mechanicsburg and have several friends who attend the Hershey one. Small world.

SugarHouse Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! Beautiful!

Deb said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented! Beautiful.

Jason and Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so cute! I love the color!

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Love the green! It would look so pretty on my little redheaded grandaughter!! Thanks for the chance to win.

rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this is my favorite creation of yours so far! I hope I win!!!

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog and I am so inspired and impressed! I hope I win!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Blogged ya!

I love this dress. It's beautiful and slightly more fancy than an everyday dress, yet it also looks comfy and durable.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said... Best Blogger Tips

You absolutely kill me everytime you make a new dress... this is gorgeous!!!

Liz Nicks said... Best Blogger Tips

So Cute. I love that shade of green! Thanks!!!

Cinnamon*Sticks Boutique said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE this sweet little dress! I bloged about it :o) Here's to hoping.
All of your creations are just too cute. Thank you for sharing you amazing talent!

Lara said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! I have been watching and waiting for my "dream" outfit to enter for and this is it. The color and everything about it is beautiful!

Lindsi said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in. A darling dress for my darling daughter!

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

My sister just showed me your blog for the first time today and I am SO impressed. You have an amazing talent, not only for your ability to design and sew, but also for your beautiful pictures you take of your adorable daughter. I am very into photography and have loved even just looking at all the pictures. I also wondered, how you can possibly put such work into your beautiful creations every week, just to give them away. You are too kind and I just wondered what you get out of it. I'd love a response. :) Keep up your amazing talent.

kate, nick, myrt and baker said... Best Blogger Tips

what a precious dress - you are so creative, and i can't wait to put one of your beautiful designs on my daughter, myrt...she is only 4 months now but would be in this dress in no time! thanks for your creativity - it is amazing!

Doty Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I had your talent!! Another amazing creation. Thank you so much! Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay once again, gorgeous. Green is beautiful on your daughter. This dress is completly adorable. I hope I can win it for my girl.
Blogged at

Tatum said... Best Blogger Tips

ooh I love green! I would be absolutely delighted to see my little one in this gorgeous garden dress.

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is the cutest dress I have ever seen! You are amazing! My daughter would be so adorable in that!!!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Yeah, I want one of these in my size too!

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

This is amazing. I love love it!

knitsandgiggles said... Best Blogger Tips

so, I'm a total loser and I'm also completely "technically challenged" and couldn't figure out how enter your giveaway...maybe leaving a comment worked??? I won't hold my breath...but I will keep trying...

Jan said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the green and all the trim!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Alright, so I posted this on all 3 of my websites... I love this dress that much!!! This is my VERY favorite out of all of them!! I know this is like my ten billionth time entering, but I won't stop until I win!!!!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my favorite too! Green is my favorite color! Make an army of them and they'd be gone in a flash! I'm all linked up!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

I think your site is the only one I get butterflies going to!! I will keep trying to win, though, this dress would be delightful on my daughter. (as it would all little girls!)

However, where did you get that butterfly necklace? I'd love it with the dress!

I also linked ya!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

This certainly is a lovely piece that's hard to part with! Blogged!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I am humbled, most of the time, but never more so than when I stumbled upon Grosgrain. Amazing. I wish I could win the lottery - the grosgrain lottery - if you know what I mean.
Pick me. Pick me.

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

The green is just beautiful. It would look fantastic on my daughter with her coloring. Love it!

Lexi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! It is so sweet!

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the green! And I love how the trim just adds the perfect amount of girly-ness.
Seeing your new creations gives me needed smiles every week. :)

~ Kim ~ said... Best Blogger Tips

I have linked you!!! Yay.... so cute and the dress is adorable too. I hope we win so I don't have to make one for little miss' birthday. Hee hee. How do you just come up with these gorg designs???

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest. I absolutely adore this little number. Please add me to the drawing. My little Zoe would look so cute running around in this dress.

Jaime said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that dress, I posted about it hoping my daughter could get it for her birthday that is soon, which we will be having a garden party for! I want to know how to sew like that so bad. Awesome job.

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

so so talented you are!! crossing my fingers!!

Ashley Harris said... Best Blogger Tips

I have never had any interest in sewing (why sew something when I can buy it ...) but after looking at your blog I want to start sewing, like RIGHT NOW! So so adorable, I'm just dying over all the girlie cuteness! I'm so inspired, though I know it will probably take years to sew something even half as cute as your stuff! So beautiful!

Bette said... Best Blogger Tips

sew nice! sew cuuuuuuuuuuute! i love it! hope i win!

Supercool Hotmama said... Best Blogger Tips


Ruth said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! this is awesome!!! Love Love Love this green dress:) you are amazing.

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. It is beautiful. I am linking now! ;)

Ruth said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi...Ruth again! I've linked it...but the link is not showing up in yours site!

elaina said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress and this teacup photo shoot is making me swoon!

the back door said... Best Blogger Tips

this is what i dreamed of making for my little girl! i just never get around to figuring the sewing thing out!!! love it! simple and sweet and classic!

Andrea Hamilton said... Best Blogger Tips

This is sooooo reminiscent of the tea parties that we had with my Mom and Aunts and Grandma when I was growing up. We went to a little tea attic and they let us dress up before our tea was served. You have done a fabulous job. I would love to win it for teatimes with my daughter...

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Precious! Might be my favorite so far!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

completely amazing! the detail is incredible and the color is to die for. you are one talented lady! thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous.
What a beautiful color!

deborah said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress!!! My favourite colour is green too!

Tasha Early said... Best Blogger Tips

I have have HAVE to have this!! Here's hoping!!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

i love all your work, but this green dress is my most favorite. love the color, but especially like how the sleeves/shoulders lay on your models arms. darling darling darling!

chel wakley said... Best Blogger Tips

I had a dress just like this when I was little, it takes me back to my childhood. I need this for my memories. And to make more with my daughter some day. I love your blog.

Linda ★ Parker's General said... Best Blogger Tips

So sweet! Green is my fav color!

Cam said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, please pick me. my niece would look adorable in this.

Casey said... Best Blogger Tips

it's beautiful! I hope I get this for my daughter!

amylouwhosews said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! will be very cute on my little one!

nyc_ransoms said... Best Blogger Tips

I love, love, love this dress! The green and white is so crisp and summery.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress, I need it- and one for me also :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is too cute


Olivia Carter said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! This is just LOVELY! I love the green color especially. Such detail & design!

Giabella Designs said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would LOVE this dress and would look so pretty in it too! Thanks.

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I am seriously in love with you and all you make! It's fabulous! You really are an inspiration to us with little girls. Anything I make is for her now. I'll keep my fingers crossed and maybe I'll win this one! Pick me, Pick me! If not, I'll have to learn to make one myself, it makes me so sad there's only one!

Jolene said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter has a 20 inch waist! I just love this dress. The green is so happy!

KatieJ said... Best Blogger Tips

That is one of the cutest dresses I've ever seen!

Gwen said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't remember how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did. This dress is gorgeous--and green is my favorite color. Wishing I had a 21.5 " waist, oh yes.

TheIsom8 said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow-this dress is beautiful! I love it!

mom2ali said... Best Blogger Tips

new to your blog, but love the dress!! thanks!!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

So precious!
For some reason it makes me think of Jane Austen!

sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is perfect. I would love to see my daughter in it [wink wink!].

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Green is my daughter's best color! I hope we win.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh! This sweet dress is AMAZING! I hope my DD is the lucky winner. :o)

m e l said... Best Blogger Tips

i love the color! i hope i win this one for my little one!

Momma B said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this one is just beautiful! And my daughter has amazing green eyes that I know will stand out with this dress. I really hope we win it! Going to link you now :)

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that is one of the cutest dresses I've seen in a long time. I agree, I want one for me too! Amazing work! I love it.

Luke and Hailie Girl said... Best Blogger Tips

What can you say to someone as talented as you besides quit giving these amazing creations away and start selling them!!
But I do love that dress for my little Hailie Girl..and if the only way to get it is by winning it..then I am off to throw my wishing penny into the fountain..

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is adorable. I love the little shoes you found to go with it...they look wonderful. Also love the head band! Such wonderful work you do with sewing and creating photographs that make your creations look as amazing as they are! Hope I win...this will look great on my two daughters!

Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable - I hope I win one of these before my daughter gets any bigger!

Suman Family said... Best Blogger Tips


Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my favorite so far!! I love dresses like this and green as well!! Could life get any better?! So cute..

mere said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe this cute of a dress exists! I want one for me.

V and Co. said... Best Blogger Tips

okay my daughter would look adorable in that! you are VERY talented!

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing! I love this little green dress - it's just beautiful!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

How sweet! You aer so talented. Thanks for the giveaway!

idasale said... Best Blogger Tips

You have such am amazing talent thank you for sharing it with the blogging world!

Dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh you are usual! You have inspired me...but even though I'm starting to sew more...I HOPE I WIN!!!!

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

This is nothing short of gorgeous!!! I want this dress SOOOO bad!! I can see why you would be sad to ship this little beauty off!

You are posted/linked like always!

Ruth said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing!

BETH said... Best Blogger Tips

I love green and have 2 girls - so perfect

joolee said... Best Blogger Tips

GASP!!! Beautiful dress! I love the green color and the lace details. Absolutely gorgeous - it would look amazing with my daughter's red hair! I HEART your blog and all your incredible projects...

Shawna said... Best Blogger Tips

such a bute dress!

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm entering your contest in hopes that I can auction this BEAUTIFUL dress off during the annual Love Without Boundaries Art Auction! Can't you see a little black haired girl attending a tea party in this number?? And the waist size, well, PERFECT!!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that shade of green! Such an adorable little dress...

Fairy Cute said... Best Blogger Tips

Here you go again! Adorable.

Sulane said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is absolutely adorable!! I agree, I want one my size too! :)

kamewh said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!!!

Your Name said... Best Blogger Tips

I seriously have no problems blogging and commenting about stuff as great as yours.

I hope you sewing machine never breaks down!!!


Layton Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing! I hope I win!

loft2dwell said... Best Blogger Tips

I am totally amazed at the things you make! They're perfect and so unique. Wish I had a blog to link this to...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that is the cutest dress in the world

The Andersons said... Best Blogger Tips

I can see why you are sad to see it go! It reminds me of an Easter dress my mom made me with line after line of green and yellow ribbon.


lovely. loving your creations. great blog.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Just one more fan of the great green/white combo! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us!

Hillybug said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this and would be so happy to see it on my little lady!

The Fishers said... Best Blogger Tips

I just stumbled upon your blog and I am loving it! What a great idea. I have a friend who is very good at sewing and makes fabulous aprons, but she too thinks it wouldn't be very cost productive to sell them. I'm not sure how this works, but I put a link and I am crossing my fingers. Thanks for your consideration!!!!

Desiree' said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG!!! I LOVE this dress. My sweety peety would look so good in this and it is my favorite color. How do you do it?? Leaving for China on 8/23 to pick up sweety.Linked on my private blog.

EB said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I would love to win this for my niece!


annie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is soooo adorable!! Pick me, pick me!! :o)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I adore that one!!! I love the beautiful way you capture each outfit too...adorable!

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this, especially in that beautiful green!

masifu said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely darling!! A lovely green dress!

Chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

You have perfect taste! I love this green frock and would be so thrilled to have it!

Sondra said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok...I have to have this one. It's absolutely so darn sweet! PLEASE pick me!!!!!

Sheila Nielsen Photography said... Best Blogger Tips


Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! So precious!

Noggy said... Best Blogger Tips

Let me start by saying I really love this shade of green. The dress itself is adorable and love the butterfly necklace that you accessorized it with...perfect.

I created a very first so I'm not real familiar with how that works. Just getting into the idea of blogging myself. Although mine will probably take on political issues tone since I'm becoming more aware of children's issues that are not being addressing by our government.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i'd love a chance to win, but I don't have a blog! Can I be entered it the drawing too?

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG, that is fabulous!!! You do great work!!!

Kar said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute dress, and it's nice and NOT PINK!! My sister and I often talk about how we're sick of pink, pink, pink in all the stores. This is my first time actually linking, so wish me luck! It looks like you have another daughter? How do you have time to sew and care for kids???

The Olsons said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute, I love the green!!!

Mikala said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for these fantastic giveaways! I love the stripes and the beautiful line.

Traci said... Best Blogger Tips

She is precious! I LOVE that dress! I too wish I it was my size!

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely Adorable!!! Green is my favorite color and it is so hard to cute dresses these days. You are a very talented sewer.

Angi said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found you through a friend and you are amazing! Here's hoping!

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

Ahhhhhhh, I can't believe how perfect his dress is... I LOVE the color and i want to win this SO BAD!!

How's that for dramatic????

You are incredibly talented and i do hope i win this dress :D

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Let me know if you ever need a photographer to document your awesome clothing! We could totally work something out. I love it!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love this dress!! Super cute!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty- here's my link

Beverly Jones said... Best Blogger Tips

I have a fashion blog and four boys, not a likely combination. Hopefully I'll win that super cute dress for my neice. Enjoy the post/link on my blog.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so adorable!! I hope I win.

molly said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, so sweet. Count me in.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen, do you ever rest?
It's quite obvious you never run out of creativity!

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, I love it, I LOVE it! Maybe winning it will up my chances of having a little girl next! I just hope she's as darling as yours.

5dollarFanatic said... Best Blogger Tips

fkVery very super cute-Green is my favorite color.

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

give me a BREAK!!!! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! YOU are AMAZING! - Lindsay

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I stumbled upon your blog and I just think you are so amazing. You seriously have so much talent. This dress is not only adorable but you can tell it is very well made. I hope you pick me because my daughter will look stunning in this dress next summer.

Kendra said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your site and I love all your work. I would be heartbroken to give away such a beautiful dress! I have zero talent on a sewing machine but this makes me want to try :)

Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. That is a beauty. Your work is so inspiring!!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

so happy i ran across your blog tonight. green is my favorite daughter would roll down grassy hills in this, and look like a pixie too! So sweet that you would give this away. i will be checking back often.

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

this is the most precious little dress and your daughter looks darling!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gosh! i would love to wear this myself! too bad it is so small! but then, that is the best thing about the things you make... they are grown up clothes, made for children. (my favorite thing!)

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely stunning, and your right I want one for me too. :)

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips

i cried when i opened up your blog page today - i soooo want this dress!! oh please oh please pick me.. my little bean would be so cute in it!!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Not that this will stand out, but I think that the dress is beautiful. I can just imagine my little Maggie wearing it. Green is a great color for her. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a lovely dress!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a newcomer, but I think I will become a faithful visitor! Your dresses are amazing!

Anja said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found your blog and I'm in love. And your dresses are too adorable.
I made a link over on my blog.
Now, fingers cross for ME :o)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i just found your blog!
WOW! so much to look through now!

everything is beautiful.


Susanne said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely amazing! So cute! Thanks for sharing...


Lindsay Riggs said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Darling dres!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

such a beautiful dress.... hope I win and my little Lily can wear it too! Holly

hollygourley at yahoo dot co dot uk

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog and I love this dress. Pick me!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Just beautiful! Would look wonderful on my new little girl!

Audrey said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is gorgeous! I understand why you don't want to give it up- but since you are going to, I would love it for my daughter!

Courtney said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely inspiring... it makes me want to drop every other responsibility and head straight to the sewing machine... how do you do it????? Or do you just never sleep??

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

This will definitely fit ONE of my three grandkids.... I linked you on my blog...

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely green creation..

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is gorgeous. It would be great to win! IT would fit and look great on my child. :)

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously, I absolutely adore everything you make. If sewing didn't make me swear so much, I'd give it a shot more often.

Amigurumi Girl said... Best Blogger Tips

I followed a link from All Sorts and just wanted to say your creations are soooooo soooooo soooooooooo awesomely cuteielicious!!! I don't want to win anything just want to say it's awesome. (^_^)v

T said... Best Blogger Tips

This is GORGEOUS!!! I love it!!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Green is my favorite color and I just love this dress! Beautiful job!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely always!!! Love the green.

Simona Gargiulo said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful dress!
My girl would be very well with this!!!;-)
How can found the models of your wonderful works???
Kisses and hugges,
Simona from Italy!!!;-)

Alivia's Momma said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing. I am so jealous of people that can sew and make amazing things like this!! Beautiful.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

What a very talented lady you are! This is a beautiful dress! Thanks for sharing your talents!

bec said... Best Blogger Tips

very, very beautiful.

dream quilt create said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a gorgeous little dress. Any girl would look adorable in it.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

oh wow! I love this one! I am a total green lover and I know this would look adorable on my 3 year old~!!

Squirrel said... Best Blogger Tips

Any chance you would post across the water to Scotland? My little niece would love this little dress :)

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! I love the color.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

simply maahvelous! if i don't win i might just have to whip this little number up myself!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohh, this one is just darling! I would be so thrilled to be the proud winner and so would my little 3 year old! She loves to get dressed up in pretty frocks!

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is great and my 3 yr old would love it! Thanks!

emh said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my GOSH! i simply MUST HAVE THIS!! pleez, pleez, pleez, pleez, pleez, pleez, PLEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I lov the little dress but I have no one that it would fit. did post your like to my blog.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, this dress is gorgeous! I love your work! I can picture my daughter in this dress...adorable!

Annalie said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I was a small four year old so that I could wear this. Non the less, my Natalie would look adorable in it!

Tiffany Winters said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness... I love this. Really, how do you find the time? I am a stay at home mom too, trying to go to school while my husband is in law school. But I have no time for anything let alone sewing. I'm consistently impressed.

jean said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Kathleen!
Just wanted to say that I admire your style and taste. Great photographs, lovely styling! Your kids clothes are awesome! You have a designerly sense of color and texture. Thanks for sharing!

thechristensens said... Best Blogger Tips

TOTALLY cute! You have the cutest ideas.

N said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this for me and my girl! Pattern please?!

Holly Taggart said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this, hope I win.

mushbelly said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful! you are so talented!

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

You and moms like you are the reason I get up in the morning! Incorporating such a talent into your daily super stay at home momness... its inspiring!!

Ken and Mystina said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! Kathleen I love what you create! I have never really had the chance to do anything like this and I really admire your clothes and artistry. As I said in my blog, I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE I win this dress because I love it and think it is adorable.

Clear Pink said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog via allsorts. I am looking forward to reading often.

What a great dress, I would LOVE one in my size.

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