Wandering Waif Collection GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

August 27, 2008

wandering waifI noticed the first tree of fall in my yard yesterday. Later that day I was getting in my car after a quick grocery run and noticed it was dark but still only 8 PM. Add to that a school bus which drove by my house this morning and Brian's comment about the changing sun angle last week and I became sort of depressed. We haven't had a terribly hot summer. In fact mostly in the 70s which is great! But I guess I'm so used to the heat waves of year's past that it just didn't feel like we had a full 'Summer' this year. That being said, I was feeling sort of 'Autumn'. So to embrace the summer's completion I created this little piece which makes me feel a little better about our approaching season.

The adorable Honeybee and Ladybug Knit fabric was given to me by A World Away. It is available in her store now. She has the most adorable Japanese Fabrics, which you might see again in the future on Grosgrain! See her other online store Maluhia which sells wallets and other accessories using her own fabrics.

field frock

The cape is REVERSIBLE! I prefer the orange corduroy on the outside with the Japanese Fabric peaking out on the sides but it could be totally up to your discretion. I added a white pompom trim to the hood which, I thought gave it a sweet touch. At the neck, t
he hood cinches a with a ropey clasp.

The dress is also a knit material. So soft and comfortable for baby. I wish all material felt this great! It has 3/4 length sleeves that are loosely cinched at the cuffs. The neckline is also loosely cinched so that no zipper or buttons or clasps are needed to put over baby's head. I love the simplicity of that.field frock
Lastly, I made matching tights! I made them first so I didn't get to see the full scope of their cuteness until after I finished all the pieces but paired with the hood and dress
they look amazing....if I might say so:)

All put together Molly looked as though she were ready to wander the forest for mushrooms and flowers. She's so lovely:)

I would say that this is made to fit a 12-24 mo. baby. The tights however, are more for a 6-12 mo. I didn't make the best tights pattern but they fit Molly and she's 14 months.
wandering waif
AND, HOLY GUACAMOLE, the silent auction is going great! Thank you to everyone who's been biding!!!! I am beyond grateful by your generosity. I was shocked when it reached $75. I'm so glad that the money will be going towards this fund. The moment I read about their story I wanted to do something and it looks like I wasn't the only one.

Last day for posts is Monday 9/1/08. W
inner will be announced Wednesday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this cape, dress and tights just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link!

131 {comments}:

Maluhia said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely gorgeous! i wouldn't have thought of that! great job! i better go post that fabric on etsy.

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, I love it! I've been wanting to make a cape/shrug thing for my baby, but yours is way cuter than anything I could have imagined up! The fabric is to die for! I'll have to look it up and get some of my own. As always, I love it, and pick me, or else I'm going to have to make a very sad looking one for myself.

Dotty said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dotty said... Best Blogger Tips

Awe that is super cute. She looks like little red riding hood.

You always have amazing ideas! your blog is so inspiring!
I'm sure if you don't pick me there will be an uprising.
I think i am the one to pick, well a girl can but hope.
And if you did pick me that would be pretty dope.

(ok maybe the worst poem in history but i did try):)

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable. You never cease to amaze!
Who won your green garden dress? I've been checking back to see who the winner was but never saw anything.

onawa said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfectly adorable!!! Perfect for fall! I must have it!

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit! The cape is so cute and the little pom-poms make it perfect!!

Have a wonderful week Kathleen!

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

You have done it again! I just love this number and it makes me want to learn to sew! YOu are so talented and I appreciate you sharing your talent.

Desiree' said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, this is adorable!! Please please pick me, I want I want!!
Once again a fabulous vreation. I have you linked.

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

I love an old fashioned cape on a modern girl! It's adorable!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, so I know I have entered all of your giveaways from the start, but I want to win!!! :) I blogged about this one on my review blog. I so need to win this!!!

Lorin and Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!!! It is the perfect outfit to celebrate Autumn!!

Le Mama! said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! The cape style is sooo cute and I would love to have it!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

What a precious love bug! I've always been crazy for capes but that one takes my breath away.
Even though I have no babies or little girls anymore to dress, your creativity has me coming back for more!

Preppy Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG that is the cutest outfit I have ever seen!! Love every bit of it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oh~something that i love and it's in baby norah's size! was super excited to share you with the world on my blog today and I hope we win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a delightful creation you have dreamed. A little forest friend. How absolutely charming.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

don't include me in this draw but I just wanted to say how absolutely adorable it is!!! How I wish I had a baby girl. Maybe Mac won't mind pretending to be a girl lol

ty and megs said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! that is just about the cutest outfit i have ever seen! i'm in love!

Holly Taggart said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this outfit, it would look so cute on my little one. You are wonderful. Hope I win.

TheFlammfam said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me..ohh...Pick me!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness.. I think I might start all my comments to you with that. THIS IS GREAT!!! my daughter would look so cute. Please enter me to win. I've linked up. ADORABLE! I love it!!!!

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips

that is what this outfit it :)

my little daughter would be sassy for fall in this little get-up :)

your work is always beautiful....

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I might faint form the cuteness.

{lizzythebotanist} said... Best Blogger Tips

this is unbelievably cute. i can already see my chubby little girl in it.

Loraena Tuttle said... Best Blogger Tips

This might be my favorite thing you have made - it is so adorable! I put your link in my sidebar.

Ritch in Love said... Best Blogger Tips

Your blog makes me SO happy!!

EB said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! My niece would look adorable in it!


The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I want the entire outfit!!! I LOVE this!! I love holiday stuff, so the pattern makes this outfit perfect. My all time favorite time of the year is fall!

I would have to say this is my favorite outfit so far! It's incredible!

As always, you have been posted/linked:


brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

wish that came i my size!

Sherry Carpet said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm so glad i found your blog, thanks to another loyal reader. beautiful work!

Sarah MomE25 said... Best Blogger Tips

So Cute! You are very talented! And I love the fabric.

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

I love, love, oh yeah did I say love, this cute little outfit. My little Air bear would be ready for all the upcoming fall weather. Those tights are precious. As always I will link this to my blog!

The Royal Family said... Best Blogger Tips


Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE THIS! you are so wonderfully creative!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness your clothing is so amazing. I am in love!!! Wow!!!! I love it.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said... Best Blogger Tips

Bravo!!! to another adorable lil' outfit!
xo, Margie

Terri said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!! TOO CUTE

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

If I win this one, I am totally putting it on Jasper until I have another baby girl... I love it!

haomom said... Best Blogger Tips

i absolutely love this amazing!

Football and Fried Rice said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so very precious!! I love it!

Football and Fried Rice said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so very precious!! I love it!

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so sweet. I can see my girls curly red hair peeking out of the hood...I love the pom-poms too! Almost anything is cute with pom poms :) Fall's my favorite! Your'e awesome!

Frances said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun site! I found you through a friend who posted a link to your site. I love the outfits. Great work. Sewing is one of those things that I wish I knew how to do!

Olivia Carter said... Best Blogger Tips

That has got to be the sweetest lil' dress I've ever seen. Love the fabric, the design, EVERYTHING!

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been peaking in on your blog for some time but haven't linked. That is, until now. I just couldn't resist this one. My favorite colors and it sounds like it would even fit my tiny 15 month old. If nothing else, I must add that I just adore your photographs.

Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is entirely adorable and completely gorgeous. I think this is my favorite outfit that you have made... well, every one of your outfits is wonderful. This reminds me of a ladybuggy little red riding hood. Soooo cute :o) Hope your Thursday is fantastic!

heidijogoody said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable is this. Reminds me so much of my younger days and the story of little red riding hood.

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute! And I've blogged!

bunnybx at gmail .com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such a gorgeous little outfit! Makes me wish my daughter was small again! I have to say though that your weather turning into fall means that my weather will be turning into spring. I saw blossoms on fruit trees and daffodils flowering in my garden today. Everything moves in a circle doesn't it? I love your site and your giveaways. You make such wonderful things! Jen

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful! This outfit is precious! Just adorable!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute, as always. linked away

Lovely Little Lovelies said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm not sure I did the link thing right...Would you be a dollface and check for me pretty please?

This little ensemble is amazing. My Addie would look darling in it! Perfect size for her, too! :)


masifu said... Best Blogger Tips

Aww, so cute! It'd look wonderful on my baby on this coming halloween.


Sommer said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply darling... the orange puts a smile on my face!

Cam said... Best Blogger Tips

How do you do it? Gorgeous. Please pick me...just this once.

neverknow said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this looks like a lovely first-day-of-Autumn outfit! Oh, I hope I get picked.

tarable said... Best Blogger Tips

This caused spontaneous lust in my heart for a little girl to dress in your cute outfit. I only have dumb, stinky boys. But I do have a very cute, red-headed neice that would be adorable in this. I posted about it and bet many of my readers will too.

Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that's amazing! You never cease to do wonders! This would be perfect for the San Antonio Winters :) And you are linked on my blog:

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog and it's awesome. I love the cape!

debsfreckles said... Best Blogger Tips

This is too cute, TOO CUTE, TOO CUTE. It would fit my little lady right now and I would take a million pictures of her in it.

TJDKG said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in absolute LOVE with this it is adorable and i love that fabric too. i may have to buy some.. too cute. I linked to ya too. (my blog is private though) your work is amazing!
jauna at juno dot com
missionsecretsister at gmail dot com

Sister Goldenhair said... Best Blogger Tips

I cannot believe how adorable this outfit is! Your model is a little dollbaby, kisses to both of those cheeks! This would be a perfect outfit for my little one, fingers crossed.

ferardandy said... Best Blogger Tips

i love it! you are very talented.

Tamara said... Best Blogger Tips

Could you email me? I have a couple of questions...and I am doing some crafty stuff but yours beyond tops anything I could even begin to do!!!!!!!


The Okrasinski's said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! This is way too cute! My youngest daughter (who is impatiently waiting for us to come and get her from Ethiopia) would look so fabulous in this outfit! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME please?

Linda ★ Parker's General said... Best Blogger Tips

another beautiful creation.
as always, you are linked on my blog.
hope i win......

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! I am going to win one of these! You are linked on my blog- SO CUTE!!! :)

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

That is amazing. I can't believe that you did tights! It is amazing.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... Best Blogger Tips

The tights seal the deal for me. Incredibly adorable, I love it.

Meghan said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my this is darling! i found you from a friend who linked to you. i have a sweet chubby one year old who would love to wear this... her twin brother might be a bit jealous though!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable??? I am so jealous of your talent (and your time :)

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so adorable! I would love to see our little girl in it!! You do a fabulous job!

Britty said... Best Blogger Tips

I'll take it!

Blake Bench said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely the cutest thing I've seen this fall! Even if I had a sewing machine I could never come up with something so fun and colorful. Thanks again for sharing your inspiration. I think this is cuter that Children's place stuff or Old Navy! (P.S. My little girl would fit this perfectly!)

amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, my, I simply love the fun things you create. It gets my juices flowing!

I created a link for you,

and I also have had 2 other friends link to you as well in the last post. I love that you have such a great following!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Okey-dokey--I linked you! It's SO cute!! I really want this for my daughter Pickle!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

ok i linked you! i'm not on blogger but i'm on http://www.saltandpickles.com/journal

this is pretty much my dream outfit. i mean.. orange? and pom poms? and peaked hats? and orange? (did i mention the orange?)

zb isn't born yet (due in 8 weeks) but she'd rock this outfit :)

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I want it! And I linked! You make adorable clothes.

Anja said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, this is so unbelievable cute. I Love it, I adore it, I ... am speechless. You are so amazing and your creations are gorgeous!
I'm sure that this outfit will make one little girl soooo happy (and her mommy too). Oh how I wish that would be me.
Best wishes,


Very Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

How snuggly!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable. My grand-daughter would look beautiful in this outfit and she would dance around to show everyone.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your website and all i can say is WOW!!! Beautiful cape and the stockings are precious, and that beautiful baby is just precious. My granddaughter would look so very cute in this outfit. I don't know if I could even attempt to make something like this. Please enter me for the chance.

Melon said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute and snuggly!!

Stephanie M Larsen said... Best Blogger Tips

This is darling and so is your photography!

Donita Porter said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute. I have a granddaughter this would be adorable on.

5dollarFanatic said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such a sweet outfit- I love the hooded cape-so darling. You have such creative talent beyond belief.

Brenda Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

you amaze me... everytime

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that you made tights! Add that to my list. hee hee. The whole ensemble is very adorable as is your little one.
You seem to be extra productive, is this part of the nesting stage??? =)

kamewh said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable!!!

joolee said... Best Blogger Tips


daysease said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in awe of your talents. this is quite lovely, and reminds me of a contemporary "Red Riding Hood" outfit... I would love if you picked me... perilloparodies.blogspot.com

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

That is just the cutest little outfit ever!! It would look great on my little one too. I put a link on my blog. thanks for the chance!

Yvonne Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

u are truly amazing! your outfits are too cute! this is the prettiest little outfit for fall. would love to win it for my military wife friend & her 12mo old girl stuck out in ft. irwin, ca.

Extraordinary Housewife said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it. Lana

Ella Marie Boutique said... Best Blogger Tips

I just posted a lint to my blog. Is that it? I love the outfit and can't wait to see who wins! Hopefully I have a pretty good chance. The outfit is precious.

Matt and Carla said... Best Blogger Tips

You always amaze me with your creations, you have such great designs and inspiration! This outfit reminds me of little red riding hood, that always was one of my favorite stories as a child! Halloween is coming up, it could totally double for a darling costume (and a comfy & warm one for that matter for some lucky little girl!) You seem like a truly nice person with what you do with your creations and then I just saw your silent auction that you are doing out of the kindness of your heart, very inspiring! Keep it up, the world needs more Charitable people like you!

Kate Lewis said... Best Blogger Tips

Soooooo inspiring! I love your aesthetic and would be honored to have my little Sadie wear your delightful ensemble. Thanks for your generosity. :)

The Haley Family said... Best Blogger Tips

so, so very cute!!! My little Ella would be so darling in this outfit this fall! Crossing my fingers!

muralimanohar said... Best Blogger Tips

VERY cute!!! I love the pants!!

BTW..I nominated you for an award on my blog. :p

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

that fabric is fabulous. this would be perfect for the Louisiana winters.

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

love it love it love it!!!

Jared and Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm dead on the side of the road over how cute this is. PLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSEEE pick me!!

Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so glad I found your blog. Everything is beautiful.

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

What A lovely little dress! I made a link..It was much easier than I thought! (I'm a bit of a "tech-tard...)

Also, I posted a question under the question link.
I loved the popcorn set you did and wanted to know if you had any kind of pattern or directions to make it in a larger size?
(she's in 18- 24 mos now, but since its starting to cool off I'd like to do it big enough for her to wear next summer.)
Thanks for "listening"


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

this is beyond adorable and gorgeous...

you are forever outdiong yourself!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I awarded your blog a reward at my site http://nowwhatdoyouthinkaboutthat.blogspot.com

Adrienne said... Best Blogger Tips

Just happened upon your site today for the first time and LOVE LOVE LOVE your work! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Matt Liz Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

You do AMAZING work!

Dover Fam said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it and i am so excited for the fall!!!!!! I love the cape/shrug look!!! I will be so happy if I FINALLY win

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How beautiful and so very cute! I am so amazed by your talent and just wish I had a little of your talent to be able sew. The fabrics you use are wonderful and this would look beautiful on my 1 yr old daughter, Kitty, so please enter me for your giveaway. Have a lovely week.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This is definately adorable! With a new grandbaby coming I'd love to win it! I have you linked.

Amanda W said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely adore capes and this one is just adorable!! I would so love to win (as would any mama of a little girl) ;-) lol!

Kathy said... Best Blogger Tips



The Homely Animal said... Best Blogger Tips

Very creative. Your ideas are to die for!!!

I'm doing my first little give-away. I'd love it if you entered and won, I think it's so fun for little girls to have new things! :o)


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I'm hoping that I'm picked (my daughter would fit perfectly!) but since my website is brand new, I wanted to make certain that my link was picked up by your Technorati. Thank you for being so generous with your talents!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is adorabe! Great job:)

aimee said... Best Blogger Tips

I love those. It reminds me of these capes that my mom knitted my sister and I.

Kaylyn said... Best Blogger Tips

This is amazing!! I love your beautiful work!! Pick me please!!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What beautiful work. Thanks for leaving a note on my blog. Your work is inspiring!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness!!! i'm pretty sure my first grandaughter would look toooo adorable in that outfit! love the trim on the jacket :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I realy like this. It would look darling on my little girl! Please enter me if I am not too late...it's still Monday here!

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

It's Susannah from Sitting Pretty Studio! This is the cutest ever...I love the tights, I am trying to figure out how to sew tights right now...
Have you ever thought about posting some tutorials?
I have a new blog, Twitterpated, and I think it's right up your alley!
You are wonderfully talented and an inspiration to me everyday!

becks said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm in love! all your creations are seriously making me want another baby! also, i want that caplet for me! thanks for the inspiration and amazing eye candy- you really know how to shoot clothes.

Helen said... Best Blogger Tips

You're amazing. The world needs more people like you.

Tony said... Best Blogger Tips

This is another great one!

Linds Forrest said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest blog ever! I hope I can win this! I would love to have this outfit for a little girl when I get one!!

linsey said... Best Blogger Tips

oh i absolutely ADORE this little number. thank you for the great fabric resource!

Galo Fab 5 said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh!! This is the cutest. I'm so sad I missed this giveaway!

Jessica Sorensen said... Best Blogger Tips

I know this give away is over but I just had to tell you I love this. Do you sell your stuff or patterns. I am going to link your whole blog on my blog because I love everything. mommycreations.blogspot.com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to see this outfit added to your new store!

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