So, when oogling their site I often find myself thinking of ways I can alter my own clothes to look like a piece I have seen. I call it- Anthropolification. Some of them have actually come out fantastic. Some....not so much. But I thought why not share what I have attempted with all of you. This is hopefully the first of many Anthropolification how-to giveaway posts.
Below is the Boyer Cream Cardi. It currently retails at Anthropologie for $118. To the left is my version. It's basically a black button down short sleeved sweater with crochet lace trim in three thick layers.

I bought the garment and took it home. Once I got it into my sewing room and onto my dress form I pinned the extra fabric on the sides to fit my shape. I then ran it through my sewing machine and used a very tight stitch since I didn't want the sweater material to unravel. I then cut the sleeves to the same length as the Anthropologie sweater and hemmed the cuff.

Later I took a trip down to my local fabric store and bought 9 yards of white crochet lace similar to the ones used by Knitted & Knotted and pinned them to the cardigan in hanging rows. One around the neckline, one from shoulder to shoulder, one around the waist and finally two around the cuffs. My trim was slightly smaller than the Boyer Cardi, so I doubled the flower trim to thicken the look.

The ear rings I wore matched this sweater perfectly! They are also from Forever 21. They no longer sell them but you can find similar ones at Manic Trout.
The finished sweater is about a size small to extra small.

If anyone has their own Anthropolification request just leave a comment with the name of the Anthropologie garment and I'll see if it's feasible.

Last day for posts is Friday 3/08/09. Winner will be announced Tuesday!
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this sweater just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post.

Create a Link
195 {comments}:
Holy Mackerel! $6?! What type of supersales are you shopping? I couldn't even get the lace for that much- very impressive.
I am in love. What a superb way of turning something unaffordable into a lovely make-at-home treasure. You have done such a good job. I could totally see myself perusing my own library decked out in Anthropolification:P I would love, love, love to win---and am linking back to your site as soon as this is posted.
I have a feeling that if you lived nearby, we would be fast friends...thanks for being so inspiring.
Linking! Wow, it really does look like an Anthro twin!
That is simply stunning. But you know what, it looks fantastic on you. If you insist on giving this away (!), you really should make another for yourself.
That is the perfect library cardi and my boys and I just got our first library cards last week. I can see myself now the envy of all as I wear your anthropolification creation.
I heart your designs.
I am linking this to my blog now.
Absolutely adorable! Quite an inspiration.
Oh my gosh, that shirt is so pretty. Ah! I love the pictures you posted, they make me really want to buy the shirt...
Hi there ^^
Found your blog and I was amazed, very creative and so kind with all the give away gifts to the readers.
I hope you dont mind I grab a link to my site dear ^^
You are an inspiration! Another jaw dropping creation :)
wow that is amazing work. really, a great job, great lines, beautiful.
Um the use of the Anthropolification got me hooked right there! I linked to the blog immediately. I hope to see more and more Anthropolifications here because I just can't afford the store I just lust after everything and hope that one day I can afford something from there! Please more more!!
Absolutely beautiful! I have an Anthropologie store in my area and they are having HUGE sales right now...but your cardi takes the cake, sister!
I am so excited that you did this! I have thought about trying before, but I haven't been brave enough. Usually I love their dresses. Right now I like the "Road Ahead Dress." I can never find material like they use. I can't believe they are charging $58 for leggings! I got mine for $6 at Target and they are great! I also like the "Palentine Capelet" as well.
WOW!!! This is beautiful, I love it! I look the same as the original, I can't believe you are giving it away.
Amazing and beautiful! I am creating a link now! You are so talented...and I can't believe you made it for $6...WOW!
I will blog about this cute little sweater, but once again, please don't enter me (I am just too big to wear it) Love it though!
WOW...I just tried to post a comment and it never showed so sorry if this comes through twice.
You are awesome and amazing. I can't believe you did it for only $6. It is absolutely beautiful.
Just linked my blog to it ;-)
i love anthropologie & I love your copycat. This is awesome!
That is the cutest cardigan! I am so impressed you re-created it for only $6. You're my kind of girl!! Great job! You are linked to my blog,
thanks for doing this giveaway!
oh my gosh! oh my gosh! this is utterly beautiful! i hope i win. I hope i win!
So, so beautiful. I've written an entry about this that is set to post later. I am totally with you about Anthropolgie and wish I had one nearby. Continiue making fabulous things I love the eye candy.
You look like you have so much fun with your photography, and your photos are so exciting to look at. Well done.
The second I read "Anthropologie" in your blog I was like, "AHHHHH, that's so cute!" I'm just like you, I constantly adore their clothes but will never have the money to afford them :/ But your Anthopoli-fication looks really really nice! Ha you got me all excited now. Anyways, I just posted the link up on my blog.
Oh, and I would love you with all my heart if you could make an Anthropolification of this in coral:
Wow that cardi is beautiful!! You have really inspired me to beautify my plain wardrobe pieces. Off I go.... :)
Gemma x x
So nice...
you are such a talent!
love what you do...very inspiring...
love that you just chop off the arms and hem them up...
i too, drool over anthro's stuff ~ yet have never purchased anything... :)
WOW! Awesome job!
I linked it -- http://www.easytomiss.com/2009/02/25/anthropologie-look-alike/
I am speechless... you are awesome!!! I am a new sewer, so I am still learning, but this is definitely make the shelf of TO-DO projects!!!
I will link this afternoon for sure... thanks for such an inspiring blog :)
Well, I'm too fat for the sweater, but I just had to tell you that it's gorgeous! What a great idea!!!
Well done.
It looks fabulous!
Linked to you at picturebarrow2.blogspot.com
leftymylou at gmail dot com
You look great in it!
It's such a smart look! Gorgeous!
absolutely lovely - to say i would love to win would be a gross understatement!
This is so beautiful! I'll be honest, I'm not really familiar with Anthropologie, but if their creations are near as beautiful as yours I'm sure I'd like them. I love it!
OH, I am TOO in love with this! Wow! All I can say is WOW! I totally posted on my blog!
I very much like this! Was it hard to make? I think it might be too small for me though...what size would you say it is?
This is gorgeous! I'm impressed that it was made for $6!
I love your photo shoots. who takes these wonderful photos of you?? you are so creative and brave to buy and revamp an ill fitting item.
Oh..I so love this look-love it, love it, love it..such a great look for spring too. I adore your knack at engineering these wonderful pieces that you share so willingly with us.
Oh..I adore this. You are so wonderful in sharing your engineering masterpieces with us. Thank you so much. This is such a classic look that would work all year round. Love it.
I am on it...uber cute!!!
I love Anthropologie too, and drool over their catalogs. You are amazing, and I can't believe what you can do for the price. Truly inspiring and beautiful!
How I love a good book to read, which is most certainly most improved by an Anthro cardi! Consider me in want and need!
Wow. I think I like yours better! How about making some adult giveaways for people who are not extra small? :)
I can't fit into a small but I just wanted to let you know how jealous I am of your creativity! I am in the same boat as you as far as Anthro goes. I only wish I had your talent for creating my own. But at that cost you aren't out too much if it bombs!
I love this sweater - so feminine and pretty! And for $6?!?
I put a link on my blog, but didn't use the "Create A Link" link that you provided.
You can see my post at merricksart.blogspot.com
I am always drooling over anthropology and my husband is always pulling me out the door. I wish I could be as creative and talented to make their clothes from my own!
WOW, SIX BUCKS?!?!?!?....your sweater looks great!!!..classic & elegant....you did a fabulous job....someone is going to be very luck to snag this beactiful sweater!!!...
I actually like yours better. Seriously, it's amazing!
WOW....just... WOW!
Your ar an artist!! I love your work!!
It is so beautifull!! Furthermore I love black and whte (just look into my closet).
wow... i am amazed... and inspired! i am obsessed with anthropologie too. the closest one is 8 hours away... although i'm lucky i can go when i visit my parents in dallas. woo hoo! even though it's just window shopping, it's still fun. like you, i don't have much in my closet from the store. too much moolah. the few pieces i do have, i absolutely love, even though they were on the sales racks! ha ha!
this little cardi is so insanely cute, i need to have it!! great job... linking back to you on my blog asap.
You are so talented!
I posted to my blog:)
i wish i had that talent!
This is GOR-JUS! I mean, if I hadn't read the post, I wouldn't have known it wasn't the same cardi. Fantastic! :)
Wow! I bow down to you! That is very impressive!
Wow! I am drooling over this just like I drool every time I get a new Anthropologie catalog in the mail!! Love it!! Just linked!
I cant believe your giving it away, you look awesome in it!!!
I linked - I am in love.
I linked to it - I am in love!
It's relly fantastic!
Thanks for the chance!
Gorgeous! I clicked the link to post on my blog...I hope you can see that I did! My blog is private, however...i hope that doesn't matter? LOVE your creativity and courage to make your own beautiful piece!
I have the same exact feelings for anthropologie, I have even tried to recreate some things myself, but yours are MUCH better!
I have the same exact feelings for anthropologie, I have even tried to recreate some things myself, but yours are MUCH better!
So, so lovely. I just linked to you & your ingenuity. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh how pretty! Please enter me! God bless, Jamie
"ohmygodohmygodohmygod"... the exact words that came out of my mouth when I saw that first picture of you in the sweater. Seriously? You don't even need a store near you. It looks like you could recreate anything! I'm so jealous.
What a cute sweater! You are making me want to dig out my sewing machine....
like your style. very cute.
Oh, I am sooooo linked up for this one! LOVE IT!
You are so amazing. Do you give sewing lessons?
You are very talented. I am linking you to my blog! :)
How beautiful!!! I love this! It looks gorgeous on you!!!
I love this cardi! Amazing that you can see something and recreate for a fraction of the price!!
I'm in awe of your talents again. I don't want to be entered but just had to tell ya that is an amazing creation.
Very pretty! Even though I don't have a blog so I can't put a link for you, I still love it!
Love the sweater. I think I am going to have to try this for my daughter. She would love it, good job.
Enter me! So dang cute. You are too creative.
You know, I just started a little series on my blog with the same concept in mind. I call it anthropologizing (sort of a play on apologizing)- which I really should do, since compared to your creative efforts, mine stuff looks, well, silly. and pathetic. Although, truth be told, I never did say I was talented...
Your sweater is an absolute anthropologie knockoff, done extremely well. Like really good conterfeit bills.
Michelle (aka Vintagesquirrel)
i blogged about it here!
i am more in awe of your talent everytime i come to your blog!w
I need to anthropologize my own wardrobe. I too love their clothes, but have yet to purchase a piece. I hope I win this, and can use your creativeness to motivate my own wardrobe makeover!
this sweater of yours is absolutely darling! and it's inspirational (i'm currently thinking about what i own that i can transform from blah to amazing, but sadly lack in sewing skills.) thank you for sharing! :)
I am new to your blog and LOVE what you do! I am going to add you to my blog roll NOW!!
You have been linked to!
another marvelous idea!!! yes, i would lvoe to save $112!! this sweater is gorgeous!
I am in love with all of your work!
I linked on my blog and I'm crossing my fingers! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!
Everything you make is just one of a kind. I love it!!! THanks for the great giveaways.
Bravo and great work!
I'm totally impressed! A woman after my own heart!
I will try this, too!
What sweet detail this Cardi has! I can see why everyone is in love with it! Great work..a true treasure.
You are an amazing seamstress with a great eye!!! And so frugal!
brilliant job. I've been planning for a while now to "anthropolify" (great term) the Bubble Garden Tee. Seems like it would be incredibly easy.
I posted on my blog, Love your blog BTW. Fabulous Seamstress!
Cute cute cute... so creative. thanks!
You are amazing! That's beautiful, and I would have sworn it was from Anthropologie.
Love what you did with the sweater. Simple, yet gorgeous. You are WAY braver with a sewing machine that I am...
I'm linked and in love. http://teamlesan.blogspot.com
I'm crossing my fingers. I've been drooling over the Boyer Cream Cardi for quite some time now, and I can't sew a button on. So, yeah, I really need this sweater in my life!
I am in awe! The sweater is down right gorgeous. I love your blog and your work.
Please enter me for this fabulous cardigan. My daughter would LOVE this! I hope I win. :)
You've definitely got me inspired! This is my first (but not last) visit to your site.
Beautiful! You did a fantastic job!
totally linked! awesome awesome
So cute, and your photos are superb. I'll think of something you can Anthropoli-ficate. Stay tuned.
I linked it! It's beautiful!
i love it so classy
Linked! I would LOVE to win this - it's so gorgeous! Love your idea and your blog. And wow - $6 is AMAZING.
Could the cardigan (and you) be more adorable? Thanks!
Adorable sweater and really adorable on you! I can't believe you're giving it away!
wow! just bog wow! it looks fabulous!!!!!!
I am new to blogging giveaway but i am so glad I found yours!!
Just beautiful!!
Have a great weekend =0)
This looks just like the Anthropologie one! I will have to go through my catalog with a new eye...looking for ways I can upgrade current wardrobe pieces. This was so inspirational! I also love your hair, are those curls natural, or do you use hot rollers.? Ok, I'm off to browse the anthro website, and plug in the hot rollers!!
Beautiful sweater!!
wowwww what a fantastic and romantic sweater! it´s really lovely :-)))) I nead it! I must have it to promenade very glamourous here in Barcelona I´ll be everbody´s envy! ;-)
Wow $6, you are amazing! Truly inspiring! What a great project!
That's spectacular. I'm so impressed with your work.
Good luck to everyone who entered to win the giveaway.
Your'e do it yourself inspired clothes now have me inspired to recreate a look. I'd love to share your'e inspired pieces.
blogged: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll
I visited Anthropologie just today, and saw the stack of these sweaters on the table. There must have been 20 of these! Adorable, yes...but yours is JUST as cute if not cuter. If I don't win yours, I will have to wait for the sale. Keeping my fingers crossed! Will have the link on in a few.
Wow, one of my favorites so far. I absolutely love it! I have my fingers crossed!!
You did a fantastic job!! It looks exactly like the original. Whomever wins this is a luck gal. :)
I will not enter because, alas, I am larger than a size sm - xsm. :(
Love it!
So so pretty, it looks great on you! The pictures are really good as well. Good job!
It's gorgeous and I would prefer this over the original. But alas...the the previous poster...I too am a bit larger. Darn!
How about one in a larger size?????
Sure would love one!
just beautiful to look at!
You are so talented, and I also love Anthropologie but don't own a single thing from there because it's a little out of my price range.
That is really a cute cardigan.
Anthropologie is my favorite too and just like you, haven't bought anything yet from them but I spent hours drooling over their catalog. :)
I created a link on my blog that links back to this post.
So cute!!! I love it! I am so glad I found your site!
I just found you!!! Love this blog and your creations. Amazingly creative. I will be back often.
Love it!--It's beautiful!
AH, that is gorgeous!! I just posted about it on my blog.
I put a link to you on my blog...Thanks for a chance to win this simply amazing sweater...My granddaughter will love it...
I looove it! Hopefully I will one of these cool giveaways! I linked it!
You've given us a great idea- I have so many sweaters that need an update... thanks for sharing!
You have inspired me! I love the concept of Anthropolification! I feel it will change my life:-)
thanks again - I've created a link to this and several other giveaways. I really love what you do - you are so talented, generous and inspiring! I can't thank you enough. I would love to meet you and your family if you are ever in So Cal! take care, vb
You have inspired me! I love the whole concept of the "anthropoli-fication" I think I should apply it to all my clothes! Please share more this is fabulous.
This sweater is insanely gorgeous.....I too drool over Anthropologie clothing, but unlike you I don't have a speck of sewing talent. So now I get to drool over Anthropologie AND after your 'anthropolification.' That's two strikes for me, lol. You'll be linked, of course :)
Very beautiful. I'm impressed! I love knowing such talent is out there!
If I only knew how to do this. This sweater is gorgeous!
Kathleen, you are incredible! I am stunned, your project turned out just as lovely and beautiful as the real thing. You are very talented!
I want to win this! haha. I blogged about it at my blog..which actually goes perfect with my theme of this week's posts: lace and other notions.
Thanks for the inspiration!
xo, danni
Linking (acupaday.tumblr.com)!! And adding your blog to my reader! I don't even know if I can fit this, but I just want you to know that yours is even more beautiful than the Anthropologie version. I'm INSPIRED.
I twittered...I hope that's okay!
I'd loveeeeeeeee to win this!!
Lovely and so inexpensive!
I love the Myres Scoopneck, but I don't suppose it would be feasible to make except from scratch.
Love the sweater and I wish with all my heart it would fit me but alas.... But I think it's your photos that totally sell it! You did an amazing job! I had to look twice to make sure you did them and then weren't from the catalog. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
What a cute cardigan! It really looks like the orginal.
i'm so excited for your booming blog! i love this cardigan.. good work!
That is such a lovely cardigan. I love how sweet it looks and lace is a fave. Fingers AND toes are crossed for a win!
Linked @ http://blog.sanriotown.com/starsong:mymelody.com/2009/03/01/um-right/
This is so very awesome. You did such a good job!
oh my goodness, i am LOVE LOVE LOVING this!!!! the photos are totally adorable. xoxo joanna
I am in love with this sweater. It is phenomenal, and I WANT it in my closet....NOW...lol. You are soo talented. I found your blog by clicking a twitter link, ending up at someone else's blog, and saw this givewaway there. Now I am determined to win, one of your fabulous creations!
You've been linked http://threedifferentdirections.blogspot.com
Wow! What fun!
LINKED!!! Love it!! :]
I JUST discovered your blog, and now I love you.
I linked to two--is that allowed?
Awesome sweater!
Fabulous job, those kinds of projects are the best.
I blogged your lovely sweater giveaway: http://abeillecouture.blogspot.com/2009/03/grosgrain-anthropoli-fication-boyer.html
So pretty!
that is absolutely stunning!!!!
i blogged about the giveaway, but my blog is private, let me know if you want an invite!
I am a big Anthropologie stalker as well. I think you did an amazing job on the sweater!
oh so gorgeous.
Hi! I posted a link on my multiply page:
I am so impressed. I just did a post on my blog of this! http://twoellie.blogspot.com
hope I did it right!
As always, impressed with the craftiness. So cute.
wooow and double wooow!! you really did nail it and it looks gorgess!! I would reaallly like to win this cardigan
It's not showing up on your page but you are linked here:
It looks exactly the same! I would love to wear this!
Oh man, that's cute. I want to make one!
Love it!! it totally looks the same!
If only I were a small to extra small I would be all over this. I am a medium to extra medium. I LOVE Anthropologie and i do have a store nearby which makes it even more torturous cuz I can't afford a thing in there. Sigh.
this is gorgeous. what talent!
I love that sweater! I would wear it every day - people would call me "the girl in the cardi". JK - but I would treasure it!
wow! you did an amazing job! so good. amsbolda@hotmail.com
awesome!!! me me too!
Too cute. You are very talented!
OMG! loving your stuff! Posted links!
Wow. You are 100% talented. Thanks for sharing some great sewing ideas too!
Lovely job! I'm inspired...
please start your own store. this is fabulous. good luck to me!
WOW! You are very talented. I need this sweater....I hope I win.
You are so talented. It takes a lot to make me leave a comment, and I just had to tell you the sweater is amazing!
Wow that's simply beautiful... count me in this draw please! I've blogged about it here http://lilhandmadesbymamabliss.blogspot.com/2009/03/somethings-ive-made-want-to-make.html
Clever girl. I'll try and be clever enough to post this so that my girls can see your creativity. Next time will you show what the sweater looked like that you started with?
BEAU-TI-FUL Sweater! And your pictures--you should take up modeling! I would love to have this sweater...it's so chic. I posted a link on my blog for this fabulous sweater!
Yummy!!! I LOVE IT!!! You are SO talented!
that is beautiful!!
love your creation. and I love that I just made it into your give-a-way. your craftiness and determination inspire me.
I'm a quilting mama. But you are inspring me to look into making clothing!
Count me in on the give away!
I love it!
The giveaway ends friday the 8th but today is Saturday the 7th so i am entering on a whim! And I linked I think! Great giveaway!
i created a link!
i love it, im just hikning of what i would pair it with!
You are very creative, your ideas are great.
So cool...! I love it!
I created a link on my tumblr blog... this looks absolutely amazing! Very inspirational, thank you!
kkondek at gmail.com
I blogged about this. I LOVED this and just had to share it on my blog.
This is SO cute! I love the lace!
How do you do that? that is my dream cardigan. sigh.....i linked you and i am now a frequent veiwer of your blog. thanks so much for the eye candy!
Oh, that sweater is just dreamy! You are an inspiration--if I'm not the lucky winner, can I copy your genious?
*grumble* I'm missed this, and I LOVE it. Sigh.
I have problem to dress nice I am layback, and I feel bad about it because I know I have good taste but when I dress up I think I am missing something inside of me… but I know that dressing nice make me feel better.
I know it's a bit late, but OHMYGOD. I am in love. You did a wonderful job and I think I'll do the same thing on a dress.
I'm still in awe. Thanks for the inspiration!
I still like to read ex-posts again and again. these were really good instead of newbies... I am missing old katy :)
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