Randi Hayden sells the brightest, freshest, most eye catching fabrics as well as darling sewing patterns to use with all your new gorgeous finds. With well over 200 items in stock it's hard not to fall in love with more than just one....or a dozen.
Hayden, a long time textile lover, has been discovering fabric ever since she was a child when every weekend her grandmother would bring her along to the fabric store.

You'll experience the same feeling looking through her 'fabric closet'. I'm off to find another inspiration!
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5 {comments}:
i LOVE fresh squeezed fabrics!!!!
What pillows and aprons these would make!
Quick question which I do hope you have a minute to answer....
I am looking to buy my first sewing machine and have no idea where to begin. I've been using my Mother's ancient Singer for years and now need to get a new one. Would you mind telling me what type you use/recommend?
Thanks a million.
Wow!! GORGEOUS fabrics!! They remind me of watermelons and paddling pools and fresh summer mornings before it gets too hot!! Delicious!! :)
Oh, I love these! spring! summer! yummy!
Gosh, these lovely fabrics just make you feel happy don't they? Wish I had them all in my stash!
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