Alas, to my disappointment I found myself accompanied by spectators dressed in jeans and sweaters. There were also the usual Sunday best dresses but I was by far the more formal of our company.
I guess I longed for the days when couples wore tuxedos and tiaras to ticketed events. I think part of me knew I'd be overdressed but I guess that part of me didn't care. I mean, why such apathy for the aesthetic?
This post is a tribute to those more ceremonious eras. But perhaps I'm not alone. Perhaps someone else out has their own floor length gown hanging in the back of their closet or arm length velvet gloves lying in the bottom of their drawer. Never to be worn again.
Let's be the ones to bring them back! It's not too late to be pretty:)
The gloves themselves were surprisingly difficult to sew. When I first set out to make something I thought, oh I'll take it easy this week, I'll make a pair of gloves. Wrong!

They might have been easy had they not included these nasty little buggers called 'gussets'. What are gussets? Besides the unmentioned devices of torture in the ninth circle of hell? Well, they're the tiny inbetween pieces of fabric that so usually go unnoticed by every other glove wearer, including myself. That is until you have the unfortunate luck to have to use them in a sewing project.

Other than that the gloves were fairly easy. Not much cutting. Although I need to warn you that they are tight. And I don't mean in the 'too cool for school' sense but the 'my fingers are turning blue' sense. So if you have larger sized arms than me the gloves may not be for you.

They are made out of some sort of leather-like material. I'm not quite sure exactly what it is. But I can tell you that I bought it in the upholstery section and it doesn't have much elasticity.
HOWEVER, the cute little caplet may sway your vote. It is enclosed with an antique looking brass clasp.

The fur in both the gloves and the caplet are of course, faux. I did have the opportunity to purchase real fur but the price tag and animal rights issues held me back. The feathers however are real....and more humane. I was going for a sort of 30's Gatsby look. And if the winning blog leaves a comment it will be included in the giveaway. I would enter for that alone. They are the trendiest little accessories on etsy nowadays.
Oh and the shoes! Too cool huh? They were from
my friend Abi's grandmother. Under the tongue, they say something about being handmade in Italy....and are like three sizes too small for my feet. I smashed my toes in them for the photo shoot but even that short amount of time left deep red gashes in my Achilles tendons. Still..worth it.
I'm not going to divulge where these photos were taken. It would just detract from the illusion. But I was a little disappointed when we arrived. There were other rooms that I had wanted to use that were roped off on Sunday. I had been hoping to get a photo sitting in a folding auditorium seat. Originally I had wanted Brian to accompany me in a tuxedo but that was just wishful thinking. I would have been more likely to win the Powerball.

But I have to give credit where credit is due. He did an amazing job with the photography. Especially considering the fact that it was the first time he used the new camera. I was far more hands off this time and I found the shoot to be far less stressful. I should use this philosophy in the rest of my life.
Last day for posts is Friday 2/13/09. Winner will be announced Sunday!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win these gloves and caplet just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
Create a Link
88 {comments}:
So pretty!!! Ah I can't stand it.
OK. Kathleen. I have posted an entire blog about your giveaway. I have extremely skinny arms and tiny tiny hands, which will most assuredly fit in the opera gloves, whose snug-ness you have warned about.
I am completely crazy about the entire set you have crafted; the Great Gatsby is my FAVORITE book...and I would proudly wear everything you listed when I take my dear friend Bex to the ballet, Firebird, in March. I will post pictures so you can SEE how much your hard work is appreciated as we frolic about the Fox Theatre in Atlanta:)
I NEED to win this auction:P
You must understand.
I am going to cross every appendage I possess and pray for at least an hour on February 13.
Just FYI.
Amazing! Your work is simply amazing.
I don't want to win these beautiful items, but I do want to say that I love Baltimore.
It's fantastic!! perfect!! marbellous!!
I want it!!... I need it!! :D
I posted here: http://bloguerosconilusion.blogspot.com/2009/02/una-noche-en-la-opera.html
I so understand the part where every now and then we need a little more 'Sense and Sensibility'... Girls like to dress up. But unfortunately nobody ever does anymore... and thus I sometimes choose to be overdressed. So be it.
Anyhow, I'd love to go for those gloves, but I have short, quite stubby fingers, so... alas.
Next time better.
best wishes!
Everything you do is absolutely exquisity!
Very, very pretty! I totally agree with you about disappointment in how people dress to attend performances these days. *sigh*
Unfortunately, I have fat hand/arms that would likely NEVER fit into those lovely gloves, so I wish not to be entered into the contest so as to give someone who could use them a chance to win.
I just wanted to tell you how pretty your accessories were, and what a good job you did making them.
How amazing, I blogged http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2009/02/opera-house-glove-and-caplet-giveaway.html
This is so cool! On a trip to London I got all dressed up for the Theatre and had the same let down. I just watched "The Duchess" last night. Now they knew how to dress up!
Girl, you amaze me!
So elegant and fun!
GASP! I LOVE IT! I totally blogged a link!
Your visions are so stunning - they really come through in your creations.
I have given you the Lemonade Award! Please stop by my blog to pick it up!
Your talent astounds me.It also makes me largely jealous as my last diy dress is still sitting on my dinner room table in pieces. Although the dress may be complete with such a pretty addition of gloves and caplet. Especially in the Northeastern cold.
By the way: How will we know if we are the "chosen one"? A personal message or comment I assume??
really wonderful as usual. the feather band is FANTASTIC! love how you layered several together and the shoes are to DIE FOR! Definitely a gatsby look. A++!
What a lovely set!
I must ask... Where did you get those shoes? (*swoon*)
Absolutely beautiful!
That hairpiece is AMAZING! And together the entire outfit is perfect!
I would love to win this giveaway! You do such amazing work! Have a great week!
I posted about this giveaway here: http://tell-n-show.blogspot.com/2009/02/opera-house-glove-and-caplet-giveaway.html
Heidi Jo the Artist
I created a link!!! I want it for the gloves. I have teeny hands :) I could probably even use them for our very cold winters :D
My friends and I went to the opera and dressed up and had the same experience. But we had fun dressing upo and we enjoyed the opera so oh well. Its the same thing whenever we go to the theater. Love the capelet and the feathers. And your hubby did a great job with the photos.
Oh, they're gorgeous!
You remind me of Eliza Dolittle in these photo's! I love My Fair Lady. I will post about this but please don't include me in this drawing (I have large man hands ) plus I am holding out in hopes to win a dress for my girls. Have a happy week, love the photography.
I love these gloves. I hate that people are so casual about their dress now-a-days. Even for things that I dressed up for as a child, like going to see Santa or to a birthday party...now people just go as they are. I LOVE that you want to bring back the class.
Absolutely incredible. Any one of these pieces would be incredible even on their own, but TOGETHER?! Oh my!!!
I have very long, thin arms (my husband lovingly refers to them as orangutan arms...), so these would be so much fun to wear!!!
I have created a link on my blog...and am hoping, hoping, hoping!
Timely blog comment from you as I just attended the Phoenix Opera presentation of Aida this past Friday evening. Being new to the area I wasn't sure what the dress code would be, but have enough sense to know that dressy should be on tap. I wore a black suit and dressed it up with blingy broach and jewelry and a black satin camy. My daughter is very involved with this opera company and warned me we would see everything under the sun. She was right, but I was really pleased to see more "dressy" than casual. Saw some goregous formals too. It always serves you better to be appropriately dressed than not! Frist imrpessions really do count for something.
So adoreable. So my style. I love it all.
I love the spying through the opera glass picture!
This is beautiful! Can't wait to see if I win. I'm so sad I missed out on the flower top.
ohhhhh ! I love it !
I just posted here : http://stecolargol.over-blog.com/article-27486136.html
so so so beautiful !!
thanks a lot !
Boy oh boy do I LOVE dressing up. I yearn for days when it was NOT normal to go outside in pajama pants and slippers. Give me glamour and fancy dresses!
I LOVE dressing up with elegant long gloves! You got the Gatsby feel spot on!
it's so pretty
Oh Kathleen. Indeed I do have that floor length formal reserved for the ballet and opera. Not unlike you, I am always overdressed and find that so sad. But like you, I don't care! If it pleases me to live in bygone era, than I shall!
I'm sure the gloves would fit fine being a teeny mama and I would be most honored to don them.
I have a 1930's style dress these would go with perfectly. How do we know if we're the winner?
These are gorgeous!! You create such special items.
If this isn't the loveliest outfit I've ever seen.
I want to wear that headband in my wedding! Until this moment I was anti wearing anything on my head...but you have just convinced me!
You are so talented!
posted here:
I am right there with you about overdressing for the opera. what happen to the good ol' days.
this set is beautiful.!
Those are so beautiful. That is something I would definitely to the theater. I
So very glamorous...I love it!!!
Posting this to my GrosGrain Spotlight... more link love coming your way. Cheers!
it's really beautiful, I have created a link on my blog,
I participate
fabulous! I hope I win.
j'aime beaucoup tes créations !!! je m'inscris pour peut-être gagner ton superbe ensemble...
je t'ai mis en lien sur mon blog
I don't have anyplace to link to but I would love a chance to win if that is possible? These pieces are so stylish and I don't think I could EVER make gloves....BRAVO!
I just love the feathers. WOW
Oh how FUN!!!! Your are fantastically talented (so much so that I'm just a teeny, weeny bit jealous...but in a loving way)! You will find a link to this on my blog at www.shmumfy.blogspot.com :)
I get so excited when you giveaway something for us big girls! I love the whole set, especially the gloves and feathers! Not only would they be great to wear during a night on the town, but they'd make beautiful additions to any murder mystery or Halloween costume. I added a post to my blog: http://marriedtothemd.blogspot.com
Oooooh so wonderfully awesome I just can't get enough! Thanks for the opportunity, you look adorable!
oh so pretty... i am so sorry- i don't see the Q&A botton or section... and i was wondering where you got your beautiful feathers? i have been trying to make a few- but no luck finding cute feathers.
is it inappropriate to ask if you are giving away the shoes too? :)
they are amazing as well!
Thanks, Kathleen, for the chance to win! I love your formality! Gorgeous! I'll blog about you and creat my link! Suzie
ooh la la! the pictures turned out great...and of course i love the outfit you put together for them.
: )
It makes me crazy!!!!!!
So Fantastic!
I am a fan! Love seeing your talent. And yes, I vote for dressing up for such fun events. There is a time for jeans and a time to get gussied up!
I am a fan! I vote for getting gussied up for such fun events!
http://momforeverandever.blogspot.com/ linked it for you- this is beautiful- everything is so beautiful and you are so talented
Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODNESS!!!! I would just GO to the opera so often just so I could find an excuse to wear that! WOOOOOOOW!!!!
Wow,these pieces are stunning . You are very creative and thanks for the chance to win something so beautiful.
Oh you had me intrigued right from the start. I love the design, the model (you?) was beautiful and the giveaway is fabulous! Please include me in this. I will post on my blog your giveaway.
Ah, so so so dreamy!
I blogged about it here:
(It's a link on my sidebar towards the top)
How pretty! Posted about it on my blog.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Love it! Amazing as usual!! I'm linked on my side bar!!
Wonderful photos! And you look so pretty :-)
Love the gloves
I couldn't agree more about never having the opportunity to dress up anymore. I was just talking to my husband about the fact that dressing nice for occasions is a way of showing respect. I love jeans as much as the next gal, but I'm so tired of going out to nice restaurants, baby showers, and weddings for that matter, where people are dressed like they're going to a football game. Sigh.
Love the hat, by the way, and I would certainly have to find somewhere to wear it.
p.s. I found you through the Crafty Crow. Love your designs!
This inspired me to dress up and work around my house. So fun when my husband arrived home to see me cooking dinner in a formal gown and hat to boot!
Thank you!
BTW---love the shoes...wow
Hhhhmmm, I'm not sure if I did it right but it's on my page at:
My sis turned me onto your page (ACDC 2005) and Oh my word woman you rock!! I love it! I am so there!
I really like the capelet and the gloves, but the star of the show is definitely the hair accessory of loveliness. You always do stunning work, but this has brought me out of lurkerdom. I don't suppose you could get your girlfriend to throw in Grandmas shoes, too?
blogged here:http://charolette33.livejournal.com/14236.html
i'm new to your blog, but i love it and I have to agree, where have the days of beautiful formality gone?!
Check out my blog for a fun fun fun giveaway!
wow i love this! this is bringing back classy. i hope i'm chosen as the lucky winner!
Oh, I'm in love with this whole ensemble!! I'm not sure where I would wear this to, but I would find somewhere. Or at least go have a really fabulous photo shoot with it.
I would love this..... I am planning a vegas wedding next time LOL so would love to win this so I could have me dream day....
pussann.com is in its first day of operation! let me know what you think...the whole thing was more complicated than i could have imagined. phweew! glad that's over with.
OMG! The ensemble is gorgeous! I love the fur topped gloves! The caplets is awesome! And the feathered headband....WOW-WIE!!!!!!!
Even the blouse you wore, and the jewelry...the whole outfit placed you perfectly in the 1930's and I absolutely love it!
And I would enter to win, just the headband alone...love feathers and I love it!
And I did post at my blog
(for changing my link!)
Talk to you soon!
This is gorgeous! I actually have the chance to see an opera in Rhode Island, to win this and to wear it would be a dream! We clicked on create a link to promote!
So pretty!
I too get upset when I see people in jeans at the theater. Happens a lot in Philadelphia...
I am officially in love with your feather head gear...
so in love with your feathered headband!! did you make it yourself??
This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Oh, How romantically beautiful.
I have your giveaway posted.
fantastic! How "feminine"!
JUST heard that I won!!
Thank you so much Kathleen!
I am on pins and needles to try these on and take Gatsby-esque pictures:)
---you are the best darling ever!!
<3 sarasophia
My word that caplet is just too gorgeous!! I love things like that and I would absolutely die to have it. LOL OK maybe thats a bit dramatic but its close ;)
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