Puss Ann Guest GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

February 26, 2009

opera houseJust for Grosgrain, new sponsor Puss Ann will be offering a mother/child giveaway.

The lucky winner will receive their choice of shoes from Puss Ann in one adult and one child size.

The shoes featured, bear whimsical illustrations representing each of the seasons.

puss ann shoesEach motif matches in design, each having a radial pattern in the background (sun beams, leaves, star points and flower petals) and a main image in the foreground (a rose, acorn, fox and lady bug). Made with black ink with a solid coordinating color behind the pictures in woodblock style. When worn together, both pairs of shoes made a 'set' .

Hand designed by the artist behind Puss Ann, each shoe bears a unique graphic on the tip. Her storefront has a prolific gallery of designs with new shoe designs updated frequently.

So, if you have an image idea please send them an email or leave a comment in the guestbook (even if it's just to say hi).

Each shoe is unique with various vintage fabrics to compliment and line the sole.

puss ann shoesIf you're looking to customize here's the scoop. Her sweet and simple shoes come in lots of colors, sizes and designs.

First you can start with a color. With colors in Ruby red, Garbo green, Betty black, Posey pink and Bardot yellow you won't have a problem finding a hue to match any modest frock!

Reminiscent of Christopher Robin, Buster Browns and all things soft and vintage. I loved the unadorned look of these shoes paired with an a-line skirt.

On her site you'll find everything you need to customize your own pair. It's easy and fun!

puss ann shoes
SIZE really is important! these shoes will stretch a bit with wear so they recommend not going any larger than you need. The following is a conversion chart so you can order with confidence!

= size 5 - 5.5 CHILD SIZD
SIZE 25 = size 7 - 7.5 CHILD SIZD
SIZE 36 = size 5.5 - 6
SIZE 37 = size 6.5 - 7
SIZE 38 = size 7.5 - 8
SIZE 39 = size 8.5 - 9

SIZE 40 = size 9.5 - 10

Happy shopping!

About the photos.....This was a very interesting location. There were so many photo opportunities to be had. I would like to go back sometime in the summer and get some good photos by the scenic pond or lower level where hay bales line the walls.

puss ann shoesMolly had a ball running around all the empty space. Our house is small and fairly cluttered with furniture. I think she likes to really stretch out her legs whenever afforded the opportunity.

That or she wanted to get as far away from us as fast as she could:P

While taking the photos we brought along a 'Juno' LP and twirled, marched and danced to....Kimya Dawson & Antsy Pants. I think it's the perfect soundtrack for adults and kids. You know, when your tired of replaying 'The Wheels on the Bus'.

I burned it to a CD and the moment I pressed play Molly began baby dancing, which if you've ever seen, is more adorable than 1000 kittens.

puss ann shoesThis giveaway is for one week only! So last day for posts is Tuesday 3/03/09. Winner will be announced Thursday!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win these mother/daughter pairs of shoes just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link


66 {comments}:

lfhcreative said... Best Blogger Tips

The shoes are fun and very unique! I really am LOVING the skirts, any chance there will be a tutorial o0n how to make them soon? Thanks for the great tips on the pettiskirt, I am almost done with mine! Your tips made it easier!

sarasophia said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously, your pictures are WONDROUS...and I really love the idea of matching Mommy and daughter shoes.
I have such a thing for maryjanes.

Link has been made....

Now to continue to wait and see if I can win at least ONE of your fabulous giveaways (unless I find the lamp of some hapless genie and can wish that I win ALL of them.....).


Michelle Kuo said... Best Blogger Tips

I am already in love with those shoes. So unique!
I've just linked to your post on my blog :)
I hope I can win at least ONE of your contests! I love all of your giveaways so much!

gret said... Best Blogger Tips

Your little girls are just delightful. And those skirts! Just as delightful! (well, nearly). I'd love a tutorial on how to make those too if you are ever inclined!

Two Peas In a Pod said... Best Blogger Tips

Those shoes are so cute and they look so comfy.Mother daughter I could just see us now walking down the street in our matching shoes....makes me smile. I would love to enter your draw. Thanks!

Charissa said... Best Blogger Tips

yay! What a great giveaway!

I have linked

Bryce said... Best Blogger Tips

Your blog is so unbelievable! You inspire me. I wish I could sew like you, and I dream about having your photography skills! I posted about you on my blog yesterday. :)

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh. I love those! And what great photos, once again!
I'm linking!

Brooke Reviews said... Best Blogger Tips

The shoes are very cute, and the pictures are beautiful! :)

Jillian said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! Link made! Those are so cute. It's fun to make my daughters match, but I hadn't made me match them before...how fun! I might even have to work on a skirt like that...

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Your posts are always so fun and creative!

I really like the shoes, and have linked on my blog.

If I were to win, the only problem would be wondering which of my four daughters would get the daughter shoes....LOL

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

In reference to Ifhcreative's comment, I'd like to share this link:


I've used this tiered skirt tutorial for my own little ladies and they turned out wonderful!

These shoes are lovely by the way!


amy & lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I have to win these for my niece...she's 2 and she LOVES, I'm serious LOVES shoes!
Please enter me. :)

Kyla Armstrong said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so darling! I love visiting your blog every day to see the gorgeous photos.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this photo shoot!! And the skirts are darling, did you make them?

None said... Best Blogger Tips

How appropriate! I JUST emailed her a few days ago about getting a pair of shoes for myself and my daughters! I think the shoes are ADORABLE and can't wait to see what else she creates! I love that you have sponsors now too!!

Theresa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love custom anything and to have something to match my daughter would be simply delightful!!

jennifersusan said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! How cute are these shoes???? My daughter and I both love maryjanes and these shoes are just too awesome. I am so linking for this giveaway!

anita said... Best Blogger Tips

too cute! i have linked... www.anitajcphotography.com/blog

A and a said... Best Blogger Tips

your little girls are so lucky to have sucg a creative mom... they have so many precious pictures to look back to when they are older... :)

KEK said... Best Blogger Tips

One day i'll win one of your amazing things...

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the idea of having matching shoes as my daughter. Crossing fingers.

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

too cute! count me in

Bhavesha said... Best Blogger Tips

Incredible pictures again! Love the shoes and skirt combos again the wood floor!

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

Pictures and shoes are soo cute!

Peggy said... Best Blogger Tips

The photos are awesome. The shoes are fantastic. Thanks

Anja said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, your pictures are so beautiful. You are great at picking just the right place for each dress, creation... do you need to drive around a lot?

matching kids and adult shoes sound great. I'm for red as well!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Please... let me win

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE those shoes!!

Lisa S. said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a great idea for matching mother daughter shoes!! And they look so comfy! :)

Julie & Derek said... Best Blogger Tips

Pictures are so cute....Where did you take them?

Valerie said... Best Blogger Tips

These shoes are AWESOME (as are the adorable skirts)! I would love to win them, so I'm crossing my fingers! :)

Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Awh! Those shoes are adorable! Pick me for the skirts! My daughter would LOOOVVVEEEE it! ashnjeff03@gmail.com or ashnjeff03.blogspot.com

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

Sweet! I like the lovely skirt. Thanks.


Connie said... Best Blogger Tips

great shoes! ..i have an idea-- how about eyeballs? i LOVE eyeballs...or spiders. i like them too!

MOMFOREVERANDEVER said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful and linked

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely love these shoes for my daughter. hope i win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable shoes! We'd love to wear them! Thank you, I'm linked.

Dawna said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely adorable! Link has been made.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable! I just did my link!


Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm linked! Thanks such a cute Idea!

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them!!!Thanks for the chance!



Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Your photo shoots are so whimsy. I love your blog. The shoes are so cute. I'm going to link your post on my blog. Your very inspiring. What do you use for a camera?

Tracy Hines said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm having trouble posting your link to my blog. My blog is now granitefarm.wordpress.com.

In the past I had made links to your sight at my old blog on eblogger.
Any help would be great.

Goosegirl said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute! I really like the shoes. I hope I linked this correctly.

Bobbi said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so cute and different, and what girl doesn't NEED :) a new pair of shoes

ElizabethMJaocb said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway....I love your creativity and passion for what you do.

Yellow Finch Designs

mamato3 said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this designer! Love your site! Keep it up!

a b said... Best Blogger Tips

How Cute!! I posted it on our blog, so I hope I win!

Bethieee said... Best Blogger Tips

My sister would love the idea of having her shoes match my niece's. They're always wearing the china flats like that and these are so much cuter than the standard images.
I hope I win!

vmsb said... Best Blogger Tips

FABULOUS!!! I love this post!! Next to your tree-frog this is my favorite.

I created a link (and hope to win), but also hope that you know how much I love reading about your outings and seeing the fun you have with your girls - your posts and photography is inspiring! I think your photographs are amazing; I hope you had as much fun as the pictures illustrate.

I also love your skirts - I think the twirling is part of what I enjoyed so much about this post. Is there any chance you'll part with those someday or add to your store? (Sorry the store link is down and I can't remember if I've seen you tiered skirts there or not).

Thanks for letting me know about some adorable, affordable, comfy-looking flats. I love Mary Janes and stopped wearing heels almost six months ago - my "collection" of flats consists of one Ruby pair of ballet-like Crocs and original brown suede Birkenstocks (and I work outside the home full-time), so yes, I know that I desperately need a shoe makeover ... thanks again for the nudge and great information.

Janae said... Best Blogger Tips

These are gorgeous! Your blog is incredible.

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a gorgeous givaway! Hope the red one will be mine :) I've linked you on my blog.

Lindsey Wiatt Photography said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked...Those shoes are so cute!

Tammy said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely cute cute cute!!

I linked on my blog!

Melanie said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute! posted link!

~Sandy~ said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello! I linked but not sure if it worked or not (never linked before:O) But please add me to your raffle for these adorable OOAK shoes. They are simply beautiful. The pictures are amazing too! Would love to win a matching shoes for my daughter and I. Thanks!

here is my blog so you can see that i linked <3


patti said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I just love those skirts, adorable! and I've never seen shoes like this and they are growing on me quickly!

Keren said... Best Blogger Tips

love love love it!!! So cute! :) Just linked you to my blog...with 15 minutes to spare!

lajamison said... Best Blogger Tips

The shoes are cute, but what about the skirts. They are the best. Is there a give-a-way for them? What about an easy pattern for them?

Papirolina said... Best Blogger Tips

awww, that's gorgeous. great giveaway.

a link to your giveaway is already on my candy list in the left side of the blog :)


Ariane Mardis said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable!!! such cute outfits!!!

ww said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the photos - hope we win! Thank you, Wendy

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

awwww, i missed the deadline on these! i may have to spring the cash to get my daughter and i matching pairs. good thing it's tax season

Froggy said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! Those are awesome! I linked on my blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so cute and fun.

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