Yes, we do in fact have a washer and dryer, I take great pride in saying this because for so long I lived without one. And life is exponentially more difficult with none. However I've always liked the geometrical repetition of the laundromat and wanted to photograph there at least once.
When I designed this dress I had a young hip and trendy female in mind. The sort of thing a single girl in her 20s might wear. Someone who lived in a small San Fransisco apartment and spent her Sunday nights at a laundromat.
I guess I had some thing pretty specific notions....
When we got there, a couple disparaging things occurred. First, I forgot my speedlite. Curses! Second (as is almost always the case) there were a few people doing their laundry making what we were doing a little less comfortable.
Can I blame them? YES! Well, no, I guess. Not really. But we made the best of it. As the summer pulls around I hope to have more outdoor shots in which we are the only people for miles. Places with muncho sunlight!

The dress itself was a really a labor. I used a baroque flowered silk material for the dress. Silk is a difficult material to sew (at least for me). It bunches and frays and stretches and is just all around maddening!
I gathered a two inch strip of the fabric and lined either side of the front and neckline. I used a thin, elastic thread to gather the cuff around the sleeves and added a ruffled piece of fabric to the top of each sleeve which hangs down.
Along the front and neck of the dress I added tiny buttons that hook with corresponding satin loops. At the top of the dress, the fabric that falls in front of the bust is gathered, creating a wispy look. The entire dress is cinched at the waist with an aged vintage brown leather belt.

I'm really digging the look of a dress paired with high boots. Don't get me wrong, I still love a good pair of ballet flats with an a-line but it's good to change it up a bit.

I wear a small size but since the waist of this dress is determined by how tight you cinch the belt, the size is adjustable. One more thing, you absolutely MUST wear a full length slip underneath as the silk material is completely see through:)
Oh and of course, I cannot forget ;) thanks to my crafty photographer, Brian, who braved an angry looking laundry attendant to help me in my quest. Hopefully we'll look back on these junkets and laugh....or cringe....or cry. Probably the latter.
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this dress just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
297 {comments}:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 297 Newer› Newest»I love this! And I want this! I posted about it!
this dress is AMAZING!!!!
Oh, for my body of 6 (pre baby)years ago...*sigh*
Well, it's a gorgeous dress, and I hope whoever wins it loves it as much as I do!!
love it! where do you announce the winners?
What a droolworthy dress!
You look incredible in this dress, and I can't believe you made it. Wow.
I love this. You are so talented.
Love it! Have a vacation coming up in April and this would be perfect!
Beautiful! I want it! Gimme, gimme! I'm posting about this immediately. So cute! This fabric is amazing!
I LOVE the fabric you used! I'm not sure if a growing belly would allow me to wear it for long, but definitely after the baby arrives!! It's so fun!
How about a young hip girl in her upstate New York apartment who spends her nights at Laundromats??
Beautiful - I hope you made a spare for yourself!
LOVE IT!!! btw, u look like one of those single women in her 20's. u look gorgeous in it!!
Love the dress! It's beautiful.
Wow, you are just so gifted! I am totally in love with this dress, and only wish that I had the body to go with it lol! Beautiful work, girlie, and, as always, I just LOVE your photos!
Daylight Savings Time is nearly here already??? WOOHOOO!!!!!!
Wow, this dress is incredible!
Love the pictures - as always! Especially the last one! Looks really great!
This is THE perfect Spring dress! Although I don't think I could ever wear doing laundry in our basement- more like a picnic in the park with my hubby!
I want this dress, so cute!
I want this dress, so cute!
This would look GREAT on the eldest chicklet!
OMG that is the most amazing dress!! I love it!!
Again, what a beautiful creation. It looks so amazing paired with the boots. LOOOOOVE it.
Kathleen you are so talented. I know I tell you this all the time when I leave comments, but seriously I love your creations. I would be willing to loose 20 lbs to wear this dress! Count me in. I will post about it (will be up before the weekend). I love all the shots too. You are becoming quite the photographer.
I'm not entering in to win this dress but I just wanted to comment on how much I love your sewing creations, writing style, and photography. I feel like looking at your blog is like a piece of art. I'm waiting until I see something I absolutely can't live without to enter but I love reading about everything. I feel like if I entered for everything (because I love everything I would be too greedy). You are so creative and giving to give these beautiful masterpieces away. Thanks for sharing your talents with the blogging world. You seem like the kind of person I would be friends with if I met you in person. PS I love that everything is so small because I have a hard time finding clothes that fit my 95 lbs flat chested frame!
This dress is amazing. I just posted about it. Wish me luck!
so gorgeous!
Amazing!! I love it!!
meninheira (at) gmail (dot) com
Beautiful dress. Your work is amazing!!!
Oh my stars! That dress is fabu! Blogged here (in case you don't get it picked up): http://www.haveyoumetus.net/michelle/blog/?p=295
Pick me Pick me! This dress is lovely and the perfect thing for spring.
Gorgeous dress! You are so talented -- and your photos are very lovely...
I heart this dress! Your work is amazing and inspiring.
I must have it!
Posted the link.
Simply wonderfull, simple and so sofisticated at same time. Maybe this time i´ll be lucky. As rachel Guymon asked where do you announce the winners?.
Wow!!!!!!I love it!!!!!!!
Thanks for the chance! My link in:
Lawdy, that is a beautiful dress!!! I absolutely love it!!! I definitely linked you, I made you a permanent in my side bar a couple of months ago too!
Thanks so much for your hard work!!!
DARLING!!! I love it! I'm going to look so cute when I win it! LOL!
As a poor 20-something living in Hawaii, I Frequent the laundromat, in fact I was there last night. I think this dress was made for me.
The dress is Amazing ... as usual!
Oh my god! the most romantic dress I ever seen, I need it! my boyfriend will be eclipsed by my beauty if I wear this sexy dress next date :-)))))))
I love it! First time here, but I've posted about it, and I'll be back.
totally blogged about it.....i have the perfect shoes for that dress....pumpkin colored wedges...yum!
beautiful work!
Oh so cute...
This design is fabulous! The fabric, the design... you outdid yourself!
Your designs are so very awesome!
You are amazing! I hate sewing on silk. But you did fantastic. Do you have a store front?
I created a link on my blog and nearly forgot to post a comment here to ensure my participation in this beautiful giveaway. i'm sure it will fit me. Hoping to win.
barbara brown
HOw cute! I love it, hope I win!
I gotta have me one of these...tbmax03@gmail.com
I LOVE this dress! So cute!
Beautiful! I especially love the fabric.
pretty neat fabric, the print is divine, it's like a botanical print on tracing paper. lovely blog, by the way!
i have the perfect place to wear this. :)
I am in love!!!
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your dress and all your designs. I've blogged/linked back to your site from my personal blog.
You are seriously amazing. I love it! Keep on rocking it!
That's so nice of you! I'll have my online class up in two months.. Maybe we could work a trade? You do such beautiful work
Darling dress. Looks like it was made just for my daughter! (I posted about it and linked back here.)
I'm not sure I've wanted anything you've posted more than this dress. Hopefully the fact that it's my birthday means good luck!!
What a beautiful dress. Sign me up to win! I created a link to my blog.
I'm double crossing my fingers!
I linked! That dress is fabulous! I may not be 20 still, but I'm hoping I can pull it off! hornsofmarshalleat.blogspot.com
your photo shoots are my FAVORITE!
i love seeing what you come up with...such brilliant ideas.
posted here: http://quirkology.blogspot.com/2009/03/grosgrain-love.html
oh! & thanks for reminding me that it's time to do laundry!
I linked! Awesome dress... perfectly lovely!
I seriously don't know how you can give your beautiful creations away. But I wouldn't be opposed to winning, for sure!
Found your site, blog hopping. I LOVE Love this dress. I have only seen a few of your post, but you are an amazing seamstress!! I love all the pictures and fun stuff you have put on your blog.
Someone else mentioned they didn't want to enter for everything so as not to be greedy.
I cannot help myself. I never stop at one Snicker bar so why stop at one giveaway?
I adore your work and shan't rest until I can claim a piece as mine....and prolly not even then:P
I post about the lovely laundry dress here...http://tout-est-des-roses.blogspot.com/
Have a Splendid Day,
I just love that dress!!!!!!!!!!!! and i want it!!
This is by far one of the cutest outfits I've ever seen! I just posted a link. I'm already imagining ways to wear this in my head. I seriously LOVE all the clothes you have on your site! And again, great photography.
I love this dress, and I love your photos! I posted about it!
i blogged!! hopefully it shows up!! =(
this dress is amazing!!!
Beautiful dress! You are very talented!
This is such a beautiful dress!
I posted it on my multiply site:
P.S. just click the Links tab on my profile page. Thanks!
Once again you have made something absolutely gorgeous - this screams 'Sunday Brunch at Farvorite Café in Spring Time' to me.
I so had to blog about it...
Just beautiful! You are very talented. I'd love to make one though I'm not sure my skills are up to the task.
Awesome dress.. any idea where to get a full slip? This dress would look amazing with cowboy boots!!
-- Backwoods Homemaker Barbie
Wow - I.love.this.dress!
I posted about this. And I want it badly!!!
- - april
Hello. This is another wonderful creation you have. The Sunday dress really is very pretty. Just like the conservatory overcoat, I'm crossing my fingers on this one.
Here's where I posted it: http://mythoughtsmyvoice.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/sunday-laundry-shirt-dress-giveaway/
Technorati doesn't seem to show a record of me linking :-(. Same with the conservatory overcoat before so I'm posting my link here to let you know. It's a shame really. I hope I get to be included this time :-)
(I'm using again your pic. Thanks)
Love this dress. I would love tow in it for my girl. or me! Linke posted here:
what great style you have...! just found your blog, and i'm so glad i did. i'm wondering what type of camera you own, cuz i like the way your pics look.
I'm hoping my link showed up.
If not, you can see it here--
Absolutely beautiful, btw!
It is adorable, I want it!
i would look for excuses to do laundry if i had this dress. simply beautiful.
It's beautiful!
How can you give this beauty away? Love.
oooh love it!! :) beautiful dress!!
hope my link worked!
if not, its here:
I love, love, love this dress. Love the girly ruffles and the print of the fabric. So I am a girl in her 20's that spends her Sunday's doing homework for the lovely school week ahead. I would like to be called "hip and trendy" and I think this dress would do just that. It really is beautiful. It is something that I would pick up in a store and buy...just my style. Please, enter me into the giveaway. I would love to win. I am crossing my fingers and wishing myself luck. Who knows it is my birthday this month and it is the month of luck...it could happen. Thanks for the daily inspiration....
Gorgeous. It looks like so much fun to wear!
I linked you as well.
Posted it! I love it and would love to know if you ever make another one to sell if I don't win!!!
LOVE, LOVE IT. You are so talented!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! LOVE IT!!! I bet it would also look awesome with a pair of skinny jeans!
You're linked on my blog!! As always! Everyone *has* to know about you!
gorgeous dress! love this style and am dying to wear it!
Amy D.
I love everything about this dress-the pattern and how feminine it is. Sometimes you just want to feel pretty and this dress would make anyone feel that way.
Oh! Dear. I'm so broke, and blue, and this dress is Just The Ticket.
I just realized that although I created a link and it shows up on my blog, I do not see the link on your list. Please enter me in the contest, I have you linked here:
Thanks so much! Your stuff is fab.
stunning, you have an amazing talent.
love it. gotta have it. posted it at jenny-jennywhocaniturnto.blogspot.com
This is so different from the things I normally wear, and I am in love with it! I would be so happy to win this, it would make me feel girly (which I so desperately need). I blogged it!
I wanted to post another comment, just to say that my blog link never shows up on your "Links to this Post" list. Maybe that's why I never win?!? Not sure, but it's there!
I created a link post but I do not see it on the list and I want to make sure I get entered to win :O)
I was trying to show you my link however it keeps bringing me back to your page, I am computer challenged!
So this is the first time I have entered a giveaway...I hope I did it right because I am in LOVE with this dress!!!! Do you just post the link or is there anything else I need to do???? When and how is the winner announced?
I probably don't fit into your imagined client profile, but I think that dress is SUPER cute and I'd love to win it.
Here's hoping!
Oops, figured it out...please disregard the questions about winner-I am pleading sleep deprivation on account of my baby girl!
Is this possible!!! You ahve found my dress! Send it over :o)
No, seriously, this is my dream dress. I mean, this dress has my name written all over it.
This is a lovely lovely dress. I really admire all of the time and work you put in to this dress.
Here's to hoping!
Oh, I love this dress! so pretty and feminine and girlie! I just posted a link.
commented earlier on the giveaway, but just posted your beautiful dress on my blog today too- dawndefined.blogspot.com your blog and creations are an inspiration. thanks!
Beautiful dress, and I have to do laundry. Plus, I have that hair, too, so it's a sign... yes?
I posted here:
how yummy is this!?! i am seriously heaRt'g it! fab-O
So perfect!!! I love this outfit!
I couldn't help it! This dress is to die for! I love it!
The dress is gorgeous! You are so talented!! I love the way the photos turned out too!!
Can't wait to see who wins!
I've been looking for a cute everyday dress! It's so amazing!
Beautiful! I especially love the fabric.
It is simply lovely :) I posted
I just found your blog through a friend and you have an amazing talent! This dress is so dang cute! I would LOVE to win this dress!
I post this for my daughter. 22 year old college senior, poor and beautiful, rather than the laundry, she hangs at the local coffee houses doing her never ending homework! She already has the perfect boots!
I post this for my daughter. 22 year old college senior, poor and beautiful, rather than the laundry, she hangs at the local coffee houses doing her never ending homework! She already has the perfect boots! Posted your link on http://kellyssewing.blogspot.com/
I love it!!! I created a link just now - - wish me luck!
I am a 20 year old college student. Sundays are are what we call Girl's Laundry Day over at the dorms. We walk to the laundry mat across the street from campus on Central Avenue. This is a beautiful dress! I linked it too: stephaniekean.blogspot.com.
This is amazing!! Gorgeous fabric :)
Okay. I gotta have that dress. I love that dress. I am no longer in my 20s and I do my laundry in my garage but I still love that dress. LOVE IT! I am posting to my blog right now.
I don't know if I am suppose to link myself here or how this works.. but just to be on the safe side....
I posted there!
I love it! This dress is just my style, BEAUTIFUL!
I SO want that dress!!!
(And I linked on my blog too.)
I love the fabric, it's gorgeous! I linked at:
Love it! I commented on my blog (http://thedailydetails.blogspot.com) that I'm not your ideal vision for this dress because I'm a stay-at-home mom in my 30s. Then I read your about me section and found out you're a stay-at-home mommy too. My 4-year-old daughter has helped me get in touch with my girly side so I am drawn to this dress in a way that my mostly black wearing 20 something self wouldn't have been. Good work!
So beautiful! I want it:)
Beautiful dress! Please include me in this wonderful giveaway!!! thanks so much
Love this one, great dress!
This fabulous dress would look amazing on my daughter! I'd love to surprise her with it.
love it- as usual!
I am amazed at this dress, super cute! Just added to my blog.
I love that dress. It is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely love this dress. so stinking cute! amsbolda@hotmail.com
Oh, I love it so much! Pick me! asteel527@yahoo.com
Amazing. I'd want to wear it every day. It is adorable and looks comfortable too!
Of course, as per usual, I am in love with another one of your creations (and those boots are so cute too!). And I can't wait until Daylight Savings...woohoo. Here's my link: http://melissaburford.typepad.com/burford_designs/2009/03/sunday-laundry-shirt-dress-giveaway.html
Thanks for another chance to win!
Um, yes please. Love the ruffling!
This is so funny because I was just at an old laundromat last weekend (as our washer and dryer are out of commision due to remodeling) and the whole time was thinking to myself that it would make a great fashion shoot location! It seems I was right, the photos are adorable :)
OMG! LOVE this! Posted link!
Wow, I am not 20 or single, but I am willing to go the laundry mat regularly if it means I get to wear this dress.
Blogged about it (Of course)
Wow , it a do everything,go everywhere ,girls just want to have fun dress. I love it.
seriously, kathleen. i am obsessed! i keep checking and checking. please oh please! guess what? i bought those wedges!!!
I am in despartate need of clothes for me. I shop for my daughter but not for me! Beautiful dress!
Love the dress. I posted a link
So cute! And your photos are fabulous. I'm so inspired by them.
What a GORGEOUS dress...wow. Really, just amazing...thanks for the giveaway.
The dress is amazing!
I just posted about this!
LOVELY creation, perfect for the desert (where I happen to live!)
That dress is awesome! I love your style and amazing talent! roachrio@yahoo.com
This dress is amazing! I love the fabric you picked out! I want to win it just to tick my mom off! She doesn't like this sort of fabric! I love it though! She would think it's too busy and old lady like!
Gorgeous! And totally worth braving the laundry mat attendant's glares...!
That dress us too cute. I love it and I want it. I can picture myself in it already. Pick me... pick me...There is always a link to you on my sidebar :)
It's so funky, love it!
no, seriously, you made this? Color me doubly impressed. btw, my moderation word is nosechop. No thank you!
BEAUTIFUL! My husband is US Army and we are currently stationed in bitter cold Fairbanks, Alaska. This dress reminds me of the warm, springy days of living back in the city somewhere in the lower forty-eight when I felt much more "at home". It's really lovely.
I adore this dress! WOW!
This is SO Adorable! So my style too. I have been following your blog for a while now and you never cease to surprise me with your creativity. I love the fabric you chose and all the details you put into this. Great work!
Ooh - pick me. I already have my shoes picked out!
OK I love this dress, and the photography is very cool, I'm jealous.
I just posted your link over at www.chickyc.blogspot.com so fingers crossed X
wow, it's beautiful. I'm not going to link it though because I know I don't have the right frame to pull it off. It wouldn't do your great dress justice!
This dress is truly beautiful! What a work of art!!!
BEAUTIFUL! Even if I don't win I'd like to make something similar. And the boots are gorgeous too!
Love it!
Lovely! Thanks for sharing a little about your process!
hello? i would love to wear this around the house. my hubby would enjoy seeing me in it I think.... :)
I am in LOVE!!! This dress is gorgeous!
You have a talent for making classic look fresh and simple. What can I say its fabulous!
I'm posting a link on my blog. I would love to have this dress. It is so beautiful!
if you get a chance visit me, I'm giving away "The Uprising" ring.
Cute cute cute!..even if i do do my laundry at home!
I am in love with this dress!
Please mail it to moi, asap!
I linked it at http://occasionalmartha.blogspot.com/
Awesome dress!
really pretty.. this dress would turn the tomboy in me upside down! Linked it on my blog.
This looks fun I would love to try it!
ajcmeyer AT go dOT com
I blogged! This dress is jaw on the floor GORGEOUS! I love it and even have the perfect knee high boots to wear with it.
Ok! You're linked! Oh to wear non-maternity clothes this summer! I can't wait!
love it, love it, love it. have the boots for it. blogged about it. =)
Just posted about this. It's literally a dream dress. Just beautiful.
so pretty....everything i love in a dress...
I just posted about this dress. I LOVE it!
Super cute dress! Looks great on you. Where do you find the time to make so many great things? Very talented.
I just posted a post. Wow! I think that dress is incredible and I admire you for making something so beautiful. I often try to make things but the NEVER turn out. I checked out a lot of stuff on here. You rock!
oh sweet bliss i would love this dress on a breezy summer day!!! i've posted a link and will definitely stop by again!
I love this dress; but, I don't have a blog... can I just tell some of my friends that are blogless, too?? I hope I will be entered to win ... this dress is beautiful.
this dress is so delightful! and i think photographer brian there is doing a pretty good job--especially that last picture!
You are awesome and very creative I love the floral print and coloring of the dress I can't wait to see what else you come up with
Love the dress...I'd wear it to New York and just stroll Central Park with my parasol. Of course, if I win I will totally let my husband know my plans!
I love this dress. It's so darn pretty. You are very talented.
LOVE IT!!! I could really use this in my wardrobe...
Gorgeous. Truly.
So pretty and delicate. Love pairing leather boots as balance. Nice touch. You are linked up on my crafty blog.
So totally my style! I would love to call it mine. Reminds me of summer days sipping lemonade and a day at the park. Perfect for this (almost) 21 year old-- right in time for my birthday! Thank you for your creativity-- your work is inspiring!
Have a great weekend... wishing you a sunshine filled day.
P.S. I posted about the dress on my blog-- who wouldn't want to share such talent? :)
I'm 40-something and I'd wear that dress in a minute!
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