Boojiboo Flirty Apron GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

June 25, 2009

Sometimes I really get into cooking. If I come across a recipe that excites me I go all out, buy $30 worth of ingredients, special serving dishes and go at it. For some reason or another this hasn't happened recently. But if I had one of these aprons by Boojiboo I think that would quickly change!

Oh aren't they the most darling?! Imagine your husband coming home to you cooking with one of these flirty feminine aprons on. I LOVE IT!

This giveaway is for any one of her many famous aprons in her store.

My favorite is the Maggie Vintage Inspired Pink Cupcake Full Apron pictured to the left. I love how it flares out and has the 'sweetest' retro design.

Boojiboo specializes in vintage inspired aprons for adults and children ( see below pic). The apron styles are all ORIGINAL Boojiboo designs, they make their own patterns to ensure a perfect fit, do not be fooled by imitations, make sure you own the original apron with the sweetheart neckline, flared skirt, and fitted bust!!!

They even have little aprons and reversible bibs for the little ones in retro prints.

If your purchase is for any special day, they will wrap it up and even include a little card, with your personal message! Just drop them a line or write it in 'message to seller' at checkout

All their products are original and handmade with love out of their tiny home. Their items will last you a LONG time. They take pride in their work, meaning no sloppy stitching, things are nice and ironed, and most of all, everything looks PRETTY!

Boojiboo is based out of the wonderful city of La Mirada. Boojiboo is run from their home, and everything you purchase is 100% handmade with love by them. If you would like to purchase from them, you can check out their online store or go to one of the many craft fairs they sell at.

They are a team of three, Boojiboo is the sewer but she gets lots of help from her two lovely daughters. They help her with custom orders, answering convos/emails, and listing as she claims she is technologically illiterate:) But she does the rest, including packing, shipping, and the funnest part of it, fabric shopping! She is a stay at home mom, so after the other household duties are taken care of, she has nothing to do but sew sew sew!

If you are interested in buying wholesale you can receive 20% off the item's listed price, with the minimum order being $200.00. You MUST contact Boojiboo BEFORE you order the aprons for the discount to apply.

The top of each aprons isn't just a flat piece, but has shape for a better fit. They've tested and made sure their aprons fit and look flattering on ANY body type, so rest-assured it will look good on you!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win an apron just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

103 {comments}:

Darla: Retro Ways said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow these are so gorgeous! Lovely! I cant even beign to decide which one I like more they are all ao freakin ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I am smitten by her shop and craftsmanship!

Have a good weekend hun!

♥ Darla

military76brat said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you so much! I have created a link on my blog to this wonderful giveaway!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said... Best Blogger Tips

these are gorgeous!

kendahl a. said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't even begin to tell you how in love with Boojiboo aprons I am. They are SO perfect and fit really well!

Cajun Girl Living In The Mountains said... Best Blogger Tips

I love aprons, and wear them almost every evening when cooking. Those are simply marvelous!!!

Cristin said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool! I figured it out! Its on my blog - woot!

Almost Always said... Best Blogger Tips

awesome giveaway...posted a link on my blog. thanks!

Doubly Blessed said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked! These are just TOO adorable!

April said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a darling pattern and the cupcakes are so fun! I love it, when you cook in something flirty your food tastes better. Your husband will think so too!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I Love these. I could see myslef in one everyday. I love being in the kitchen baking and cooking but always make such a mess.

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! Hope I win, I need an apron SO bad!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

So so cute! I am not sure if I did the link right but here is my post.

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

These are wonderful aprons. I've been planning to make one for a couple of years -- even have the fabric, but I haven't found a pattern I like. I would love to win this apron since it will probably be a few more years before I get around to making one.

Amy Lynn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! I dont think they could be any cuter!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

SO, SO cute! I posted a link here:

Vanessa be good said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these apron, especially the pink cupcake one!

Vanessa be good said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these aprons, especially the pink cupcake one!

DeNiSe said... Best Blogger Tips

PLease enter me soooo cute

Nama said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, how cute! I really want one of these. So I linked to it:

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I want one of these soooooo bad!!!!!

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips

Soooooo in love. I adore aprons, but I love the style and fit of these.

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

These are super cute...can we please start a wear your apron out of the house fashion trend though, because I so could not just wear this making spaghetti!

janil said... Best Blogger Tips


Jeni and Jenilee said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute apron!!! Just what I need for baking cakes!! plus hubby would get a kick out of this and some super cute heels! lol and throw dinner on top of that!

Added it to my blog too!!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

these aprons rock!! if i win i don't know how i will choose one!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

So very pretty!! The craftwomanship is fabulous!

Mearaid said... Best Blogger Tips

Her aprons are amazing. I bought one for my niece for Christmas and she loved it.

Ritzman said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't stand it! So attractive!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted! Thanks for the giveaway.

janetfaye said... Best Blogger Tips

The aprons are adorable!

Link is here:

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

throuthehaze said... Best Blogger Tips

added to my blog!

Sherry Go Sharing said... Best Blogger Tips

blogged this

to tell my readers :)

sherrygo at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have your link here:

Please visit my site for giveaways every Friday!

Roslyn said... Best Blogger Tips

These aprons are divine!

malleycc said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW beautiful aprons. I love them. I posted the link in my blog--not positive if I did it right but here is the link.

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

i feel a dinner party comming on...:)

Treasuresofjoy said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this!! I really would give as a gift to my best friend though!

Alhana said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous aprons. I've created a link on my blog too. Good luck everyone!! :-D

Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

These are lovely aprons, a very generous giveaway! I just posted on my site:

Thanks and have a great weekend.

Bridge said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful. I wish I had such talent. These are great!

Diana Banana said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! They are gorgeous. Any woman would feel beautiful waring one. Thanks for the chance to win an apron.

YayaOrchid said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I too created a link on my blog.

Ammieloris said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE these aprons! Thanks for the giveaway. (My link is here.)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been eyeing these aprons ever since they caught my eye on Etsy. They're gorgeous! I'm crossing my fingers ;o)

Beth W said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Boojiboo! Thanks for giving one away. I created a link in my blog:

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Linked! =-D

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! It makes being domestic flirting and fun!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win one for my goddaughter's 6th birthday!

Laura K (

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Just darling! I'm linking!

Crystal Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness!
I can't even start to express how much I love all of her designs!
Oh my!

zees5 said... Best Blogger Tips

I twittered. These are loooooooovely aprons!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted a link on my blog!

These aprons are adorable!

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

I got a little lost at Boojiboo! Wow! these are just the cutest! Just posted a link on my blog.

Jana and Mario said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute idea! I might have to get out the sewing machine and make myself something like this, that is if I don't win!;)

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!

Back in the day, all the way to 10th grade in Home Ec, I remember trying to make an apron that ended up with the most insane (probably very fashionable at the moment, actually) stitches all over the place, because I am a bit touched in the head when it comes to sewing machines.

Don't even get me started on the fabric I had to use...

Long story short, I want an apron made by someone slightly more artistically inclined than myself. YES.

Evelyn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh love! So cute! Linked it over on my blog. Thanks for making it so easy! The hardest part would be picking a fave :)

Gillian said... Best Blogger Tips

I've linked to this on my blog! They are too, too cute! One can never have enough aprons :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your blog & have shared with friends who love it too. It's so fun to see all the creative things you do!

I'm hoping to win an apron too. I don't have a blog so I'm leaving my email.


Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, oh, I know why I've never won one of your giveaways...because I was saving up for this one! I adore aprons! :)

DELiciousDesignz said... Best Blogger Tips

I have had these aprons in my list of favourites - I adore them. So funky and retro...

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

These are all SO cute! I'm so jealous of how she can create stunning pieces!!!

MandS said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all of them but i think my favorite is the yellowish one. So cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love aprons! I love the cupcake design I linked this page in hopes of winning one.

Kelly Casanova said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous aprons (love the cupcake!), I've put a link on my blog.

Furniture removalist said... Best Blogger Tips

definitely flirty.. :-)

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these aprons and am so excited to enter this giveaway! Boojiboo's work is beautiful.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

sooooooo freakin' cute!!

v said... Best Blogger Tips

I post up the link at Its Free lol

Beth's Blog said... Best Blogger Tips

The aprons are beautiful!
Thank You :)

I have created a link from my blog back to yours.


Harker Family said... Best Blogger Tips

SOOOO Super ADORABLE!!! I LOVE them! They are all so cute!

Harker Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these apron's they are soooo stinkin ADORABLE!!! LOVE them all!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG - I love those aprons. I would totally cook more too if I had a stinkin' cute apron to wear. g

michelle@somedaycrafts said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I love these aprons!!!

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said... Best Blogger Tips

I am DROOLING ......

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

These are to pretty to cook in! They are gorgeous!

Thanks for the chance to win!

superbadfriend said... Best Blogger Tips

OH, these are incredibly beautiful. Please enter me tooo! :)

(superbadfriend at gmail dot com)

Scarlet856 said... Best Blogger Tips

I love, love, love these aprons!! Yes, please enter me in the contest! I have placed this link on my website under "vendors." Thanks! said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree, the cupcake one is my fave too, but they are all cute as can be.

Cheri' said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so beautiful! Thanks for have this giveaway! I posted a link for it on my blog. Again, these are so lovely!

Jean said... Best Blogger Tips

These are absolutely adorable. I've, of course, posted a link.

Dandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't even own an apron and now I'm going to have to start collecting them!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love vintage aprons. They are marvelous!

Miss Jean said... Best Blogger Tips

these are just adorable, love the circle skirt

The Royal Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these, I posted!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would wear this all day long if I won one! If I don't win I"ll have to figure out how to make on- too cute to pass up!

frugal mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

These are great!! I am just getting into pie baking time and I use an apron almost daily. These are so pretty!!!!

Jared and Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I'm not too late to get in the mix. I've been looking for a cute apron for so long!

TRS said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm linked! I want the yellow one!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm totally making some Raspberry Lemon cupcakes this weekend, too bad I won't have an apron by then!

My mom is teaching me how to make things like homemade salsa and such so I would definitely get some use out of an apron =]

tiarastantrums said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't wear aprons - I'm not entering- I was just wondering about that fab retro oven/stove - is that IN your kitchen?? Did you purchase that somewhere??

Me said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY WORD! You so rock the sewing machine! I envy your mad skillz!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them all I have posted a link on my site.

I just love your products!

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them! All of them! One in each color!

I have blogged on my blog about this great giveaway!

lrmart said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow what lovely apron's very retro.
Posted a link on my blog!


sooze said... Best Blogger Tips

aprons are my greatest love intrest. Boojiboo aprons are so beautiful, I drool each time I see one. love 'em!

Emz said... Best Blogger Tips

I promise I will bake/cook/make dinner..........if I can have this! ;) p l e a s e !

Mrs Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously these are so vintagely perfect!

;) flirty, sweet, cute, and so much more!

:) love her work

Cricket said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love these. Oh please let the fates be on my side for this one!

Moriah said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them!

Faith said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the apple apron and I have high hopes to get one.

Staci at Craftify It ! said... Best Blogger Tips

That would flatter ANY figure...including MINE! I would love to win one! Just linked!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You do really have cute waist apron, by the way where can i purchase that? is it available in malls?

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