Photo to the left is from flickr user danawillard.
She calls this little yellow number a "shortie". The best part is that it is refashioned from a men's T-shirt. Believe it!

It's a playful take on a simple shirred dress. It's a onesie shorts outfit, or....a Shortie! The top was first sewn with lines of orange to make the color pop and then sewn over again with orange thread on top and elastic thread in the bobbin. And to make the Shortie work, she added a crotch piece made from the sleeves of the shirt so that the hems match.
Look for a tutorial soon on her blog: Made.
Speaking of refashions, check out this photo to your right. It is made my flickr user Purple Pinwheel.
Deborah was given an adult sized dress from a friend and turned it into this! So adorable and fits so well. See how she did it on her blog: Wonderwoman Creations.
I think refashions are great not only because you're recycling something that might have been tossed otherwise but because it usually required less work. Most of the knitty gritty work is done for you. The cutting of the pattern, sewing all the little corners and hems. Mostly done. And the before and afters are so much fun!

Look at this little darling top to your left. Made by flickr user SurrealDesign.
This little smock style shirt was made from a KitschyCoo Kids Pattern. Nyssa used a Coconut Shell Button and some gorgeous Japanese Cotton with Owls on it.
She lined it, but didn't make it reversible. The beauty of this smock style top is that it can be worn with the button to the front or the back, one button or more, reversible or not.. etc etc.. and of course, it looks lovely over my hand dyed Bamboo/Cotton Shirt.
See more at her blog: Surreal Design.

Let me tell you readers that I don't see enough little boy clothes. Both in my life and on flickr. Which is why I'm so delighted when something like this little playsuit comes along. Made by flickr user little-1.
Playsuit inspired by Oliver + S. Second long legged suit. Love the apple fabric paired with the gray. Very subtle and boy appropriate.

The finished product looks great! Makes me long for October. Even more impressive his dress is made from two thrifted curtain panels. For more details see Sarah's blog: Sarah Sews.
5 {comments}:
Awwww!! That yellow 'shortie' is so adorable! Please sing me up! I really want to try and win this for my niece Alexis. :) I have never won something before, but this would be great for Alexis!
Thanks for posting my pic! it's always to be on Grosgrain!
Thankyou for including my playsuit in your flickr faves. I'm tickeled pink you liked it enough to include.
I made a dress for myself back in the early 70s from raw silk that my cousin brought back from a stint in the Navy in Japan. My grand daughter saw it last time she was here and wants a dress JUST LIKE IT! I was thinking that I could make one SORT OF LIKE IT! But, I talked to her yesterday and that won't do. I have decided that I'm going to try to cut it down to fit her. She's only 9 so there should be enough fabric. I found a pattern almost just like it. I love refashioned things. I'll have to try a shortie! How cute!
Thanks muchly for choosing my item as a Favourite, I think I'm extraordinarily lucky that my daughter is so photogenic, makes my stuff look so great! :D
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