When I was pregnant with Molly I had a small baby shower with just family which was what I needed because I had nearly everything.
There's only one thing now that I wish I had if I were to ever have another shower. That is a nursing cover!

Simple I know. But surprisingly I had never been given one of these, nor have I ever seen one in stores. I didn't nurse longer than 3 months with my first daughter because I had to go back to work but with Molly I nursed until about 18 months. And there were a LOT of public feedings where I lay draped under a heavy blanket.
It's too bad I hadn't been introduced to Kookles:)

Christi makes stylish nursing covers out of (my favorite) Amy Butler fabric and other unique designs.
This giveaway is for a nursing cover in Pink Jellybean Print.
With this nursing cover you can conveniently nurse your child when out-and-about. It measures 40" wide and 25" long. This generous size allows Moms to nurse comfortably without worrying about embarrassing exposures!

The Kookles Nursing Cover features an adjustable neck strap and a terrycloth or minky pocket on the inside, which can hold a nursing pad or pacifier, and can be used as a small burp cloth.
The unique neckline allows nursing Moms to see their child without having to lift up a blanket and also lets air circulate which helps prevent babies from getting too hot.

If you're expecting or if you know someone who is, you must take a look!
It's something most people overlook in their shower list but I promise, if you nurse, it will be indispensable.
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this nursing cover just link back to this post.
If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
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28 {comments}:
I'm long past needing one of those, but I wish I'd had it ten years ago! What a smart idea!
I would Love this. Seeing how I live in Houston and nurse a 3 month old-we either expose too much or melt under a hot cover. I love the fabric!
Nursing covers are so great...and they make great gifts!
I am expecting in about 2 months so I am super excited about this giveaway...
If I don't win I may try to make one myself since I can't afford it. I've taken on a love for sewing recently and just finished my first baby quilt for my little one. Maybe this will be my next project :)
I just love reading your blog, it is so inspiring and makes me want to be more crafty
I have been wanting one of these covers! I love all her prints she offers and the pink jellybean is just too cute!
I would LOVE to have one of these... I'm so tired of the blanket slipping off my shoulder. I created a link!
I need me one of these! Bad.
Lovely!! Pick me!!
my sister in law has one of these and loves it. I have never used one but think it would be wonderful. I am expecting on Christmas Day!
I need that! I am having a hard time finding those.
as a grandma i don't need one of these but my daughter in law would love it- she uses the old blanket technique now and its forever falling off or making them both too hot. her baby is only a month old and she generally feeds for 12- 18 months so this would be great for her as a surprise
i just had a baby boy . winning this would make nursing a whole lot easier.
Please email me! arroller @ q dot com. I placed an order from your store last December and never received my items. My credit card was charged and I've emailed a bunch of times with no response.
Angela :-)
so Darling! I'd love to win!
So cute!
I would love to have a nursing cover. I'm expecting my second baby in a few weeks, and nursing didn't go well with my first little one. Hopefully round two will go better. I posted a link, but it's not showing up in your link list. Here it is:
how wonderful! definitely would put this to use as I am currently nursing!
I just made my first nursing cover (with amy butler!) for a friend and sadly said goodbye whist thinking maybe I could be more modest...lol.
I am due in 3 wks and plan to breast feed. This would be great in the hospital when company will be coming in and out. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just had twins and I really need one of these if I am ever going to go out with them! They are great!
I would love to have one of these! They are super cute!
Posted a link!
What a great giveaway! #2 will be coming along I hope by next summer and would love to have one of these
I had something similar years ago but lost it. I certainly could use another! I posted a link.
Is the giveaway still going on? I'm due with my 3rd in Dec and I've been looking for a good cover up and these are so cute. I've never been to your site before, how does this giveaway stuff work?
this would be great, i am nursing a wee babe right now and he rips the blanket off at the most untimely moments, if we had one of these we wouldn't be giving peep shows in public, haha i created a link
I posted a link
Created a link:
The pink jellybean fabric would be perfect! I'm expecting a girl in November :)
This nursing cover is so cute! When will the winner be posted? http://sewingforkeikis.blogspot.com/
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