Indian Summer Shirt and Skirt CLOSED!!!!

September 14, 2009

This design was modeled after a skirt and plaid shirt I saw on Makool. I liked it on an adult but I thought it would be cute on my five year old daughter, Lily.

With school starting and the leaves starting to change I wanted to  sew something that could be worn with a sweater or nothing at all. I thought this little outfit reminded me of Indian Summer because it was both cool and school at the same time.

Brian said I should have named this the "Peggy" Shirt and Skirt since, on the dress form, it looked like something Peggy Olson from Madmen would wear.

The skirt is made from linen. It has four pleats in the front and one large tie in the middle. The back has a 6" band of elastic so that it can be worn for a couple years. I made this skirt and documented the pattern which for me is SOO hard and makes the process seem so much longer and tedious. But what's nice is that, in the end, you can make it again without much trouble. The only thing I'd change if I remade this skirt would be to add side pockets in the side seams. I think that would look cute.

The shirt was made from a fabric I bought at Warm Biscuit. I searched high and lo for a purple and green plaid fabric. Of course, when I have something that specific in mind it's no where to be found.

I was lucky to find this. As you know, I hate paying for shipping but this fabric was exactly what I was looking for so I bit the bullet and bought it and I'm really pleased with my purchase. It was EXACTLY what I needed.

For the shirt, I also created a pattern as I went. Surprisingly it wasn't as hard as the skirt. Sometimes things just work out that way. If there was one thing I would change about the shirt it would be to add a side front pocket. What is it with me and pockets?

As you can see I added a ruffled collar that extends to the sides of the front. I rolled up the sleeves and buttoned them to the top of the shoulders, military style, with a cuff holder. I added small plum colored buttons on the front. Originally I had really HUGE plum colored ones but that looked really wrong. In the end, I think these worked better.

Whenever I make a buttoned down shirt I dread DREAD the thought sewing buttonholes. For the longest time I couldn't find my buttonhole foot. And to make matters worse, I couldn't remember how to use it.

A couple weeks ago I came across a bag of attachments that I had thought were gone for good. In it was MY BUTTONHOLE FOOT! Hooray! Now to figure out how to use it. Thank god for the internet, what did we ever do without it? After reading a simple tutorial, I was sewing perfect button holes in minutes. It was beyond easy. There's something so satisfying about sewing a perfect button hole.
I very nearly enjoyed it....very nearly.

I bought the shiny plum colored ballet flat shoes at Goodwill for a buck. The socks came from L.L.Bean in a neat little knee-high pack of three.

As you can see below I finally broke down and bought a child jersey pinnable dress form and I am so much better for it. I no longer have to ask Lily to try on a shirt with pins sticking out. And it looks so professional. I really love it. This particular one has shoulders and about an inch of arm which works really well when measuring sleeves. I'd love to get an adult sized one. I currently have an adult sized adjustable dress form that's great for measuring but not for displaying. I love these mahogany topped jersey forms on ebay.

Lily loved this shoot as she got the chance to ride her bike on a nice warm day. The past few have been really ugly. Wet, cold and gray. So today was really fitting for this outfit.

Although I don't think it's technically an Indian summer for the fact that we haven't had a frost.....and it's still the real summer:)

s for me, I was beyond pooped when we got home. We really didn't walk very far but the squatting and standing and lack of bottled water took its toll on me.

I got home flopped on the sofa without even considering to take the tricycle out of my front seat. It's still there. It will be there until I give birth. I'm going to go ahead and blame the pregnancy and not my lack of fitness:)

I also want to mention that this next coming month will be October. And with October comes Halloween and with Halloween comes COSTUMES!

I have been planning a few things and hope to start off with a BANG beginning next month. So look for some costumes to win for your little ones.

I spent all of yesterday looking at photos and making lists and buying material. Now comes the hard part....starting. That's where I hit a roadblock. It's the hardest thing for me to start a project from scratch. There's just so much work involved it seems so futile.


49 {comments}:

joolee said... Best Blogger Tips

*GASP* Darling! Oh please make one in my size... you'll be linky-linked to my blog in no time! :)

Eve said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree with joolee - I want one that fits me! ;)

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Super Adorable... LOVE it. You will be linked!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked you to my blog. I can not explain how cute this outfit is! Uh, could you make one in my size? :) I so want that.

gatornic said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! I love the details on the sleeves and the pleats in the front. Beautiful as usual!

Are you going to keep us all in suspense about your 'news'???? :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm pretty sure I'm going to break into hives if I don't at least get to see a photograph of that pattern so I can try and convince my fabric to make that exact same skirt for meeee~!
Granted, I have a magazine with a similar skirt so I'm sure I could figure it out but I'd sure love to know if you came up with a simpler way, lady.

Kristy said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this whole outfit!!

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning! My daughter thinks your blog is a catalog :) I posted a link here.

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazingly beautiful! I posted a link to my blog, but am not sure if I did it right...could you count me in on this one please :)

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

Just beautiful!!! :DDDDD

julia said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit!!

The Santiago Four said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful! My 4 yr old would love this and my 3 yr old will love it as a hand me down!

Lindsay Riggs said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh dear, this is the cutest thing in the world! I linked up! Please, please! :)

Esther Diehl said... Best Blogger Tips

I keep pinching myself because I MUST be dreaming.

These dress forms are SO affordable.


Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

i hit the create a link button so i am assuming that you know i have created a link without me posting a comment, but just in case i am going to comment anyway because this outfit is way cute, my daughter would totally love it. Do you think the skirt would work in a light wieght wool blend?

Simple Sage said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't even believe how perfect this is! It's like a mini Anthropologie inspired outfit. It's absolutely beautiful and I want one in my size!

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG! This is simply adorable! great job, again, GrosGrain!
linky luv coming your way...
Cheers, Myshell

Karin said... Best Blogger Tips

they are georgous!!!!
I blog this.

greetings karin

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

My, my, my you do beautiful work mama! I secretly feel so lucky that your daughter is the same size as mine b/c I then can keep hoping that one day I will win one of your masterpieces and use it for all 3 of my girls :) I hope that you are feeling good today! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely adorable, love the tie waist on the skirt and the detail around the collar-a one of a kind!

indywriter said... Best Blogger Tips

Last time I tried this, you never seemed to get the link... so here it is (just in case).

DIY Crush Blog said... Best Blogger Tips

That outfit is so unique unlike anything I have seen in a while! I'd love to win it! My daughter just now got into size 4t.
Thanks for this great giveaway!

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love this outfit. I agree please share the pattern for all of us that don't get to win.
I linked.

Karen Burr said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

love it!
Wish I could be half as talented as you!
Blogged it-

Casey said... Best Blogger Tips it!!!
I have just the little girl for this outfit!!


Kasey McKay said... Best Blogger Tips

i LOVE this outfit! i need it in an adult size, please!! also, where did you get that amazing green tricycle?

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable! YOu are so creative! I'm just learning the ropes to the whole blogging thing, so I hope I did this right. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

pacotille said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely !
The link is on my blog :

shindylahoe said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link! I could't believe you were giving this skirt away. seriously my favorite kind of skirt EVER.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

what a lovely outfit! the purple and greens go soooo well together! You are definitely linked to my blog. :)

Alexa Mae said... Best Blogger Tips

I have to have this! love.

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beyond darling! Loving it so much :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Janae said... Best Blogger Tips

I've linked!

Nikki said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!! I LOVE this!! Want it...please...:)

Valeria said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute!!!! I blog abaut this beautiful outfit!!!!

Fresh Tea : said... Best Blogger Tips

So delicious, love this ensemble and would love to have it too!

blogged here:

KellyS said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found you today and I'll be back for sure. You're linked. Love it!!!

Rachel Hagen said... Best Blogger Tips

*gasp* this is beautiful!! I'm pregnant with our first one...we have no clue if it's a boy or girl. but I want this so badly. Pick me ! Pick me!

Amy C said... Best Blogger Tips

posted link on my blog

Bella Beginnings said... Best Blogger Tips

My little daughter would look adorable in this outfit!!! Please pick me!

emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm just catching up on your blog... This looks so much like a photoshoot/skirt by makool loves you. There has to be a connection here, right? I mean, were you inspired by them, or were they inspired by you? This can't be a coincidence! Regardless, I love both renditions - for adults and little girls.

College Term Papers said... Best Blogger Tips

She is looking so adorable.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This skirt and photo look really similar to my skirt.

just sayin'


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those shirts are so simple but elegant. I think they are a must have. I love the staff on your website. quotes

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Unique and beautiful shirt..

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