When we announced to Brian's parents that we were pregnant I had wanted to surprise them in a cute way. This led to some confusion about what exactly we were having.
Brian's mother had bought a cookbook for Lily all about baking cupcakes. She looked through it for days and insisted upon making each recipe. She took it with her on car trips, carried it in her purse around the house, and talked endlessly about going to the grocery store to get all the ingredients.
So I thought a funny way to announce our news would be invite ourselves over to their home with the promise of homemade cupcakes that secretly spelled out

on the tops.h-a-v-i-n-g

I wanted to be extra creative so instead of using icing I thought I'd cut out each letter with paper, then sprinkle confectioners sugar over top and remove the paper leaving a clean blank letter behind.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Unfortunately last weekend was hot. Really hot. And the sun shone hard on the plastic Tupperware container for the 30 minutes it took to drive to their house.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Have you seen what happens to confectioners sugar when mixed with moisture? By the time we got there the characters had expanded like the bubble letters you doodled in your junior high notebook.
I was nervous. I was so nervous. I laid the plastic container down on the dining table while Ann hovered over the cakes confused, stiffly pronouncing "We....were....we're....having a.....par....ty....?"

Not quite. Although I guess eventually we might have a party for the baby.
We awkwardly had to explain that we were actually having a baby....not a party. It wasn't quite the climactic declaration I had imagined:)
Long story short. When you're announcing big news don't rely on perishable condiments.
He or she is due Jan. 30th. Maybe I'll announce the gender by baking some pink, blue or (more likely) ambiguous purple cupcakes.
Photos courtesy of flickr user ellie+eden, Mossy's masterpiece cake/cupcake designs, and Martha Stewart.
I had hoped to post pictures of the actual cupcakes we made but they were just too tragic to share with anyone.
45 {comments}:
Congratulations!!! That is such a funny story!! But it's wonderful because now you have a story to pass down to your newest little one!
Such a cute story - and hearty congrats to all! Hope you have an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy little one. Keep us updated, please! :)
Congratulations- Hoping you feel better soon. Having a baby is like a great party. All of the planning and preparing and then it is here in a flash and finally trying to get back to normal/the swing of things after the party. But with a little one the fun never ends.
Congratulations, and even though it didn't work out as planned , your idea for revealing the news was very creative.
Congratulations! Love the story, thanks for sharing.
Aww! Congratulations!! What a funny story...
When I was pregnant with #4, we gave my in-laws a card that said "Congratulations" on the front, and inside we had a picture from my ultrasound. It was AWESOME.
So there's an idea for next time!! ;)
Congratulations!!! Hope the little one turns out to be a really great party :-)
HA! awesome, congratulations!
Congratulations to you and your family. I hope you have a healthy and easy pregnancy!
Congrats! :)
Yes, Congratulations!
I can't wait to find a fun way to make the big announcement when we have kids- but thanks for the advice. I will not use food. ;)
So exciting! Congratulations!
Aww-what a cute idea. Don't forget to write about it in your baby book! I am sure your little one would love reading about it later in life. Congrats!
And now you'll have another gorgeous wee bairn to model in your stylish sewing get-ups for your giveaways!
Congratulations. So excited for you.
Congrats! Sorry to hear the announcement didn't go quite as planned :-) We may have an announcement of our own soon ;-)
Woo hoo!
I'm thrilled for you!
Three is wonderfully crazy and fun.
I hope you're feeling much better!
Congratulations! How wonderful! I knew something was going on! ;)
A friend of mine gave her mother the positive pregnancy test - yes...that she'd peed on. The cupcake idea is MUCH better...even if the letters were messed up. ;)
Kathleen, CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you. Maybe you'll have a boy and can join the ranks of making boy things cute. I'd love to see your take on it all.
Funny story about the cupcakes. It was a cute idea though. Hope you're feeling better!
- dana
Congrats! Hope you are feeling better!
Congratulations! The first few months really take the energy and the craft mojo out of you:(
Congratulations !!! FELICITATIONS !!! thanks for sharing such a cute and lovely story ... you made my day ...
Congratulations! I agree with Dana. You need a boy! That would benefit the (my) world oh so much.
Congratulations. What wonderful news. I hope it's a lovely, sick free pregnancy.
Congratulations! I hope the next five months are a little easier on you than the last four - I can't wait to see what wonderful stuff you create for this new addition to your family!
What a great reason to party!
Congrats! :D
I have been following your blog for ages now and don't think I ever commented, but this seems like a great time to start: Congrats!!! (here's from a boy Momma awaiting some fun Grosgrain male goodies)---hope you have a little boy!!! But no matter he or she, I pray it is healthy and you are too!!!
Congratulations and your story was so adorable. You are too sweet.
Congrats! I thought you might be expecting with the number of baby things that have featured lately! Love your blog by the way, very inspiring.
Congrats again dear lady. see you tomorrow! will lily be coming too or is she in school?
Congrats!!! That is very exciting and what a creative idea to share the joy.
oh a big congratulations...that is wonderful....and really I think that's a fantastic story...one to put in the baby book for sure
Congrats to you. You have such beautiful children, why not have more? I was wondering why you creations had been so scant lately. This explains it all! Yeah for you and your family
Congratulations!! It's a very cute story even if the announcement didn't turn out quite as planned. :o) I have so many friends who are pregnant right now, it's making me want another one. Must resist.
Congratulations again!
Congratulations!!!!!! Hope you are feeling better soon. I'm betting on a girl???
Congrats! Three changes everything!! So much fun!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting :) I guess I'll be more patient while I wait for your darling posts. I hope things go smoothly and I hope you get to feeling better!
Oh wonderful news! I have an 8 month old baby girl and she is better than I ever could have imagined. You are in for a treat!
My sister tried to announce her baby to her in-laws in a cute way too, though not through perishables. They like to play games, so she worked out with her sister-in-law and husband that they would play Win, Lose or Draw and the clue their parents would have to guess was the title to the movie "She's Having a Baby". Needless to say, everything did not go as planned and it became awkward.
The important part is that you both were able to share happy news and have people be excited for your new arrival. All the rest is just interest and texture!
Oh, congratulations!!! So exciting. My mom is going to have a baby any day now so I understand the excitement :-D I hope you have a gorgeous, healthy baby and a beautiful pregnancy!
Oh, Kathleen!!! How delightful...Best wishes from my family to yours~
Remember ginger snaps and peppermints help with the sickness~
Susannah @ Art Nest
Congrats, Kathleen! How exciting! =)
Oh the bliss, the happiness! A baby will join the family!
Congratulations! Despite the not-so-great turnout with your announcement, I'm sure it was still a happy occasion any. Besides, that will be something to remember. Hope you're feeling better and out of the morning sickness phase.
Congratulations, what a wonderful news!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! just catching up on some reading when I read your lovely news.
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