Queen of Hearts and Alice in Wonderland Costume Set GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

October 20, 2009

When July came around I began debating what I would make for Halloween. Then I came across Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' stills and I knew I had found my muse. The Queen of Hearts dress is modeled after his version here, and here.

The giveaway includes: The Queen of Hearts Dress, wig and crown and striped tights and red pettiskirt. The Alice in Wonderland Dress. The rabbit mask. TO BE ENTERED PLEASE LINK TO THIS POST. EITHER USE THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST OR CREATE YOUR OWN.

For the Queen of Hearts dress, I tried to exact every small detail. (Notice the pintucked upper bodice:) Of course, there were a number of things I could not find. The gold and red paisley overskirt material wasn't available at any store I visited. So I bought the gold striped material instead and bustled it with black and red striped gold buttons. Bustles just look better anyway.

Lily was surprisingly cooperative about all the makeup. I think she has this little girl obsession with it. Plus when I told her that I was going to make a heart shape on her lips she became excited and ran to the mirror before I could even finish.

If you want to know how I made Lily's makeup, here is a REALLY perfect tutorial. Kandee, a makeup artist in LA explains how to make various costume makeup tutorials as well as basic everyday makeup tutorials. Very handy.

The jewelry detailing on the upper bodice was all done by hand. I mean with pliers and metal cutters. I can't tell you how many details went into this dress. There might just be a hundred buttons. And did I mention I didn't use a single pattern.

It literally took weeks to finish. Of course I didn't work on it everyday but from the first day I started to the last day (being today) weeks have passed. Seeing it on the mannequin was so rewarding. And making the patterns was so much easier with it. I didn't have to ask Lily to take her shirt off once.

Molly's little Alice costume was a little easier to make:) But simply ADORABLE none-the-less. I did use a pattern for the upper bodice. But the sleeves, skirt collar and apron sleeves are my own.

I brought a black ribbon to go in her hair but forgot to bring a scissors to cut it. So that was a bust.

We brought so many props that just never got used and it was such a shame. Brian had a black umbrella. Lily had a scepter. I brought a red paint can and painted brush for Molly.

The croquet set I brought down from my mother's attic. That alone should be worth something because it was in the back where the light doesn't shine and nothing has been touched for decades.

Her house is literally crawling with centipedes so I didn't even want to know what was waiting to crawl onto my hands when I put my fingers around the top. Once I got it down the stairs and into the light, things didn't look half bad. We've had it since I was born, probably longer, so it's from the 70s. While I wiped it down my mother told me a sad story about how she always hoped to use it for parties.

I'm glad we took a lot of pictures of Lily and Molly in these dresses because it will break my heart to give them away. I'm hoping the winner will be able to put them to good use.

Molly was so difficult to shoot. We went after I picked Lily up from Kindergarten so by the time I got her makeup on and the car packed the sunlight was quickly fading so I had to set my shutter speed low.

In retrospect I should have used a different lens with a wider aperture or bumped my ISO to 400 but in the heat of the moment everything flies out the window. Photographing children is SOO HARD! Molly does not sit still. Not if you beg, plead or bargain with her. She runs around and screams and looks like a blur on the lens.

The queen's wig was purchased at chasing fireflies and is made for a child's head so it fit Lily to a T! I was lucky to find it, though I wish it had been a little cheaper. It's almost worth entering for that alone:)

What I really like about the queen's dress is that you can wear a long sleeves v-neck shirt underneath and pants. So on cold Trick or Treat nights you don't have to worry about compromising the look of the costume.

In case you missed it, a red pettiskirt is also included. This can be worn underneath the queen of hearts skirt to puff it out but it can ALSO be worn by itself as a pettiskirt. It's the same one featured here.

Lily was excited to submit one of these photos for the Sprouterrific Halloween Costume Contest. I think it was partially responsible for her motivation to do the photos. Not five minutes after I sat down to my computer to upload the photos from the camera did she ask if I sent a photo yet. Here's hoping she wins something:) I forgot to send a homemade card on her birthday so I need to do some make up work.

Oh, I didn't really say too much about Molly's costume. Well, I added little rounded pockets on the apron. The first time we put the finished costume on her was at the shooting location. Our initial reactions were 'awwww'. If I had the extra time I would have made a pettiskirt for underneath her skirt as well. If you win and have an extra one I would recommend using it. I think it would add that extra pinch of cuteness.

Since the Queen of hearts is known for her short temper, I would have also made a card costume for myself so that Lily would have someone to abuse in the photos, if I would have had enough time.

As it turned out Brian had to be that willing participant. But as you can see, it was Lily's favorite part of the shoot.

Both Lily and Molly enjoyed chasing him through the hedge maze and around the amphitheater.

We were really lucky to score a semi decent day this late in October. It was still warm enough to wear short sleeves. The sun came out once or twice and most importantly, IT DID NOT RAIN. It is supposed to rain through the rest of the week so I knew if I was going to post these pics it would have to be soon!

I'm trying to think of new set designs for my indoor (makeshift) studio. Not only is it warmer but it's a lot easier to control the babies downstairs.

This will probably be one of my last outdoor photo shoots until April. One of the things I hate about living on the east coast is the weather. Give me a hot and humid over frozen and blustery any day, though neither really appeal to me. Days like today, when the temperatures are in the 60s to 70s are just what I love.

My mother was born and raised in Hawaii then moved to California after she was married. Why they moved to Pennsylvania I'll never know.

I once read a strange statistic about Pacific Islanders that said something like only 1-2% of native born Pacific Islanders move to the East Coast. Really? Maybe I somehow read that wrong?

Another prop I wish I could have found were flamingos. But how many times do you see stuffed flamingos? I used to work at Hersheypark as a teenager. I once worked at this game called 'Rising Waters'. Whenever people played it sang the main reframe of Kenny Loggins' "I'm Alright". After 100 games it was enough to drive you to tears. But the prize for winning? A FLAMINGO! I bet they still have them there now.

I kind of thought Lily's hair looked like it would also work for an 'Annie' costume. Speaking of Annie, Molly at only 2, has a concerning obsession for the movie and requests to watch it everyday.

She is absolutely terrified of the telephone. When Brian calls I ask if she wants to talk and she immediately collapses on the floor in tears. I asked her if she wanted to call daddy, she shook her head no. Grandma? No. Grandpa? No. Lily? Pause, no. Annie? Yes. Annie, are you sure? YES! She's obsessed I tell you!

Wow. This post is taking a long time to write! So many photos! It is like three costumes in one post. It's now 1:40 in the morning and I have the season finale of 'Drop Dead Diva' playing in the background. It's a little scary how much 'Lifetime' I've found myself watching recently. I used to make fun of my mother for watching too much Lifetime. What does that say about me?

A good Jim Gaffigan joke: "My favorite channel is the Lifetime Channel because Lifetime is television for women -- Lifetime: Television for Women. Yet, for some reason, there's always a woman getting beaten on that channel."

The majority of these costumes I made while watching the Project Runway 24 hour marathon (also on Lifetime) which is exactly what one should watch when taking one a big sewing project. It makes you feel all creative and professional.

So there it is, I hope you liked this set. And please, check back soon for more Grosgrain Halloween goodness! There's still more to come!

I plan on entering Shabby Apple's Dare to Design contest and I have my dress all planned out in my head and ready to go. Now, to find the time to make it by November.

I would say that the Queen of Hearts dress would fit a 3T-5T. Maybe 6T? Depending on how big your child is. The Alice in Wonderland costume would fit an 18month-2T.

The rabbit mask would fit an adult. ALTHOUGH, when I bought it online it said it was for a child. So probably both?


If you'd like to win one of this costume set just link to this post either using the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.

If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

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315 {comments}:

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Kirsten said... Best Blogger Tips

Truly amazing . . . I am blown away by the costumes. This is the first giveaway I am actually dreaming of winning, what a treat to have such a beautiful costume. Would fit my daughter perfectly!

Petit Design Co. said... Best Blogger Tips

Your work is truly amazing!! I can't believe you're giving these away. Thanks for the opportunity.

Linked here:

x vInTaGe VioLeT x said... Best Blogger Tips

wow what an absolutely wonderful dress - i don't know how you can bear to give it away!
wish it was in grown-up size!

i have posted a link on my blog.

Krissy said... Best Blogger Tips

Some of the most beautiful costume work I've ever seen!! Incredible!

SewPaperPaint said... Best Blogger Tips

Truly amazing photos and costumes! I'm blown away! Such talent you've displayed...
~ Autumn

Krishna said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted to krishna365.blotspot.com. must say this is amazing. I would love for my daughter to wear the queen of hearts for Halloween. I wish i could take sewing lessons fro, you!

Terri Gullette said... Best Blogger Tips

The dresses are awesome!! the queen of hearts dress is spectacular; I would love to win these for my daughters.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a talent you have!! These are amazing! I linked on my blog @

I so wish I had this talent!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

These are awesome! This is the first time I have come across your blog and I am hooked! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. And now I am off to read your old post to see what other cool things you have been making. WOW! I am impressed.
(and I linked...http://craftalittle.com/?p=260)

karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply wonderful!!! I *heart* it!

Mother Moon said... Best Blogger Tips

simply gorgeous... I love it....

bless their hearts mom said... Best Blogger Tips

all I can say is OMG- the pix, the costumes, ROCK!!!!!

spreading good karma llama as contest ends on my bday when i will be on a 10 hr trip,driving, with a 2 1/2 yr old.....

winning would be a super cool bday present! :)

Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG...totally amazing!

janice0@bellsouth.net said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so awesome. I am amazed that you can create without patterns. My mom who passed six months ago could do this also. She said she could look at a dress in the sears roebuck catalog and make one like it years and years ago. It takes a special gift I think!

Love, laugh and ROCK!!! said... Best Blogger Tips

Hands down the most beautiful costumes I have ever seen! You must be one heck of a woman to do such an amazing job, defiantly something your girls will look back on and remember the memory! Awesome job on the photographs as well!

Vonnie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh, these are outstanding! What amazing work - I am in awe of your talent :)

Carlie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness these costumes are terrific!!! I have a granddaughter Lily who would love these and her little sister Mandy! You are amazing...thanks!

Malesa said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. That's all I have to say is just wow!

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen, you are truly a MASTER of sewing. Beautiful work. And I don't mean this to come out wrong, but I think the Alice costume is my favorite of the two. Both are amazing. Great photo shoot as well.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't stop looking at the costumes they are magnificent...I have always loved Alice but you just upped it a notch....WELL DONE!!!

Ms. Anita said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to it...


roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Your work is simply amazing!

Mara said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! I can't believe how talented you are at your craft. I am truly amazing seeing as though I can't stitch a straight line. But, I do have a 18 month old and one on the way. I know that the costumes will be put to good use.

Ps. I also love love love the pictures, I think you did a great job with two kids. I can barely get one in the frame.

Ryan and LeDawn said... Best Blogger Tips

you are amazing!!! I want one in my size!!! LOVE it!

Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, this is stunning! My little girl would love to dress up in these costumes! She'd fit into the Alice one now and will grow into the other one in a few years! You have a great talent, thank you for sharing! I've posted a link on my site, even though I don't want any one else to enter to win it!!!!
Thank you xx

ohnikki said... Best Blogger Tips

You are utterly amazing! I would LOVE to win one - I would make my daughter wear it for years!

moushka said... Best Blogger Tips


BTW My blog is a work in progress and you are the first to be on it!!!

Tracey said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dresses! Great pictures too :)

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fantastic giveaway, these costumes are GORGEOUS!!

Linked it here: http://lilahbean.blogspot.com/2009/10/queen-of-hearts-and-alice-in-wonderland.html

The Perry family said... Best Blogger Tips

Phenomenal! I love your creations!!

Coralee said... Best Blogger Tips

so stunning - can't believe you're giving this away! My daughter is only 9 mths, but has quite the costume collection growing for when she's older and I would LOVE to add this to her tickle trunk!!!! Linked on my blog - thanks for the chance to win!

JMom said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the most fabulous costume I have ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing it!

The link to my blog post is: http://raise-them-or-ruin-them.blogspot.com/2009/10/queen-of-hearts-costume.html

auntrene said... Best Blogger Tips

I am stunned... those costumes are just fabulous.. you are very talented..
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com

Cordie said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING!!! I would just love to win! I created the a link as well.

Tallis Ford said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing, i can't imagine what my favorite little girls would do if they were to win these!

Breanne said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING!! Your my hero! :)

I created a link on my blog. brewach@hotmail.com

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I am amazed. The costumes are beautiful! Crossing my fingers!!

Kati said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, it's killing ME that you're giving it away! All that effort - keep them for your girls! Sorry, I shouldn't make it any harder for you. They really are amazing though. What talent!

W said... Best Blogger Tips

As the only man to comment on your blog (and a father of three girls ages 6, 4, and 2), I'd like to say that your talent is as good as Tom Brady in the last two minutes of the Superbowl. (That's really good in case you didn't know.) Your photography is as good as Randy Moss. Like Moss, your photography catches everything Tom Brady throws at him. Perhaps the metaphor is confusing. The point: Separate, they are great. Together, they are perfect. Your photography enhances the beauty of the already beautiful dresses.

My sister-in-law linked to your blog. I'm glad I checked it out.

lisa stubbs said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! these costumes are amazing!!! Alice in Wonderland is my favourite book and I've been to Oxford to Christchurch where the book was written! just wonderful!!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously beautiful. Totally linked this in my blog! And now am off to peruse the rest of yours! : )

Pilkington Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I just about died when i saw this giveaway! This is just what I had been planning all year to do with my girls (who would fit perfectly in these) and by little boy being the white rabbit. These are so much more than anything I could have imagined and so I QUICKLY made a link!!! My girls would be in girly HEAVEN if they had these!!!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them both so much!!! I blogged about the giveaway and am crossing my fingers I win!!!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them both so much!! I linked in my blog, and am crossing my fingers I win!

Pacokeco said... Best Blogger Tips

Looking at your pictures transported me to a magical, fantasy place - you really have an amazing eye for aesthetics!

Julie M. said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy cow! I wish I could sew! Gorgeous costumes!

I linked my blog:

Kerrie said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I've been looking for Halloween costumes ideas for my girls. I hate just buying them. I posted it on my blog! Thanks


Kerrie said... Best Blogger Tips

I just posted it on my blog. Cute costumes!


modell said... Best Blogger Tips

These costumes are absolutely amazing! My daughter would seriously LOVE this!

Ticia said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link, I'm amazed at the detail you put into this.

:o) mg said... Best Blogger Tips

I found you from "Confessions of a Sewing Dork". I am sitting here open-jawed at not only your creativity and talent, but also your generosity.
Thank you so much for a chance to win!
I linked to your giveaway here:

AngiDe said... Best Blogger Tips

So cool!! I'd love to win!!
I created a link!

angelinadewey AT yahoo DOT com

Terri Gullette said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have a blog but I wanted to say how spectacular the dresses are!! they're a work of art!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing seamstress and photographer! I would love to win either one of them! Amazing!

Annette W. said... Best Blogger Tips

It's my first visit, and I am incredibly impressed!

(We live in Chester Cty (but close to Lanc. Cty...probably not too far from you!)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These are really awesome and beautiful. Who doesn't love Alice in Wonderland? I personally love the Treasure Cat. lol

I would love to have these for my daycare kiddos! Here is my link to my post.




Remodelaholic said... Best Blogger Tips

You are offically my new hero! I am awestruck with how beautiful the deatialing is.

I would be happy for life if I won this! I made a link: http://www.remodelaholic.com/2009/10/speechless-your-my-hero.html ! I can't wait to see if I win!

Mercedes said... Best Blogger Tips

Unbelievable Crafts-womanship! I am just in love with the concept and the detail. You are such a talented seamstress! I'd be so thrilled to put the little ones in my life in these costumes.

Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! this is just fuel on my alice in wonderland fire! please pick me!!!

allyson adeney said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, what else is there to say!
I can't believe you could bear to part with these.
I have linked this give away.... I'm sure my readers will love it.
Thanks Ally <'v'>

babalisme said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh- my -god.

I think I just peed my pants, and that's not a very good example for my potty trained toddler. But I know I have good reason.

Jessi @ Jabbering Jessi said... Best Blogger Tips

simply gorgeous fingers crossed that i win

Katie @ Domestic Debacle said... Best Blogger Tips

I added the link to my links section! My daughter would love the Queen of Hearts- it's her favorite character (I'm thinking she relates to her most). You are an amazing artist!

Camille said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh - to have your talent!! My girls love dress up and Alice in Wonderland! What a gorgeous set of dresses! Thanks for the giveaway!

KidA047 said... Best Blogger Tips


Savannah O'Gwynn said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! I think this costume is wonderful/beautiful/great/amazing/etc.etc.! I love love LOVE IT!

Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning costumes and photos! :-)

mama bear said... Best Blogger Tips

Exquisite! I can't believe how fabulous your work is, my girls would look absolutely darling in these costumes. Oh, I hope I win! I put your link on my craft blog, it's www.myprojectability.blogspot.com

I think you can get to it from my profile. Thanks for such gorgeous eye candy!

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

ummm.. You are incredible!!!!! I love, love this piece. You are an artist.
I've been following you since about this time last year, you had a Marie Antoinette costume that was amazing. I couldn't believe you were giving it away.

M said... Best Blogger Tips

You Are incredible!!! I put a link to you on my blog!

Cricket said... Best Blogger Tips

These are the most aMAZing costumes I have ever seen. My girls would be so excited to wear them. After we saw your costumes we got really interested in Alice and started looking up online to see the different Queens of Hearts and found a great site with lots of different illustrations http://the-office.com/bedtime-story/classics-alice-1.htm

I blogged, but it didn't pop up as a link, so here it is:

Jenn Allphin said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing Talent! I never enter giveaways, however this one was to good to past up. If there is any chances to win costumes like this for my girls I am all for it. I have the link on my blog.

Kris said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply gorgeous! I love them both. Posted on my blog.

Digital Misfit said... Best Blogger Tips

BEYOND amazing! This costume is true art. Link posted on my blog.

Liza said... Best Blogger Tips

I Love Alice in Wonderland, I hope we win! Thank You for sharing your talent with the world!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh! Alice in Wonderland is my favorite all time novel and movie. These are gorgeous!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are absolutely amazing. I wish I had the talent to sew like that.

kelly : pinetothepacific said... Best Blogger Tips

literally the best costume i have ever seen. SO amazing!!

audreypawdrey said... Best Blogger Tips

These are beautiful! I would love to win these. One of my best friend's daughter would look beautiful in this and then I could use it for my own daughter too.:)


Patience said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing and my little girlies would love to wear them, but what will your little ones wear on the big day?

You are one talented gal!!

RACHELLE said... Best Blogger Tips

you are sooo very talented!

your photo shoot is amazing in it's self. your family is adorable for playing along!

thank you for sharing your talents with the rest of us!


Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy cow! Absolutely amazing. I sew, but that queen dress is fantastic!! Keep up the good work!

Kelley said... Best Blogger Tips

This is sooo amazing! I am a little late to this post, but it is incredible, truly fabulous, way to go!

Tipti said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! i wish i were as crafty as you are :( those costumes are stunning.

i posted a link to the page on my twitter

Brimful Curiosities said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, my little girl and my friend's little girl could go as a matching set...Love them, love them. (I do have a natural fondness for all children's book inspired costumes!)

Blogged on my popular contest list! http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_23.html

Gingham Skies said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely stunning!! I've linked. Thanks for the chance.

Erin Bigler said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I JUST found your site. And have I created a link? You bet I have!

plain*worker*primitives said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow amazing talent you have! I posted a link on my blog....I hope I win~ that would be awesome.

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

How crazy! They are awesome!! :0) Thanks!


noreen said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty!! You can send it to me as a bday gift :)
my bday is the day after you pick the winner


Chelsea S said... Best Blogger Tips

These have to be the best halloween costumes ever! They are magnificent. I hope I win. I know two little girls that would be in heaven with these. I do not have a blog but I posted a link.

-- Chelsea

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness, these are the cutest yet...I linked www.knitsandreads.blogspot.com!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! I cannot even imagine attempting a project like this! Blown away as usual :)

None said... Best Blogger Tips

STUNNING! I am speachless! I always adore and admire your work but this is truly a work of art!! If you go back to your comments last Halloween ...you can see the comment I made asking you to make an Alice in Wonderland dress! You outdid yourself!

JBalloon said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!!! Those costumes are amazing!!

lkerber55 said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing. Most amazing costumes EVER! I posted a link here because I don't have a blog. Technorati ID: lkerber55

kerber.laura at gmail dot com

Genevieve Allen said... Best Blogger Tips

It's on my blog and thanks for the opportunity to win a keepsake for life. It's absolutely beautiful!

sakmb said... Best Blogger Tips

wow you work is so amazing! you inspire me to be more creative all the time. Thanks for sharing your gift with others.

Janet and Maya said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, just wow.


mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! just awesome. amazing. I totally linked on my blog.

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips


Rachel Pond said... Best Blogger Tips

I Love it! I posted about it and put up a link toit my blog and am crossing my fingers!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips


I am in awe! Yowsa! These costumes are by far the most incredible I have EVER seen! They're shut your mouth cute!

If I won these, my children would be the envy of this Army instillation!

You're fantastically talented :) Thank you for sharing these costumes! You're such an inspiration!

Chrisy said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning work...just a real piece of art!

designdreamer said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW!!!! Fabulous
I'm pretty sure you've given this away, if not, I'm not commenting to be part of the giveaway (not that I wouldn't love to have it, I just don't have anyone to put it on, and that would be a shame!!!)
I can't believe:
1 - that you made this ensemble, bought the wig, rabbit mask, AND the petticoat
2 - That you're giving it AWAY!!!!
I'm just kind of speechless
BTW, I don't know if you're aware of this site, but they have good close-ups of a huge number of costumes: http://www.costumersguide.com/redQueen.shtml
Just in case you want to make more costumes in the future. ;-)

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

The queen of hearts dress is exquisite, and I am in love with your photos! How you can give these away is beyond me. You could sell them for a pretty penny. wow.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I want a red queen costume for me!!!! LOL

Forever You said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi ! I just found your wonderful blog by searching Alice in Wonderland. I know it is a very late entry but I just wanted to tell you and I hope you don't that I blogged about this costume on my blog http://foreveryoukids.blogspot.com/2010/03/some-red-queeness.html since the Alice in Wonderland movie is out.
What a wonderful costume that was.. Amazing

The Green Zebra Studio said... Best Blogger Tips

THAT is truly amazing. I now know what to do with my old corset for Halloween!

flyrah said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing! I'm looking for a Queen of Hearts costume to be custom made for me.... would you be willing to make one for an adult? If so please email me at rachcurran@gmail.com thanks!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I know I'm late to the party, but ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? This is - as so many have said - amazing. I am astounded by the detailing, fabrics, technique, everything!

David said... Best Blogger Tips

where do you get the fabric from? I want to have Alice in Wonderland Queen of Hearts Costume and Ive been to several halloween stores and craft shops, and no one had any idea what I was looking for..

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Your post was simply stunning and I really like it. I had a great time reading your post. Thank you for sharing.

wholesale house of dereon

Alexis said... Best Blogger Tips

saw your pic on pinterest..


knew i had seen it before.. couldn't remember where! took a bit to find your site..

I find its not fair when people don;t credit your work..

Devon said... Best Blogger Tips

I was wondering if you have a pattern for the Alice Dress. My daughter turns one in August and we want to do Temperance in Onederland, but can't find a dress, so my Grandma offered to make it if we can find a patter. My child is on the small side (almost 7 months and still in 0-3 month just getting into 3-6 month). This is a really cute dress, and I could probably find a petticoat pattern (hopefully) for a baby. Please let me know if this is possible, or how much it would cost. Thanks!

Marci Honea said... Best Blogger Tips

Any chance I could purchase/download a pattern for the queen dress?!

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