Recover an Old or Broken Umbrella.

November 22, 2009

I really LOVE this idea. Did you ever see those people who are walking on the street with a cute umbrella that matches their outfit or coat?

I'm so jealous. I think, "Who has the resources to buy matching umbrellas for their clothing?"

The latest 'Threads' magazine offers a tutorial on how to recover an old umbrella.

If the cover of your favorite umbrella is ripped or torn, don’t just toss it in the trash. Simply remove the old cover, assemble a new canopy, and attach it.

The process is simple to master and enables you to recover any umbrella frame you find, including tattered antique or vintage finds from your local thrift store. You could even make umbrellas to match your outfits.

Before you know it, you’ll have so many gorgeous umbrellas that you’ll be looking forward to rainy days.

Images via Pare Umbrella.

3 {comments}:

Simply Mel {Reverie} said... Best Blogger Tips

A cheerful umbrella brings a little sunshine to a rainy day!

Mummy said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you thank you thank you! I have a *wonderful* umbrella that had a soda spilled on it. I have not been able to get it off, but I *heart* the umbrella! You have solved my problem! Thanks!

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my. Too funny. A couple months ago (when preparing for our S.Y.T.Y.C. competition) I researched how to make an umbrella and couldn't find a tutorial anywhere. So I just deconstructed my own. But I dreaded putting a tutorial together for it one day. And now I don't have to!
Thanks Kathleen for posting this!

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