But sometimes I like to take ideas that I think might look good on an adult and model it on a child. There is a very limited selection of modern looking clothing for kids. I'm guessing its because there isn't as much demand.
This is a dark grey wool skirt that is cinched at just below the top with cased elastic. I like the way the top of the skirt flares out. It resembles the look of the Lawn Frock, however, the Lawn frock had a cleaner pleated look. This is simply gathered which also has its own appeal.
I added a blue denim striped seersucker belt and tied it in a bow to the side of the skirt. Since this is a wool skirt, it can be appropriate for winter.

I liked the blue striped belt and pink top paired together with the gray wool. It has a very January look. All that's missing is a large round 3' pink balloon.
Many of you said that you would like to enter more giveaways, but have various issues with linking. Of course, I want anyone that is interested in entering a giveaway to be able to do so.

Therefore, from now on, giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.

If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
78 {comments}:
Wow! I can't believe that I'm the first one this morning to leave a comment. maybe it will bring good luck. I love your creations so much & having two girls around the same ages is fantastic.
I would love to see this on one of my girls.
I think this design makes a great statement, as simple as it is & I would love to see it in different colors - bright ones for the summer, ... (Oh, how lovely!!!)
Very cute. I have two little girls that would be fabulous in this!
I'm in love...and I linked!
I've never entered a giveaway contest yet, but I LOVE all of your designs!
wow- i'm in love with this dress. love it and i would love to dress my daughter in it!! i especially love the pink leotard top with the skirt. very girly :)
Love this! I am curious how in the world you find the time...or for that matter all the material to be sewing so darned much???
That is amazing! I can't wait to see the grown-up version.
Awesome...instead of entering I may try my hand at making one myself. Hope you don't mind! Your designs are so very inspiring!
Soooo cute! I linked too!
What a great skirt! I wish there was more modern, better designed clothing for children out there. I much prefer to dress my daughter in things I would like to where than in the "baby" clothes that's much more widely available.
My daughter would hold utmost adoration...
Oh, I'm linked too on fb.
This is GORGEOUS! My daughter just LOVES getting all dressed up & she'd DIE to wear something adorable like this.
So pretty!
My daughter would rock this!
love it! (and can't wait to see an adult version too)
Wow so adorable my daughter would love this. I also linked
So pretty! My little girl would just LOVE this skirt!!!
that is too adorable!
adorable =)
Here's my link to my blog!
This is great, I like that it's modern girly, my oldest daughter is not girly at all but I think she'd like this because of the wool skirt...it's understated girly...so I can trick her! this is my second comment for linking and leaving a comment for doing so.
Oh my, this skirt is pure delight! What a wonderful way to spend winter :)
I love this! We have 3 girls, so it would get a lot of "wearing" around here!
I'd love to give this to a special little girl! :)
What a sweet skirt. Just wanted to stop by and say Hello.
love it
dance2themelodee at yahoo dot com
This is adorable!
This is so adorable, I have a new baby girl, but it's never too early to begin collecting sweet items for her upcoming wardrobe!!
This is so adorable!! I love it! Thanks for the giveaway :0
oh, that is so cute! I love it and so would my daughter.
This is just delicious! I can imagine you setting a trend with this little beauty! Little girls everywhere will suddenly be wearing modern clothes, just like mommy (or big sister) lol. Lovele, as usual!
My neice would look fab in this frock!! Pick me, pick me!!
Linked it and love it!
totally adorable
totally cute!
love {love!} this!
I love you!
Love it!! Left a link.
My little girl would love this skirt, as she has a thing for "fancy" clothes!
I just linked to your oh so cute skirt giveaway! Count me in!
It's perfect for my daughter
so classy
so girly
Adorable. Love to have it for my soon-to-be little girl!
well, Catherine's sweet girl really needs this beautiful piece of wool; and if I win it, I will give it to her!
I wish people would put more of these on their kids than the awful garish Dora,Hanna montana and all trash like that !
My daughter would look adorable in this!
I love this dress. You know, I linked to Facebook, but I'm not sure I did it right. I think it took the first comment and posted that on FB?
I love this skirt, my daughter would look darling! Your are so talented!
wow! So cute! I love all of your giveaways!
adorable and original..love it.
linked to my blog too.
so cute! i'd love it
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
Love it! So adorable!
What a fun fun outfit! I would love to see my litle girl in this.
The adorable belt, just tops off the skirt:)
Love it!
That is one beautiful waistline! I wish more of us women would dare to wear it too! It's actually a very waist-framing look.
Would love to win that skirt! It's beautiful.
I linked it to my plug blog ( www.myplugs.blogspot.com )
Thanks !
So cute. Linked to on my blog! I know a little girl who would absolutely love this :)
Absolutely adorable! What a simple elegant but modern twist. This would look so sweet on my little girl.
just found your blog.....sooo yummy. I soooo wish I could SEW. I linked...not only because my bridget would look divine in that skirt, but because your site is sew cute.
this is so cute! such a clever design
I hope I'm not too late! I would love to see my little girl in this skirt! So sassy - I love it!
Adorable. I linked as well.
absolutely adorable - my daughter would love this!
Wow! I love it! Maybe we should get together and start demanding more modern kids clothes because this is amazing!
What a smartly cut skirt:) please enter me
Happy new year!
LOVE it so much! You are such a genius!
I have just discovered your blog and LOVE it, I am quickly going through the backlog and I am surely too late to win with this skirt but had to comment on how adorable it is xxx
Lovely Giveaway. I would love to win this.
Great giveaway!
Sweet, sweet skirt!
Please enter me. :) C
I also posted on my blog. :) C
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