If you too are also looking to create your own business cards or just personal calling cards take a look at this neat giveway.
Overnightprints.com is offering one lucky grosgrain reader 500 free business cards. Upload your design online and your order is printed overnight. They print business cards, postcards, greeting cards,

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90 {comments}:
This is great! I've wanted to participate in a lot of your give-aways but haven't had the possibility to link. I'd love to have my own business cards :)
An amazing give-away! Thanks!
maxandellie at gmail dot com
Yay! I would love to win this one!
Nice giveaway! :)
Soooo cool!
Thank you.
i love overnight prints...they do great work!
thanks for the giveaway!
how fabulous! thanks for the chance to win. :)
What a great giveaway! I also have been meaning to get business cards made, but it never happened- and I want to be able to swap them with others when they give me theirs!
I love business cards too =)
I linked here:
Business cards would definitely make me feel alot cooler!
I'm in :) Candy and prize are great!
Wow, this is awesome, I was JUST thinking of how I really need some business cards for my Etsy shop! What perfect timing =)
Linked ya! =)
I would like to enter the giveaway - thanks!
Cool cards, I need some new ones too!!!
Awesome! I love business cards and calling cards!!! Love the images on the giveaway post!
AWESOME! who wouldnt love some free biz cards, fabulous xxx
I so need this! I've been meaning to make business cards for months! By the way...Congrats on your baby. I'm just a month into my 2nd pregnancy and I'm already ready to skip to the end! :)
I found your blog through While They Sleep's blog and I would love to win some business cards. I was just about to order some!
What a great giveaway. Since living and working in France where personal cartes de visite were the norm, I've loved continuing the tradition.
I'd really love to win this! I've been working on a design for cards to hand out at my senior interior design show!
I love free! It's my favorite price point. ;)
That is so cute. Hope it works out. Thanks!!
The featured cards are adorable! I'd love to win this! Thanks!
Sarah Seitz
Business cards are great & a wonderful way to pass on your business details to your children's friend's mothers - with your contact details for a play date & a very indirect method of letting them know what you do for a living. Love Posie
great timing - i just ran out of business cards! great giveaway. :)congrats on eloise!
oh - such a cool giveaway - those look amazing too!
cute cute cute! And unique
These are beautiful! I would love a set!
This would be fabulous for my newly graduated self!
Just opened my own Etsy shop and would LOVE to have some cute business cards! I'm linking too!!!
These would be perfect for all my upcoming craft shows!!
And I posted a link on my blog
great giveaway!
These are so cute! Thank you:)
I would love my own business cards!! Please chose me!! shaunaaloha12 at yahoo dot com
oh my goodness! i love your blog and it inspired me to start my own too.
Definately in the market for business cards! Love a good giveaway like this. Thank you.
oh yes calling cards are a must have for any artisan!! great giveaway!
hooray! i'd love to win this one
My husband could really use some new business cards! He just opened his own business after the contract he was with fell through -- right after he and his friend/business partner purchased 500 cards each.
Adorable business cards! Thanks for doing the giveaway. :)
I love overnight prints and have used them for my business cards for years. I'd love to enter this giveaway! :)
These cards are so cool! I hope I can win.
I want them!!!!
I would LOVE to win this - yippee!!
ps - congratulations on your lovely little girl!
perfect timing! I'm actually looking for a new place to buy business cards, and have been hoping for a recommendation from fine folks like you :) if ever I wished I won a giveaway, this would be it! thanks!
Stop on by!
Great giveaway!
I ordered my Christmas (post)cards from them. I'd love business cards!
Oh I'd love my own business cards. What a great giveaway! Thanks!
Oh man, I was just getting ready to BUY business cards from OvernightPrints.com. This is awesome! Good luck to everyone!
these are great. i have "mom" cards to leave when i drop off a kid but not this cool!
Awesome cards! I would love to win!
These are wonderful! Could use this for my husband's side-business. :-)
nice giveaway!
Cute! Linked!
What a great give-away! Thank you for the opportunity.
I've been wanting to get business cards made for my baby/toddler clothing line for months now. These would be perfect :)
And I'm definitely linking!
Oh wow, my first time on your site and I find such a lovely giveaway too. Thanks for the chance!
Would love to have these!
Awesome, I was just in need of some business cards!
I twittered about it too.
Totally got confused in my last comment, you may delete it,
I meant tweeted over here: http://twitter.com/b_e_nightowl
Please count me in! I'd like to make some "Mommy calling cards" since now it seems I'm only refered to as "Laren's Mom" or "Regan's Mommy" !
Thanks for the opportunity, and congrats on the new addition-- she's beautiful.
secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com
fingers crossed! treevt80@yahoo.com
What a great giveaway! I'd love a chance to win some business cards!
What a great give-away....
Okay, I linked, and now I'm commenting. Don't know if I did the link right, though, so here is the web address of my post again, just in case, for my blog, Songbird Lane Designs:
Gosh...I may be too late...but I'd love to participate!!
Thanks for the great giveaways. And congrats on the little one!!
I just started a little business and this would be heaven-sent!
That would be so fun!
I could definitely use these! I usually go with vistaprint, but these look a lot cuter. Hmm!
ebickell at hotmail dot com
These are great!!!!
For quite awhile I've wanted my own "business" cards. I guess I should say calling cards for me, since I don't have a business quite yet...I'll be dreaming up some designs.... Thanks!
wow, The design looks simply superb. thanks for sharing such a beautiful Business Card. The round edges are really nice.
no way! I definitely need business cards and would so love to win these :D
This would make a perfect gift for a special someone I know. I hope I win! I have posted this giveaway on my blog also. Thank you.
I've always wanted a playdate calling card...
Thank you for this opportunity!
This is so cool!
I love the idea of a "mom's card"! Thanks for another awesome giveaway! I added a link to my blog too!
need cards ASAP!!!
I need it!!!!
What a great giveaway!
It´s fantastic!!! I posted it on my blog http://svarada.blogspot.com
A great giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway
thanks for another great giveaway!
business card is a way to promote identity and giveaway your information from one and another and from generation to generation.
Plastic Cards
Scratch Card printing
I have business card i ordered form this
Clear business cards i wanted to change the style . i like your cards .
Hi as i was reading this site all the sites are premium but cool. I think this is batter to provide a source for free of cost such as peoples can get there free letterhead template at save word templates they are good but no one is talking about them...???
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