I also had to have a blood transfusion because I became dangerously anemic and throughout the six days we spent there, none of the physicians could find a vein out of the 200 or so times I was poked and prodded. I left the hospital quite sore and black and blue from head to back.
So now I am a little leery about routine hospital procedures and I'm about to have a gazillon done to me today. I'm so nervous. Especially for the epidural which I never particularly looked forward to.
It's strange knowing the exact day, almost hour, that you are going to have a baby. I don't think I particularly like knowing. I like the anticipation and surprise of rushing to the hospital. However, I am now SOO uncomfortable that having a definite end date has become a welcome blessing. Read my TumTum Tree post on Pica.
I have a few more posts scheduled while I am in the hospital so please come back again later for more sewing and fashion fun. But until I can get back to a computer I will not be able to post anything about the baby or approve comments so please don't be offended if your comment doesn't post until next week. Hopefully Sunday or Monday we will be back home.
Wish us luck.
{image courtesy of Modern Child}
62 {comments}:
How exciting! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
I wish you a safe delivery and it will be much better than the last one.
Look forward to seeing pixs you and the lil one.
have fun. lol
Congratulations! I hope that you have a smooth surgery and I just can't wait to meet the new babe :) Take care mama!
Ditto on all the hospital stuff. It sounds a lot like me. The second time C-section was a lot less traumatic. Good luck to you. You will see your baby very soon. Congratulations.
Saying a prayer for you and your family today!
Hope your recovery goes well...
Succes! Good Luck! and lots of happiness you and your (extending) family!
xx K (Netherlands)
Good luck hun!! I had the exact problem with my epidural too, but the docs all told me it was normal?! I tell everyone I don't remember ANY pain from the C-section because of my spinal headaches.
Hoping this time is different, better for you!!! Can't wait to see the newest model! ;D
Thinking of you and rooting for an easy surgery and recovery. Best wishes, congrats to the whole family! Can't wait to see new baby pics, when you have a chance.
Hope today goes really well for you...can't wait to meet your precious little one. :)
Wishing you luck and a big CONGRATS!!!
Good luck!! We'll be thinking of you.
I'm thinking of you today and hoping for only good things! I hope all goes well and you are able to come home with no or little to no black and blue marks..oh and the terrible headache...none of that either! So excited to see your new addition!! :)
I'll be thinking of you today! I hope all the routine things go as routines are supposed to go and I hope you have a quick recovery! Enjoy your new little bitty!
Good luck and hope everything goes smoothly this time and by the time you look at this you have a wonderful healthy baby and are well on your way to recovery yourself.
Wow... today is the day, congratulations! and hang in there, as awful as it might be, you'll still have your beautiful baby at the end of all of it! (and hopefully no more pregnancy pains :))
YAY!!! Happy Birthday Baby!!
Good luck! I had my second c-section 9 months ago, and it was no picnic. But, it's so rewarding having the little baby. I hope that your recovery is ultra speedy this time around. You can do it!
Keeping you in my thoughts! Good luck!
Luck! :) So many things to worry about when having a baby-- I'm sure it will be a better experience this time!
I had the same problem with my epidural. Oh, the headaches. Mine lasted two weeks. I'm so sorry. Especially with your first baby. Mine was with my third.
Tell the docs and nurses what happened to you last time and they will be more aware and more cautious this time (I know, you're thinking, "Shouldn't they be cautious ANYWAY?" Unfortunately medical professionals tend to get comfortable with what they do every day and get a little relaxed. I can say this because I have worked in hospitals and clinics my entire adult life and have been through three births.) But the odds are that this one will be better! I hope you have a wonderful experience. Every birth should be.
On a side note, your blog is so inspiring. I've had it on my google reader for over a year now. I've been sewing for my daughter and myself for about 10 years but have never risen above novice. Your ideas and creativity inspire me.
I am praying for you to have a safe and healthy delivery with no complications. I can't wait to see pics of you holding your new little one.
praying for you and your new baby!
Here's to hoping for a smooth birth. My daughter's birth was rough too, so I know the feeling of dread there. Crossing my fingers that you'll be blessed with an easy time and healthy baby
I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your way. You surely deserve a smoother birthing process this time around!
Can't wait to see your precious bundle of sweetness!
Good Luck with everything that you have going on today! I hope that it all goes well, and we are keeping you in our prayers!
Today a miracle enters the world!
OMG I wish you the best!
Good luck! Can't wait to see pics of the new one!
Good luck!! and Happy Birthday baby!!
Best wishes!!! I had two scheduled c-sections. They weren't too bad.
I hope everything goes well for you and the baby. I will keep you in my prayers :)
My thoughts are with you. Good Luck!
Good Luck! I will be praying for you.
Good luck....I had a spinal headache from an epidural once and it is torture. Thankfully, I have two epidurals since and no problem.
Congratulations and I am sure that everything has worked out fine for you.
Good luck and congrats on your new baby!
Can't wait for the little baby
I wish you all the best with your C-section. I hope you have a healthy baby and NO complications!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little one!
Good Luck!!!!! I'll be thinking of you xox
Good luck!!
lots of blessings & love to you & your soon to be born darling!!
Hope it all goes perfect this time around! You are in my prayers today....Can't wait to see pictures of your new beautiful one!
I am wishing you both all the luck that there is in this world. And of course, let us know when you are home and up to letting us know. Until them, best wishes and prayers your way.
Hugs - hope everyting went well.
All the best, super exciting!! I had 4 children with different epidurals each time, administered differenty by different anaesthetists (that's what we call them in Australia) & each one was fine, taped up my back, i could walk, shower, bend & stretch, i was lucky!! Also nice & relaxed & delivered them all different ways, forceps, normal, breech (second twin) then normal.
Wishing you a different experience this time with a beautiful baby as the result. Love Posie
Prayers of perfect health for you and your little one going out now!
Be Well.
BEST OF LUCK TO YOU CUTE GIRL !!! My daughter will be having her 2nd C- section mid May when she will deliver her 2 baby, another girl---> "YEAH!" says this grandma!!! I just want to THANK YOU for all of your creative postings as you have motivated even me to try some new things!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!
I've never commented before, but best of luck to you and your family. Thinking about you and wishing you all the best. Soon, you will be home with one of your best creations to date :)
I hope everything went well today & there were no problems! Good luck!
Good luck! Hope things are going well and looking forward to seeing cute baby pics!
Good luck!
I hope you and your baby are doing fine. Praying for your safety.
That happened to me with my first baby. I am so scared it will happen again. It was the most aweful experience and negatively affected me and the baby for several weeks after the birth. Good Luck to you! I hope everything goes well.
oh good luck,it sounds like you've had a horrid experience in the past so I wish you the best. Good thing the little blighters are worth all the pain
Good Luck Kathleen!
My sis had her baby almost 3 weeks ago (c-section) and everything went smoothly so I hope it goes the same for you
Good Luck!!!!
Good luck!
Oh, good luck! I had what you had before, a "wet tap". The epidural dr. said "oops" when he was doing my epidural!!! Did you end up having the blood patch done? That was painful too!
Surely it won't happen again. I had another baby after that and got the epidural again and everything went fine. Good luck again!
wishing you all the best, I hope you have a better experience than last time.
I say the craziest stuff sometimes - don't post that last comment. I do hope everything goes well. And, never fear some *cough* crazy *cough* people love the hospital (like my sister). She has 5 children and loves the hospital so much she calls it 'the hotel'. And, says it's even better than a hotel because people serve you food and they check up on you to see if you need anything - plus she gets a 'vaction' from house chores. Like I said crazy, lol.
Good luck! I am sure everything will be okay. Like others have said, mention it to the anesthesiologist or CRNA who does it this go round and hopefully they'll do a better job.
oh my! congrats on your new babe.
i winced when i read about your spinal headache. same thing happened with my VBAC. on day 3 i needed a blood patch to 'plug the hole' in my spin. so much more tramatic then the emergency c-section with my first daughter. hope you're healing quickly.
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