During the contest she was gracious enough to enlist her friends and family to vote for my dress design and now I finally have the chance to return the favor.
Over her birthday last month, Abi's longtime boyfriend, Darrell, asked for her hand in marriage. As we all well know weddings are expensive. They don't have any funds to put towards the wedding, so the two plan on saving for over a year to marry and spending around $6-$7,000.
On a lark, she entered the Love of a Lifetime Wedding Giveaway. If she wins Philly.com and Events at ISM would pay for a May 23, 2010 wedding at the newly enhanced Independence Seaport Museum, include catering from Culinary Concepts, a custom wedding dress, flowers, photography and wedding bands all worth over $90,000.
If she wins, they wouldn't have to wait two years to marry and she'd have the wedding she's always wanted.
You should be able to vote by first registering on Philly.com here. Then go to this link: To vote for Abi, click here and click on the "Vote for this couple" button at the bottom of her profile . AND you should be able to vote one time per day, per computer. So vote often! She would be forever grateful!
7 {comments}:
it's very sweet of you to try and help your friend like this! I hope they win! I know how difficult it can be to save for a wedding... I took a lot of shortcuts and lived off of oatmeal and coffee alone for a while to pull off having mine seven months after my engagement!
Voted! Hope they win!
Congratulations to your friend!! Good luck to her on her win and marriage
Good luck, they must be winning.
That is so nice of you to help your friend! I hope she wins! I love to see deserving people win things like this! Good luck to her!
I voted every single day. Do we know how they went?
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