I'm so thrilled! A Coffee Date it is! (If you don't know what I'm referring to see previous post).
I want to give you all time to get ready so let's meet up on say....Monday the 26th that way everyone can get their material and notions ready, patterns printed, sewing machine out of the closet.
In case you didn't download the "multisized" pattern here it is! Courtesy of Elaine of The Selfish Seamstress.Set the page scaling to 'none' when you print. Here are the size charts. And I found the FULL instructions here. The ones on BurdaStyle were incomplete. In the new instructions you will find the notions and yardage you need to purchase for the project. Any problems printing out either PDF just email me or leave me a comment.
I included some of the finished coffee date dresses above for some inspiration when choosing your material. I might try a yellow pinstriped pattern with a black belt and black bias tape trim. Oooo or vice versa? Let me sleep on it.
I'll post another reminder tomorrow about the 'A Frock by Friday™' for anyone who doesn't read the blog on the weekends so don't be surprised if you see this same post again.
And look for more updates as the week progresses.
31 {comments}:
Yipee! This sounds like fun. I'm trying to figure out sizing though. No info to be found on sizing at Burdastyle.com, though I googled the US equivalents of what I'm guessing to be European sizes on the pattern, and it looks like a European size 42 is the equivalent of a USA size 12. Does this sound right? Feedback, anyone?
Hi, presently I am making my first skirt (YAY). It's a good ol' Martha Stewart pattern. No zippers. No darts. A-line wrap with tie closure. So far so good. If I get stuck, can I call on you, please? Excited and scared, Victoria
Woohoo! Can't wait!
Great stuff, thanks for the new links!!! Now to find the fabric and get to it!
Hopefully it will be all done for my trip with my sister to celebrate our birthdays (I turned 50 last year, she turns 50 this year) - we are celebrating by taking a cruise from LA to Vancouver !!!!
Here's the BurdaStyle size charts:
Hope that helps:)
I always read your blog and I love to sew but never make the time to sit down and do it! This is a perfect idea! I'm so excited. Plus I love the idea of everyone doing it together. Thanks!
I love the photo you have with sleeves. Do you have a good suggestion on a pattern to use for sleeves? (I might have one, but if you have a good reference I always love finding new sources to look at when in need.)
I love, love, love this dress!! Very cute choice. My machine just broke yesterday and is now at the shop :( I'll be a week behind but can't wait to do it!! Hopefully it's easy to piece together this 24-paged pattern? i'll have to print it and see! Thanks!
I noticed the instructions say this is for a petite sized pattern. Does your multi-sized pattern offer both petite and misses sizes? I couldn't tell on first glance. Thanks.
I think this will be so much fun! I posted about it and linked to this post... we'll see if any of my followers will join me!
Southern Institute for Domestic Arts and Crafts
The 24-page pattern and the "petite" description have me concerned - what if you're 5'8" (168 inches, whatever that is in cm) with a post-baby-times-2 body? And a freakishly long torso? It's super-cute, and I'm going to recommend your sew-along to a couple of my more petite friends. :)
I second the sleeve comment. I too would like to add sleeves, so any pattern tips on that would be a great addition.
will you make a pattern for the sleeves ??? pleaaaaasee say yes.
novice latin handsewing
Can't wait to get started. It's going to be so much fun to make this dress. It's too bad we all can't get together for a coffee date after making these and wear our new duds at the same time. Wouldn't we be turning heads?
Now to see what inspiration hits when it comes to fabric for this darling dress. I'm going to see about adding some sleeves to mine.
Oh, I wish I could join in, but I'm having such a challenge refitting stuff for a maternity figure. (Twins - 8 weeks and counting!) But I will be watching from the sides and cheering all of you on!
See you (next) Monday!
Printed the pattern and now I just need to choose the fabric. Any advice on what would work best with this pattern. Pretty much a newbie seamstress. Have made a few things and it will be nice to have others succeeding/failing along side me! Thanks for the motivation. Love the dress!
I have been eying this pattern for a while...now I have no excuse to not make it! Great idea. When printing the pattern pieces, I'm assuming you print the page at 100%?
Awwww, I'm sad that I can't join alone. I've been wanting to make this pattern but am about 2 weeks away from having my 2nd baby. Will have to come back post-baby and sew along by my lonesome...haha. Can't wait to see yours!!!
I love the yellow one with the black belt! I definitely want to add sleeves to mine! I'm glad this is happening!
Yes! Perfect for Mothers Day. I'm always looking for an excuse to buy some fabric. I'm gonna want sleeves as well so hopefully someone with some pattern making skills *wink* *wink* can help us out with that one.
I might just give this a shot. I've got a sewing machine, but I've never actually sewed before. I've been wanting to learn so I think I'll jump in and give it a try.
please can you tell me what page scaling settings to print the pdf at? I printed it on 'Shrink to printable area' and it looks a bit small. Should I use 'none' in page scaling settings?
Yes, set the page scaling to none.
Oooh! Ignore my comment on your last post. This is great. If I actually stay on schedule, I'll have a new dress for my daughter's birthday party. :-)
I'm excited to try this! Thanks!!
I'm going to get the fabric and zipper today!
what a great idea! like you, i am super busy (yeah yeah) but would love to refer back to this when i have a little more time.
YAhoo!! I printed this pattern and instructions off last week and have been trying to get up the guys to start. Thank you! I'm totally in.
I've loved this dress for so long, and this *hopefully* will give me the motivation to actually get it done! Great idea.
How did I miss this post last week?! ?! ugh-we switched internet providers so i must have missed some tweets!! I want to make this dress so badly! I am going to try to catch up!
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