Dress to left--------------------------Crochetie
Top Middle Shoes ----------------Snickerdoodle
Center Dress ------------------------Brown Paper Packages
Bottom Middle Skirt ---------------AmyMomof6
Dress to right -----------------------Things I've Made
8 {comments}:
Thank you again for including my picture! I LOVE seeing the fabulous things others have made-- so much inspiration!
Brown Paper Packages
I just checked the link on the pictures and it looks like a couple of them are not quite right. Mine is www.sugarnspicecreations.blogspot.com and one other one I can't get to link to anything. Just thought you should know! Thanks again!
brown paper packages
Those are all adorable. Fabulous. I love!
Oh so sorry about that. I think it was because I copied and pasted the one from last week and then changed them as I went.
I just fixed them. They should be correct now.
Those red booties are gorgeous!!!
I love the dress.. to the right Fantastic....!
AHHHH! =) thanks for posting my upcycled dress again! i had so much fun making a series of these dresses for my daughter. i'll bet yours will turn out 200% times cuter, i love love love your stuff.
Thank you so much for featuring my Bonsai Dress. I am very glad and I have now many new readers came from your blog:)
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