So I had an idea yesterday.
I get a lot of email from people who say that they wish they could sew clothing or they'd like to try. I tell them it's not as hard as you might think but I suspect my claims are unconvincing.
I'd like to help.
Would any of you be interested in making a dress with me?
I would post a detailed diagram of a couple steps of the dress every day. You would have the same pattern and 'make' the dress with me as the week went on. By Friday, we should have a finished dress. If a dress was too hard we could start with something simpler. We could use one of the 'free' patterns off of the BurdaStyle website. If a dress sounds like something you might be interested in, I thought this one below was a good start!

Courtesy of Elaine of The Selfish Seamstress.
Let me know if any of you might be interested. If a large enough amount of people would like to try this, I'll give it a go. And if you got stuck along the way you could leave me comments and I could try to answer them for you.
*Images courtesy of BurdaStyle and Martha Stewart
80 {comments}:
I'd do it!
I LOVE the idea and would defiantly be a part of the project!!
I think a whole dress (that would fit me properly) might be beyond me but I'll give it ago. Although another type of sew along would be good! :D
yes please!!! i'd absolutely love this!
What a great idea! I want to stard my adventure with sewing, but I have no teacher so it would be difficult. I would love to make this dress with you :) but unfortunately I can't sewing till 30.04 cause I've got some exams and I must learn :/. But if not this time I will come onside next time. And I'm totally pro this idea!
This would be fun--I have seen this dress on Burda and been tempted to try it.
I think that's a great idea and I would definitely do it along with you. A dress sew-along would be very helpful for me too!
i'm in too!
I'm in.
Yes, I'm in.
Great idea. I'm in!
I would love to give it a try!
Any other week and I'd be in! I've been meaning to make this dress for awhile anyway. But hopefully (fingers crossed due to the whole volcano thing) I'll be in Paris this week! If you do it, I'll still make the dress later following your posts!
-Adrianna from Crafterhours
I'd LOVE if you'd do something like this! Unfortunately I'm due in 4 days and therefore will not be participating in this particular go round but as soon as I start to resemble my normal self, I'm in.
AWESOME idea!! I'd do it with you!
I sew already, but I'd love to join in with you and the rest of the group and you sew projects. It would be great to see what people come up with. You could throw up a Mr. Linky to the post on Friday so we could all share it and go see everyone else's work! Fun idea.
Yes! Yes! I love sew-alongs that leave me with something practical and pretty! Count me in . . . and thanks for thinking of this!
ack, that would be super fun, but I don't know if I could alter that particular pattern to fit a prego belly into it, not quite experienced enough.
yes please, I'd love to try making some dresses!
I would love to do this. I've been wanting to make myself dresses.
Pure genius! I am so in!
YES, I am in!
Tha sounds like a great idea. I would love to make a dress that fits me well. But i don't think i can devote a few hours every evening...but if you blog about it...i can always catch up at my own speed.
count me in!
I am all about it. I will even post about it on my blog!
I think it is a great idea!
I'd do it!!!!
Good Idea~ I am one of those who is trying out the whole sewing thing. I like this!!!!
Ps How will we know if we have won a giveaway?
I can sew for my daughter with no trouble but every attempt at making clothes for myself have failed so far....so this sounds like pure heaven a virtual sewing lesson with you!
I'd love to! And I love that dress! Although, I'd want to add sleeves to mine...any suggestions on that?
Oh, I've been wanting to make this dress. I'm game.
Such a gorgeous dress! I would love to attempt to sew it for me but I'm afraid with my curves it would not look so flattering.
That is why I stick to baby clothes-no lumps and bumps to account for!
But I'd love to see everyone else's creations!
I love that dress and have always wanted to give it a go - so I'd be in!
I'm in! thankyouthankyou..
great idea
What an awesome idea! I'd love to join you!
YES! I have been wanting to make the Coffee Date dress! I'll do it!
Count me in too please!
I have been sewing kids clothes for years and I think it was a bout time I was brave enough to make something for myself. And it would be so much nicer to hold someones hand along the way.
Anyone try to download the instructions yet? I just got one page of it...
Oh my goodness! I had downloaded this pattern, but I really haven't had success sewing clothing before, so I never made it. This would be perfect. Count me in, and I PROMISE to email pictures of the finished project! Will you give us the details first to have time to buy supplies?
I'd love to. Would you be able to give some suggestions on finding the fabric online? My closest fabric store within an hour or so is a tiny little JoAnn's and that doesn't really cut it for sewing a great little dress.
Hi - I'd love to try and make this - but the key is - can I make it to fit me -- I have tried in the past but then they never seem to fit - `but I`m game!
i love the dress and I love the idea! I'm definitely in!
I'm definitely in! This week I'm way too busy but I'll follow along and use the same timeline.
Woo! Been following your blog for a while; truly excited.
Great idea!! How fun!
I'm in too!!!!!!!
i would definitely join in!! and if it went well, maybe another and another??
I think this sounds fun!!! I'm an experienced sewer but time can be an issue for me because of little ones. How about leaving a few days in between each step (e.g., 2-3 days) in case sewing can't happen each day? It could be called the "A Frock by the 2nd Friday" dress!
Absolutely! I failed miserably when I attempted that exact pattern - I would love a chance to redeem myself!
what a wonderful idea hopefully you are still doing it when i am out of maternity clothes:)
I'd love to do this one - it's such a cute dress. I'm not sure that I'll be able to follow along at your pace without looking at the fabric requirements. But I love dresses for summer! And I'd love to actually be able to finish one in a week!
I would love to join. I am currently in a sewing class and just finished my first dress.
This is a great idea!!
I love this idea! It'll be a great intro to Burda patterns for me too. :)
Count me in!
What a fab idea! I'm in!
I would definitely sew along with you!!
I'm so in!
Oh my goodness! This would be fabulous! I really would love to join you in this :) I have been interested in sewing some clothes and I've been looking for some patterns but I've yet to make the jump. This would be a perfect way to start!!!
This is a FABULOUS idea!!! I'm in!
I am so in! I sew for my kids but get REALLY nervous/afraid when it comes to sewing for myself. This is the perfect motivation for me to get over it.
I went and bought my fabric today! I would feel so much better if you were with me at my house holding my hand every step of the way. Any chance you want to come to Rockville? : )
Yes!! This is great! Just the kick in the pants (frock) I needed to try this and not be scared.
so glad you're doing this! i picked this dress out from burdastyle last week to make for bridesmaids. we've got the fabric and everything but i've been scared to start. this will be such a HUGE help!
I'm in! I can sew - a bit - already but could use the help to get it done.
I'm in!
Absolutely! I think this is a great idea and would LOVE to do it!
I'm in!
I am SO in!
I want this dress but will need help making it!! I am ready!!!
Would love to participate too!
I would do it - great idea!!
I love this idea! And the dress is so pretty. Will you be trying this again over the summer? I am in the midst of my last few weeks of a grad school semester and so just don't have time right now to attempt this. But this summer I would love to!
I have been wanting to make this dress, so yes, I AM IN! I am gonna play catch up! I was just alerted to your fabulous idea through MADE (by Dana)
Thank you!
I linked to this post and used your picture I hope you don't mind!
I love love love the dress!! and am totally in for making it. What a great site you have, (and cute daughters too!) I just hopped over from Made.. AWESOME!!
I just found your blog yesterday through MADE. I'm in love with this dress, and I just happen to have the perfect amount of a seersucker that I intended to make into bermuda shorts.
I already have my pattern pieced and ready to cut-I can't wait to catch up with the group!
I just finished my dress, having joined the party very late! Your tutorial was awesome, and my finished product is so much better than I'd imagined! A big THANKS for the push into dressmaking!
this is adorable and can change with the belt. I want to sew and this looks like something I could attemp, maybe ;)
Christy, Home♥Mom
Let's do it!!!
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