As you can see the dress is sloped to one side. Almost impossible to wear a bra as it dips very low in the back and is one-shouldered. I used packing tape for support (not the best option), but if you used an adhesive bra you might feel better protected. Also, because of its poofy shapelessness I made the dress very short to show off the legs...again please keep in mind that this is NOT an everyday house frock so please no comments about immodesty. I realize, it's showy. Though I should point out....no cleavage:)
The place we took the photos at was quite fortuitous. There's plenty of riverfront but most of it is bordered by thick foliage that you wouldn't want to walk though. Brian and I were looking for a place that was not only accessible but also shallow. We drove up and down a shallow area but couldn't find any definite entrance. So we parked and walked a couple yards (along the roadside, in this dress....yes....people stared).
Then Brian found this really hidden path that looked like it came out of 'The Secret Garden" and we followed it down to a fabulously secluded inlet. The only gross part were the crabs. Gross. I've never seen crabs along the river until then. But the shore was littered with their carcasses AND when I waded in the water I could see them scurrying along the river floor. Super gross.
In Greek mythology, the Naiads (Ναϊάδες from the Greek νάειν, "to flow," and νἃμα, "running water") were a type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.
The place we took the photos at was quite fortuitous. There's plenty of riverfront but most of it is bordered by thick foliage that you wouldn't want to walk though. Brian and I were looking for a place that was not only accessible but also shallow. We drove up and down a shallow area but couldn't find any definite entrance. So we parked and walked a couple yards (along the roadside, in this dress....yes....people stared).
Then Brian found this really hidden path that looked like it came out of 'The Secret Garden" and we followed it down to a fabulously secluded inlet. The only gross part were the crabs. Gross. I've never seen crabs along the river until then. But the shore was littered with their carcasses AND when I waded in the water I could see them scurrying along the river floor. Super gross.
In Greek mythology, the Naiads (Ναϊάδες from the Greek νάειν, "to flow," and νἃμα, "running water") were a type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.
The Naiad was intimately connected to her body of water and her very existence seems to have depended on it. If a stream dried up, its Naiad expired. The waters over which Naiads presided were thought to be endowed with inspirational, medicinal, or prophetic powers. Thus the Naiads were frequently worshiped by the ancient Greeks in association with divinities of fertility and growth.
A big THANK YOU to Brian for taking the photographs. I'm so lucky to have someone who cares about these things:)
Giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.

Giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.

342 {comments}:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 342 Newer› Newest»Wow, is that pretty! I love that you can post these gorgeous, poetic pictures and at the same time tell the story of how you had to navigate crab carcasses to take them. :)
I love the ethereal tone of this dress! I'd have to dance around like a fairy if I won!
eewingo (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh it's beautiful! I would just frolic thru the house if nothing else!
Love the pictures!You look super cute!
THAT little dress is to die for!!!!!!It is amazingly gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are VERY talented:)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
it's so nice!!! I love it... I'm definitevely in!
I love this dress..it's absolutely beautiful and I'd love a chance to win.... http://bargesarmylife.blogspot.com/2010/07/naiad-frock-grosgrain-giveaway.html
Sooo pretty and fairylike..this is the most generous online giveaway I have ever seen! Thumbs up!
I want it in my wardrobe right now!!!
link to my blog: http://dcartesianos.blogspot.com
I love this dress! It is so ethereal, magical and imaginative. Running through the forest in the dress seems like the perfect thing to do.
I love this dress! It is so ethereal, magical and imaginative. Running through the forest in the dress seems like the perfect thing to do.
So feminine and beautiful! I'd love to have this dress (but I guess I'll have to make it if I don't win lol). Thanks for the giveaway!
This dress is unbelievably stunning on you! It is just lovely and not at all too showy. I would love to win this inspiring piece.
whoa ! this dress is so beautiful !
it makes me want to get wed in it !! :P
but it's not for now, so i think i would use it for photography or maybe i would wear it for my birthday next month ! :)
ooo...daring=) love it
What a sexy little dress that is! Love it.
This is such a dreamy dress, irresistible! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Beautiful! The pictures AND dress :)
Wow, what a fairy tale dress! It's like a sophisticated version of the princess dresses I would play dress up with as a child.
That is so beautiful! I am impressed!
So pretty! Very romantic and cute, I love it!
it's like a dream dress, the girl looks like a fairy :D
link to my twitter
Gorgeous dress! And equally fabulous pictures!
the dress is gorgeous and so the photos.
wow you are extremely talented. so gorgeous!!
That dress is gorgeous! You are amazing!!!! And I love the story behind the photography. Great shots!
So dreamy! I would love this in the summer
This is such a lovely dress! I think it is the perfect length. So beautiful.
Soooo lovely!!
I've evere dreamt of being a Naiad...i studied classic literature at school (latin and ancient greek) here in italy...
i'm really jealous of your works, i can barely keep a needle in my hands... :)
I linked on facebook...
lucia (dot) nigro (at) yahoo (dot) it
Very beautiful. I love how it appears to move in the photos
That dress is a work of art! And the the lake is a perfect backdrop!
You look amazing in this dress... and all of your dresses for that matter ;)
LOVE your blog... Thanks for the opportunity to win!
cjlgauk at hotmail dot com
These pictures are gorgeous. Probably my favorite photo shoot yet. You look amazing. Thanks for being willing to get stared at to get such good shots.
A beautiful dress. I love how light and airy it looks. Looking at the pictures makes me wish for a special weekend escape with my spouse just so I could feel special and carefree.
melanie (melanie_egorin@yahoo.com)
amazing photos. you are so lucky your hubby has such a sharp eye. dress is gorgeous. I don't know how you do all of it with three kids in tow.
i love this dress so much! and you look positively lovely. here's hoping!
totally me!!! i love it! i could stare at it all day:) what a good job, you do beautiful work.
These pictures are amazing! The dress is beautiful!
OHHHHHHH MY! I love love love this dress--so pretty! I would be a fairy or angel if I won this:) THANKS for the chance to win:)
sbmmhoover [at] yahoo [dot] com
I cannot express how beautiful this is! I am absolutely in love with it and the link with Greek Mythology, which I happen to be fasinated by. Perfection.
Wow, that is beautiful! I feel like you would almost have to prance when wearing it, walking normally just wouldn't seem appropriate.
Lovely photos! (and gross crabs!)
amazing. absolutely amazing.
absolutely ethereal and amazing.
absolutely amazing. thanks for the inspiring frock and photos.
to kathleen: please disregard my multiple comments. i thought that the comments section wasn't working. i'd like simply one comment to be included. apologies!!!
Could be a wedding dress?! Beautiful.
I love it!!!
you probably don't give this away to Portugal, but anyway I just wanna say that I really love this dress, it's absolutely gorgeous!
This truly is a Naiad dress! What a perfect name. I'm so in love and I want to wear it all the time! You're incredibly creative and talented. I would have NO clue how to figure out how to make that dress!
I linked on my facebook:
Crossing fingers big time!
love love love this dress!!
it is absolutely stunning!!
i would seriously do anything the own this dress!!!
...i'm a bit confused on the entry rules though...but here's a link to my facebook:
Stunning photographs and the dress is beautiful. I would never have the patience to make a dress like this so maybe I could win it instead?
Oh my heavens... I would love to wear this dress to my wedding reception next month! It's gorgeous!
The pictures came out beautiful!
That dress is stunning!!! So beautiful.
I love love love this dress! I realy want o win this one! Its gorgeous!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
i love it!!!
wow. this is beautiful. I would use it for a photoshoot, and wear it out with a cardigan or a colored shawl.
Ohhhhhh, Love it!! I need it!
Link to my facebook:
I would find so many excuses to wear that, just out of shear determination to. I grew up obsessed with Greek mythology and I think much of the art and fashion aesthetic crept into my own because of it.
i love the "next blog" button! this dress is phenom. makes me want to go renew my 3-month old wedding vows on a rocky beach....
OMG! My 16 year old actress niece needs something like this. She would look absolutely incredible in it! I may have to make her one...
this dress is so pretty, and the pictures are just perfect.you two are a very good team:)
What a lovely dress- I'm a bit too solid for something like this but it would make a great prom dress for my skinny 17 year old!
omg. this dress is BEAUTIFUL. I can imagine it down a red carpet or a low-key beach wedding. simply gorgeous.
Perfect dress, perfect photo shoot. Elemental! Love.
This would be the most gorgeous dress for rush or any dance next year! seriously I am OBSESSED! it is the most feminine dress i have ever seen!
Beautiful dress and beautiful style. Love this!
beautiful dress and beautiful style. I love this.
This dress epitomises why I love being a woman! I would give anything to be able to wear this gown for my 21st birthday in a few months! I've only just found your blog and have already read back to the beginning, please keep the amazing posts coming!
Amy xXx
I love this! Naiads just happen to be my very favorites :)
I linked you on my blog here: http://fearisadirtyword.blogspot.com
It's lovely!
I linked on my blog, in the right side
This dress is just adorable. Lovely! Can't really put in words how much i like this dress...
sooo pretty!!
you are very talented and i'd love to take pictures in that dress. not sure i could pull it off but.. i'd like to try :)
Such a beautiful diaphanous gown and ethereal photos!
I would do some serious dancing around if I won that dress.
Here's the link to my blog post:
I love the ethereal look of this dress, stunning!
I'm going for a wedding photo shoot (got married last month but still need a photo shoot for the big weddings in Asia next year) and this dress would be perrrrfect!!!!! O-M-G!!
I also would wear it with my new boots to add some casual chic element to it!!!!
I really really love this dress!! It's amazing how talented you are!!
The pictures are also very beautiful!!
Love it!!
ohhhh spanishcoolhunterb@hotmail.com
This dress is so beautiful and I love how the fabric looks in the pictures which are also beautiful.-JD
I just want to say, I'm always so impressed by your photoshoots! The different styles and locations always suit your outfits so perfectly!
Also, that dress is just divine.
This dress is great!
Ooh, it's so pretty! I love the Greek style it has.
Link to my post:
This is gorgeous. Count me in as a first time enterer!
Very Cute!!
oh my goodness, what a beautiful beautiful dress. I would love to wear it!
WOW!!!Gorgeous pictures-Would love to win this dress!I love how much effort you put into your dresses-not just in making them but also the story behind why you picked the dress or style of the dress-what a joy to read your descriptions.
So so so so beautiful. I wish I could wear this everyday.
This dress is amazing and beautiful and breathtaking! Wow!
I love the dress!!! Wonderful photos.You're a real xana!In Northern Spain mythology the Xanas are nymphs of fresh water that have a morphology fully human. They are small in stature, outstanding natural beauty.
They live in the sources, in caves and on the banks of rivers and They wear a white tunic.
I have absolutely nowhere I could where this gorgeous creation but I wanted to complement you on another beautifully crafted dress. The photography is stunning...you have a very patient husband. Kudos to him too.
I want this for my wedding dress! It's absolutely perfect!
Your photos are just divine! I love that your hubby is taking photos for you and is supporting what you love! Thanks for sharing xx
Love your website, and especially this dress.
This is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen! I'm a fashion photography student and I draw most of my inspiration from ethereal scenes and movies from the 70s. I would love to use this for shoots, and wear it to events should the occasion arrive!
here is a link to my blog that features some of my photography and also what inspires me:
and to my flickr page:
Absolutely wonderful gorgeous prefect lovely dress! I hope I win... and I hope I will be invited somewhere fancy to wear it!
you look stunning! i love dresses made in chiffon and i bet it isn't easy to make one like yours. it's so beautiful and i hope to have a chance to win it and hopefully hopefully get myself photographed in it by my Brian.
i've linked it in my blog's sidebar. do pardon me for linking it with one of your photo image. let me know if you want it removed.
thank you!
this one looks more like a maternity dress to me.The only one I didn't really like so far !
Amazing!! So SO So lovely, your dresses and designs amaze me every time. Please release some patterns, I would pay a pretty penny to make this myself!!
This is such a beautiful piece! I can't help but want it!
As I just posted on my blog, you are downright AMAZING!!!!! I absolutely adore this dress! The construction is so interesting, and you totally look like the Naiad you describe :D
I second the motion for wearing it to wed in :D
Wow! That is sexy, I love it!!
That is just beautiful! Please enter me!
Wow!! That's not a fabric I would have tackled anytime soon. You did a wonderful job! It's a very romantic piece.
Wow - it's stunning! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow this is absolutely beautiful!
very pretty
Beautiful dress! Amazing photos! You are both very talented.
What an amazing dress! I am speechless...
Pick me!
What a really mystical dress ...
Gorgeous, I love the ruffles!!
Love that dress, is something that I dreamt!
I love the chance to win!!!!
I didnt understand very well, what I should do to win it...
this is my mail,mar_fv@hotmail.com and my blog
I'm french, so excuse me for my way of speaking, I create a link in my blog, which is a blog for simples creations: http://ceeee.canalblog.com/
What a beautifull dress !! Please enter me to this giveaway.. The link is create on the right column of my blog..
BEAUTIFUL DRESS. I couldn't stop staring at the dress when I saw the pic! I NEED it!
Just Divine!
I'm speechless..this dress is a dream!! would love it!
This is gorgeous! The fabric is amazing. You did a really great job on this dress. Good day!
Very nice dress! Nice pictures as well! Would love to wear this dress, on a hot summer night by the sea!
Wondering what your next project will be! Bet it will be as beautiful as this one!
Greetz Eline
wow, it´s great! it reminds me the Ancient Grece
hope to win
When I saw the first photo, I immediately exclaimed: "You look like a nymph!" Then I read the rest of the entry and now admittedly feel inauthentic. Still it looks beautiful.
What a lovely dress! And such beautiful pictures with it, too. Would be absolutely incredible to use in a performance piece (which is part of what I do)... please count me in!
elnajay at gmail dot com
OOOooooohhhhh!!! I love it
Olaia P.L.
I love it
Olaia P.L.
I adore it! it is just beautiful! and you definitely don't need to apologize for the level of its modesty. it's fashion and the rules of fashion are a matter of geography...:)
So dreamy! I love all your photo's!
this dress is so beautiful, im surprised how you can bare to give it away.
please enter me
I have never entered a giveaway but this one is soooo worth it!
The dress, ups sorry... frock :) is just amazing and I would have the perfect occasion to wear it if I won!
P.S. Since I never commented before, can I just say that I love your blog!
Absolutely Stunning!
Beautiful dress! Beautiful women! Oooh i fall in love.
That is gorgeous! I would love to win that! Those photos are magnificent. Thanks for the chance!
I left a link on my blog: justmeandz.blogspot.com
OMG - you look absolutely stunning. The pictures are breathtaking - both you and Brian are very talented.
Greetings from Denmark
absolutely beautiful! just recently discovered you, and i'm loving your blog. keep up the good work!
kfrost (at) go (dot) mccormick (dot) edu
Beautiful!! You are leaving a legacy for your children with these amazing photographs.
I'm not a fairy type of girl, but could I just get it to make a few pictures? It is so beautiful.
melindasr5 at yahoo dot com
Oooh I love it!! Please come to me my pretty!!!
this is one of the most beautiful dresses i've ever seen...MUST HAVE!
this is absolutely swan princess meets ethereal fairy land. I love this so much!
It's so beautiful!
- Danielle
other-option AT hotmail DOT com
What gorgeous photo shoot! Love the dreamy dress and would love to have it! ;)
The dress is so beautiful! Would be PERFECT for the white summer party I am hosting soon!
Looks amazing in the shooting!
Beautiful frothy frock, and wonderful photo shoot idea (and model!) I've linked here for a chance to win it for my swanlike ballerina sister:
Nymph Nudge
so pretty!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
Lovely...perfect...I must have it!
Ah! Love it!! I'd do a photo shoot just with this one if I won it!!
Hello, my english is very bad, sorry..
congratulations for your blog. I like very much the dress white is pretty!.
la coruña - España
I linked in my blog.
A kiss for you and thank you so much
OMG!!! this is gorgeous!!! I'm in love, I am definitely and madly in love with it!!!
love at first sight!
Breathtaking, absolutely stunning!!
I cant even begin to frame my mind around how you created it!
i am in awe!!! you have created most beautiful dress and produced images that are like a fragment of heaven...i am short for words...
and if i got a chance to wear it, i'd try my best to capture it's beauty mixed with Italian countryside, or better yet gorgeous architecture in Rome ...
thank you for a gift of beauty ;)
just gorgeous...
here's my flickr page ;)
and email
Beautiful photography, beautiful dress, beautiful woman
There is no way this frock would either fit or look good on me, but I just had to comment and say what gorgeous pictures these are! Lovely, dreamy, ethereal - just stunning.
If we didn't already have flower girl dresses for Lily and Gracie I would definitely have considered this design for them. LOVE IT!
Fantastic! Very unique
What a beautiful dress!!!
I came here via Burda, and fell in love with your blog :-)
Beautiful dress and very beautiful pictures that one with the bridge in the background is amazing!
Are you kidding me? This is gorgeous! I've never seen anything like this...I wish you could've seen my face when I saw those beautiful photos because I really can't describe how I feel about this dress in words.
Oh my goodness! This is so beautiful, I would love it as my wedding dress!!! It is perfect!
Its fabulous, a princess dress, made of a little bit of cloud...
(I create a link to your blog, I find your creation so poétic)
Have a nice day.
Oh, it did'nt woork?
I said this dress was surely made with a little bit of cloud...it's so marvelous!
I'm pretty speechless..
I would have posted Your blog anyway on my blog.. It's really fabolous!
I wish You all the best!
http://eliiise.bubbleroom.com/ - the first post
Lovely! I would like to participate in this fantastic giveaway!!!
My e-mail:
rOh.. Could you please add tutorial, how to make this dress or something? i really really badly want..
Oh.. Could you please add tutorial, how to make this dress or something? i really really badly want..
GORGEOUS dress and the photos are AMAZING! You look so beautiful in them. I also have to add that I LOVE your blog and your creations are always so fabulous.
What do you mean it's not your everyday house frock? I would be doing the dishes, walking the dog, grocery shopping.... you name it. ;)
This dress is lovely! Although...I have to admit....I would wear it everyday.....even if it was just around the house because it would make me feel like a fairy!
~Happy Kat~
what a beautiful dress! don't know where i would wear it but, honey, i would find a place!
just gorgeous!
Check it, I totally linked to this: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4556684&id=610978600&ref=notif#!/arinellen
I love this dress so much. :)
Wow so amazing. I have looked at it three times already.
This dress is so amazing. My friend sent me the link because I was looking at another dress, but this one is much more amazing.
Stunning! I am absolutely in love with this dress! So of course I had to show it off to my readers here: http://elisapetch.blogspot.com/2010/07/oh-my-gosh.html
And also added a link from my blog to yours :)
Totally beautiful! I think this would be the most amazing honeymoon dress ever! WANT!
WOW!!! Simply gorgeous. I actually don't have words. It's just amazing!!
and ofcourse i've linked on my blog http://havregrodihaaret.blogspot.com/
Love Rie W
Wow, you look amazing.
I am waiting to see you on Project Catwalk.
How far do you travel for your photo shoots? The locations are always beautiful.
I'm a little in love with this dress!
WOW -I love it!!!
When I saw this on LookBook I immediately thought "Grecian Goddess". I always love soft fabrics like tulle and chiffon (perhaps because of the many years in ballet) it creates beautiful drape and movement.
I want to see this photographed in nightlife in the city with dangerous heels and dainty, modest gold jewelry. The pictures in front of the lake represented innocence and I wonder if it can photographed in a more vampy setting.
How gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!
so pretty, I love the wreath too!
Gorgeous! You could totally work in the line of couture clothing! I'd gladly be the owner of such a masterpiece. :)
I would love to win this!
This is such a beautifully crafted dress. I love the lines and this looks like something i probably would have dreamed up and doodled in my notebook during class! I would LOVE to win this and Great job on all your dresses, they're just fabulous!!
how can i get it,, please enter me,, hehhehehhee
Oh, that's so pretty! It reminds me of when I was little and I would pull my mother's pretty slips up around my chest and wear them as a dress to play. Beautiful!
I would definitely be showing that off on my blog if I won it.
the dress is a masterpiece
love the pictures
Wow !
Remind me about fairy story
love it
Wow !
Remind me about fairy story
love it
this is so pretty and so are you! what a great model you are for your dresses. and the riverside looks amazing. you chose just the right time of day for shooting this. that sunset look it to die for, really. Great job on the dress AND photos.
It´s so beautiful for the summer!!!
very pretty!
boon1211 at gmail dot com
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