Big News!

September 29, 2010

I'm so happy to announce that I've entered into a publishing deal to write a book based on 'A Frock by Friday'! The book will be a lot like our 'Frock by Friday' sew alongs but it will also teach you how to use different top and bottom patterns and adjust them to make your own designs. Bodice, skirt, collar and sleeve atterns will be included with the book.
It actually won't be out for another year and a half:( But I'll be working on it diligently for a whole year. But not to worry, I can incorporate my work into the blog. I'm making a bodice pattern now that I'm using to sew another dress next week. It's a great way to test my patterns out.

Anyway, hope you check it out when it's finally finished! I'll be giving periodic updates. And of course, thanks to all of you for your interest in my work that led to this book!

Speaking of A Frock by Friday, it's that time of month again! Stay tuned later for a FBF update.

70 {comments}:

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! Whoohoo!

Andrée Lachapelle said... Best Blogger Tips


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

congratulations, that's so exciting! I'm very happy for you!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said... Best Blogger Tips

That's beyond exciting!! Congratulations!! Will you share with us how it all came about?

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

That is huge news!! Congratulations. All the best of luck with this new venture! Very happy for you.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats! That is so exciting. I can't wait to buy a copy and continue participating in FBF!

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! That is good news! Congratulations... I look forward to your book coming out.

Laurwyn said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! You have been working hard on your blog and bringing great concepts in it too!
You deserve that opportunity!

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is SO WONDERFUL!! Congratulations!! I've wanted to write a book for a long time, just don't have a topic. And I would LOVE to test sew for you. :)

Tanya-Yanata said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, Kathleen!
I'm happy for you too. It is going to be a wonderful and useful book!
best wishes

drea_dear said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations, Kathleen! That's so awesome!

Mama K said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats! That's awesome!

The Studes said... Best Blogger Tips

congratulations thats fantastic news!!

Abs said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy cats, congratulations! That is amazing! Are you allowed to say who the publisher is?

Maya Kuzman said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Congratulations! This is exciting news!

Tanyia said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that is absolutely fabulous! COngrats, you must be so proud!

nest full of eggs said... Best Blogger Tips

congrats ! you must be thrilled ! looking forward to seeing the book when it comes out

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how exciting! Congratulations!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! So exciting! Congrats and I can't wait to see the book released!

Laura Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Great news! How exciting!

Lucia said... Best Blogger Tips

You really deserve this opportunity!!
Your dresses are amazing and so your tutorials!!

Katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

SO thrilled for you. But back to me... does this mean you'll stop work on developing your patterns for sale? I need to make that State Fair Frock. Please help.

SueMurph said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so exciting for you. The first time I found your site I knew you had big things for the future!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations!!! I'm sure many people will buy your book :)

just chic said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! congrats!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats to you! How amazing is that!? I will definitely stay posted, and keep an eye out for your book. Sewing is my niche. I <3 it.

Banhannas said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations, that is so exciting!! I will be looking forward to these posts. =0D

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats ! This is so exciting :)

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations.

Uma Mageswari Preve said... Best Blogger Tips


Joy said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! Yay! Good luck on this exciting adventure.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Hooray! Congrats!

MushyWear said... Best Blogger Tips

Way to go! How very exciting!

Britta said... Best Blogger Tips

Super Awesome!

Dei said... Best Blogger Tips

How awesome! Congratulations and we'll be cheering you on through the writing/creative process.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thats awesome! Congrats.

Lindsay @ said... Best Blogger Tips

Hooray! Congratulations! This is so exciting! I can't wait for it to come out.

kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

a very big congratulations! i just love love your blog..i just started my own this summer...come by and visit me @

sy said... Best Blogger Tips

oh so exciting!! congratulations :D can't wait another year.. >.<

MMIMS said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations Kathleen! Can't wait for book. It's going FABULOUS!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You so deserve it! Congrats :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

wonderful news! I will be buying it, no doubt!
Good Luck!

Sabr said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats! You work very hard and definitely deserve it! Can't wait!

Chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so wonderful! Congratulations!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

How cool! Congratulations and yay! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

omg that is amazing!! congrats:)

Faye Lewis said... Best Blogger Tips

What wonderful news. I'm definitely buying!

Sunni said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations Kathleen! You totally deserve and I'm so excited to see this book! It sounds absolutely wonderful! I look forward to sneak peeks if there will be any and to purchasing the finished product!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips


Margret said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! that is such fabulous news!!

Tasia said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! How very exciting!

Estee said... Best Blogger Tips


little love said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! Congratulations! I can't wait until it's publish so I can order a copy! What a great idea! xx

Mruna Mistry said... Best Blogger Tips deserve it!

Make Me Over said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooh.... another book to add to the wish-list! Congratulations!

Claire (aka Seemane) said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen that's amazing news!
Congratulations & woe betide my wallet as it's another book I shall just "have to purchase" for my every growing sewing library LOL!
:) Claire

Karin van D. said... Best Blogger Tips

How exciting Kathleen, congratulations! Knowing your blog I am sure it will be a gorgeous book!

Karin van D. said... Best Blogger Tips

How exciting Kathleen, congratulations! Knowing your blog I am sure it will be a gorgeous book!

britt said... Best Blogger Tips

how great congrats! i will so buy that book too. exciting!

Clara said... Best Blogger Tips

yay!! that would be really cool. I'll buy it!

Hermione J. Schwartz said... Best Blogger Tips

YEA! Congratulations, that is a really great ides for a book and I am already looking forward to it. =]

Jenn A said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations!! That's awesome!

ritasmeeta said... Best Blogger Tips


Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

wow!! congratulations!!!!

you can bet I will buy it!

Adventures in Dressmaking said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so amazing and exciting!

An Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

um, when can I pre-order a signed copy!?!? Congratulations!!!!!

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats again! It's going to be a beautiful, lovely, fashion-forward, and stunning book! I hate having to wait for good stuff....but I know your pain :)

Molly {Eeny Meeny & Moe} said... Best Blogger Tips

That is SO, SO exciting - congrats!

Priscilla said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a newly wedded girl from Brazil who dreams about sewing her own clothes. I came across your blog after seeing your coffee date project on Burdastyle last week and not a day has gone by that I didn't check this blog of yours. I love it and you truly inspire me. I am super excited about your book and I KNOW for a fact I will have someone in the States buy it for me when it's ready. In the meantime I promise to try to sew my own frocks and embelish my knits and it it turns out successfully I will send you a picture!
Thank you!!

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