Grosgrain Twitter

September 22, 2010

I know I had been really resisting the twitter movement and that a LOT of you use it and I've been leaving you out.

Yesterday, Beth and I got some really good one on one time and got to know each other a lot better. We talked about....everything....but a lot about blogging. And I had some revelations about things that I've been neglecting and being lazy about. So I want to try and improve that. Twitter being one of those things.

Brian and I don't have text plans. We pay per text which is bordering silly since the text total nearly comes out to be as much as their lowest text plan. So I was avoiding twitter because it just didn't fit into our lifestyle.

But now that I have an iphone it changes things. Yesterday, there were NUMEROUS times when I just wanted to 'tweet' something about the getting FRONT ROW SEATS! And BEING THE ONLY ONE TO SHAKE NATE'S HAND IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS OF TAPING! Ahhh! So fun.

Speaking of the show, I'll be posting about it later today, as well as the DRESS, I made and wore. It is one of my favorites and I got many compliments. I'll give you a little hint...roho. Lots of roho!

So please follow me on Twitter! I'll be posting frequently. It's 

Grosgrain was taken:(

Kinda like my trip to NYC, it might be a way to get to know each other better.

6 {comments}:

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! Twitter is so much fun. I've made several new friends and even gotten Etsy sales from tweeting my new listings. It's safe to say I'm addicted now. lol

btw, I'm following you! ;)

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I could follow you on twitter, but I don't have a twitter account. I'm lazy about it too. I have a fb account and I (after 2years of contemplating it)just started a blog. Have fun tweeting!

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I could follow you on twitter, but I don't have a twitter account. I'm lazy about it too. I have a fb account and I (after 2years of contemplating it)just started a blog. Have fun tweeting!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness- front row seats and you shook his hand?! So awesome! I mostly update my twitter account online so I can save those text messages. Can't wait to see your dress!

drea_dear said... Best Blogger Tips

I held out for a long time too, until a giveaway on a blog gave an extra entry for following her on Twitter (I didn't win). I will look you up and definitely follow you where ever you go! LOL

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Twitter is best for the fun. I enjoyed here so much, it is such a very best and too much interesting website. I could follow you on twitter.
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