Finer Ribbon Personalized Ribbon and Giveaway

October 4, 2010

I just got 100 yards of my personalized Finer Ribbon in the mail and I couldn't be more thrilled! It is sooooo cool. At first I thought it would be great to use to wrap the giveaway items that I send to winners but then I realized it is PERFECT to use as clothing labels. What could be more fitting for Grosgrain than a ribbon label? So as you can see I'm using them for this. And it looks sooo good.

I can't wait to sew them into a bunch of handmade garments! And it's actually a WAYYY more affordable alternative to getting woven labels made. Only $25 for 100 yards!!

I recommend treating with scotchguard and fray spray (or fray check) if you plan to use as labels.

I think I'm going to get one in every color to go with a whole color palette of clothes which will be easy since they have 106 choices of ribbon colors to choose from.
Making the label was easy. I simply went on their website. Followed the step by step instructions, uploaded my logo, entered payment and shipping info and that was that.

Actually, my logo's image dpi was a little low so they redrew it in high resolution EPS format and sent it back to me to use at my convenience. How thoughtful!

And just to prove how thoughtful they really were, Finer Ribbon thought to offer one of you, your choice of personalized ribbon!

Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by any one of three ways

1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) button is below.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain, using that link or in the sidebar link.

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.

If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would.

302 {comments}:

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Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

Heidi V said... Best Blogger Tips

They look amazing!!

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

i've been hoping to stumble upon a new label resource!
fantastic giveaway, thanks!

chchoo said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love this. I've been meaning to start looking for a nice place to make me some labels!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea!! I really need some labels but wasn't sure where to get it or how. Thank you so much!!

Jody said... Best Blogger Tips

I followed you!

vldecker said... Best Blogger Tips

The ribbon looks fabulous. I'm a photographer and this would be great for packaging. About using it as a clothing label though, their website says it's non-washable. I hope you haven't cut it all yet.

chchoo said... Best Blogger Tips

...and I fb'd it. ...and I became a follower.

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing and providing it as a giveaway.

LHA said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been looking for something just like this!! Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful ribbons!

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

OOooo! What a great idea to use it as a label!

WendyB said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely labels!

Jennie Holt said... Best Blogger Tips

wow that is sooo awesome! i would love some personalized ribbon!

cdv said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you

Kylie said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes please! What a great idea, I've been hunting everywhere for an affordable label process.

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect for my burgeoning career making clothes for family members!

Katie {Sweet Rose Studio} said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow Grosgrain! (It's actually one of the first blogs I check each day!)

Katie {Sweet Rose Studio} said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat idea to use the ribbon as labels! And I love how your logo turned fancy!

Unused Account said... Best Blogger Tips

Here's my blog post about your give-away!

Unused Account said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a Grosgrain follower!

Katarina said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked it back on my blog:

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these! Great idea to use as labels.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been a follower.

Mrs. Bianca said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful idea! thank you!

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh. Fun!

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you.

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for sharing this...I will be placing an order either way!

Kicken Bejos said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! You are a smart cookie.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

great tip- even if i don't win i'll be ordering, because you are right, their prices are WAY better than woven garment tags!

kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I love Finer Ribbon...I linked it immediately! So excited!

Erin @ Two More Seconds said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the chance to win!

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cool! I've been looking for an affordable label. Thanks.

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

And i'm a follower. Thanks.

Mrs Chronic-Shock said... Best Blogger Tips

OMGosh! I was just frowning at the price of personalized clothing labels, thinking I would never be able to afford them. This is PERFECT! AWESOME :)

Mrs Chronic-Shock said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower.

chris said... Best Blogger Tips

I've wanted to get labels for a while...what a great and affordable alternative!

chris said... Best Blogger Tips

Am a follower, too. :)

Jeans and a Sweatshirt- said... Best Blogger Tips

I announced your giveaway in my blog and made sure to leave the link.

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohh these are so cute! Your giveaways are the best :)

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

kirsten said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the idea of labels. And I just love the way your logo turned out on them!! :)

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway! And a good way to start a week!

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!

missjulierae said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been wanting to get labels for my creations! I would love to win this! AND i'm a follower.

julie.gentry (at)

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I of course am a follower!

I have been meaning to get some clothing labels but your right they are stinkin expensive! I really only sew for my family and they know I made it. So it was really to just make me feel better and I couldn't justify it....

Love and Hugs, Jess

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so nice! Thanks for the giveaway.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yah...I fb'd it too!

Farah said... Best Blogger Tips

very nice - and great idea to use as fabric tags

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! I just ran out of my labels for my blanquilts, these would be great!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

These look so great as clothing labels! I would definitely use them labeling and wrapping my etsy orders.

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a [proud] follower :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted to my facebook page. Thanks!!/profile.php?id=1404497800

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to have these labels!

Emily Cummins said... Best Blogger Tips

How very nifty! Thanks for sharing with us!

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

hummmm to use it as labels is great!

I follow you, so I can enter, can´t I?

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

These are gorgeous! I just joined a sewing club and would love to put these on my projects (although they're still a little wonky).

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you via Goggle Reader! (Does that count?)

laurie -magpie ethel said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome labels and bookmarked this site. I am now a follower...

Dita Maulani said... Best Blogger Tips

I am your follower and this is great giveaway!

Andrée Lachapelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I love those ribbons -- they would be perfect for my projects.

(Note: I already follow your blog - and I love it!)

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! These look great!

jhelene said... Best Blogger Tips

Those look GREAT!

Leisel said... Best Blogger Tips

Fabulous! Would love some.

Brown Paper Packages

PS I also follow you.

Lucia said... Best Blogger Tips

What a gorgeous giveaway!!Thank you!!
I'm a follower!!:)
I've tried to link to my blog but it doesn't work. I'll link by myself, don't worry!

Adriana said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea and so much more affordable. LOVE IT!

margiwarg said... Best Blogger Tips

I was just thinking last night that I needed to get some labels. Ribbon is a great idea!

LakshmiRP said... Best Blogger Tips

I am already your follower. But still couldn't resist the temptation of having to share how badly i have been wanting a personalized label for long .... fingers crossed!

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

How cool is that? Adorable!

I follow you.

sommerkind said... Best Blogger Tips

I want some!
They would look so professional. Maybe they would be much too professional for my sewing, but they would still look great, right?

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea. I just bought some woven labels, bummer!

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea for labels! I wish I win. :-)))

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

And I'm a follower!

Katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in the market for labels! And I'm a follower! Yay!

Jessica Peck said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful! i've been looking into labels and i really like this option.

Claire (aka Seemane) said... Best Blogger Tips

What a simple but clever idea!
I'd love ribbon like that :)
(P.S. I am already a follower)

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

wow..I would love those for my Etsy shop!

Becky McNeill said... Best Blogger Tips


Bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower, I created a link: and I am leaving a comment! This would be so awesome to have! Thanks for the giveaway!

Dee said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a perfect giveaway for your site! I love it!

Dee said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow!

sb said... Best Blogger Tips

Now, that's really neat! I'd love to have some of these so that I'm not tempted to get some woven labels (and, well, because they're cute).

Jack said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for posting this company -- LOVE it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

That is SO cool! Thanks for the chance!

Laurel said... Best Blogger Tips

oh spaz - that is an awesome giveaway!

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how lovely! I follow.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, what a fabulous idea!

Ellen said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the idea of using these as labels!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea - they look fantastic!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love some personalized ribbon!

One Shabby Chick said... Best Blogger Tips

And I'm a follower...

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Tremendous! They look great.

J.J. said... Best Blogger Tips

Following your sight. Thanks for all the info and great Giveaways. Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Mmh great stuff! :) Thank you for the give-away! Best wishes from Germany!!

Jodi @ SewFearless said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely! I retweeted you (@sewfearless)

J.J. said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway. Amazing idea. Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think.

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to win this!!! Such a fun giveaway!!!

rdpoulsen at gmail dot com

J.J. said... Best Blogger Tips

Great idea. I am a follower as well. Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think...

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome giveaway :) The ribbons are really neat!

Jade said... Best Blogger Tips

what a fantastic thing to find! I've been going back and forth about ordering custom labels but that is such a better idea!

sy said... Best Blogger Tips

i tweeted
songyueyu at gmail

sy said... Best Blogger Tips

i want to put personalized ribbon tags on my knits.thanks for the giveawy

sy said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm a follower

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I've been crushing on woven garment labels but they are way too costly. What a fun alternative!

Ag said... Best Blogger Tips

fantastic giveaway!!!
i'm a follower!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my word this is so great! I hope I win.

I'm following, commenting, and posting about it <3

faviola said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!!!

faviola said... Best Blogger Tips

I need that!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

rumplyconch said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, this is a fabboo giveaway- looks amazing! xXx

Samina said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these & I've been looking for something like this! Thanks for sharing. I'm off to order some for myself.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Brilliant! I have been trying to decide how to personalize my hair flowers and this would be great!

I also am a blog follower

Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

I've always wanted my own labels.

Erin H said... Best Blogger Tips

How great! I'd love to have some ribbon to use as labels, too!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I have posted about this lovely givaway here:

Thanks for hosting this!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yes. . .I follow you as well. . . and have been since I discovered your lovely site!

Tania QT said... Best Blogger Tips

Your idea is great!!
I want some of those for myself.

Tania QT said... Best Blogger Tips

I' ma proud and loyal follower!!!

Siew said... Best Blogger Tips

They turned out great. And what a great idea for labels. I've been considering getting some for a while.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm opening a shop and this would be a big help with start-up! yay!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Hope I win, crossing fingers!

Nina @ Momma Go Round said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fabulous idea! I have so many ideas for it already :)

Nina @ Momma Go Round said... Best Blogger Tips

Of course I follow Grosgrain!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Fabulous idea. Yours came out really well!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

great idea! way more afordable than labels! crossing my fingers!


Preppy Pink Crocodile said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I have been searching for just this product!! Must have!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said... Best Blogger Tips

I am an avid follower of Grosgrain!!

Sewing Princess said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the link and tips. I'd love to win.

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful idea! I would love to win!!

Alison said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, please I would love to be entered and I am a follower too. :)

Savannah O'Gwynn said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway:) LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win1

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your new labels- so chic!

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

And I am a follower!

DWalker said... Best Blogger Tips

I discovered this from your red wool coat project on BurdaStyle, but I'll tell you again: thanks for the link to this site! I'm getting some ribbon of my own, but if they'd like to give me 100yds I would very much appreciate it!!

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following you now. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Ashlee said... Best Blogger Tips

So exciting. I hope I win.. Thanks for the chance


Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

What a most excellent idea!

PetitePear said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a dedicated follower

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

I've always wanted labels, but didn't want to spend the money on the woven ones. This would be PERFECT!! (Now to come up with a design!)

Atlanta said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat idea!

erica said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower. :)

erica said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a great idea! I've been looking for an affordable (and cute) way to have labels.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh...I am in love! awesome!

Jenn H. said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this I recently dtarted making clothes and would love to make them even more special.

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a great idea and giveaway.

Madeline said... Best Blogger Tips

Just what I need. They are so cute!! I have been looking for cute labels!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a great giveaway, how fun to add to my custom gifts!!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

i would love to win!!!

blythe said... Best Blogger Tips

so cool!


blythe said... Best Blogger Tips

also, i'm a follower on bloglovin and blogger! :]

blythe said... Best Blogger Tips

also, i'm a follower on bloglovin and blogger! :]

Camille said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow grosgrain!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the idea! I would love some:)

Mrs. Alston said... Best Blogger Tips

very cool! I want to win it for my sisters photography business!

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

The ribbon looks great as labels. And it is a good price.

Gabe and Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway! Thanks! Yours turned out so cute!

Shauna said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to hsve some ribbon for labels!

mama*thayer said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway! I've been looking for some affordable clothing labels. Thanks!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

That's amazing. I have seen people with personal labels before but I always assumed it cost them an arm and a leg I'm happy to hear it's affordable and super cute!

mama*thayer said... Best Blogger Tips

And I'm a follower!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

oh i want to win this so bad! i need some lables for the things that i make. i linked it on my blog.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

and I follow!

An Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in the market for a label supplier so I'd love the chance to try out these!

joso said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea!

Trish said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! label-reffic! i love anything personalised, and this would be great for labelling the childrens clothes i have just started making!

Sewlovely said... Best Blogger Tips

How very awesome. I follow you on Google Reader.

sewlovely at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've always wanted personalized labels! Yours look so good!

Kelsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooo. I love I love I love. I've been pondering gettin' me some custome labels.

I follow you, and a Comment!

Carol said... Best Blogger Tips

OoOOoo I want so labels!!! they're gorgeous!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):

flynn said... Best Blogger Tips

These look great! I miss the "made-by" labels my gram had. Nice job!

TheMoncurs said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, those turned out AWESOME.

Elise said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to win some ribbon to use as labels too!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! What a great giveaway. I really need these!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I need this. I want this. Sending PICK MIRIAM waves across the internet...

Miriam said... Best Blogger Tips

I need this. I want this. Sending PICK MIRIAM waves across the internet...

Yvonne Russell said... Best Blogger Tips

I can see so many uses for these. Wonderful.

I am already a follower

Alissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been thinking about getting some labels, but haven't thought of what they should say.

(Oh, and I think I'm a follower already)

Tricia C. said... Best Blogger Tips

Didn't even know this was possible. Very cool!

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me please!

Laurie Downey said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me, pick me!

Jacinta said... Best Blogger Tips

That is such an awesome (and now so obvious!) idea for labels! Thanks.

mandi said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow! I would love this!

Leigh Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I a cool is that ribbon??

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great price! Id love to try it out!

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! and I love your logo.

Katie M said... Best Blogger Tips

That is such a good idea!

Linnea said... Best Blogger Tips

Totally love this! would be happy to win it!

Caroline K said... Best Blogger Tips

so fun!!

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

what a great idea! And I follow this blog!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following you!

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

this is sooooo fun!

The Hartle's said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! I've actually been in the market for something like this!

ritasmeeta said... Best Blogger Tips

Your logo is so cute! :)

Madame Awesomepants said... Best Blogger Tips

ooh, what a great idea for labels!

Janie said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice.....I'm a follower!

Marianne Hales Harding said... Best Blogger Tips

How cool! Oh, and I am about to become a formal follower (I've been lurking for a while now) :)

Shalyn said... Best Blogger Tips

This is exactly what I've been dreaming of. I've tried to come up with some homemade alternative, but haven't been successful.

Shalyn said... Best Blogger Tips

I also (devotedly) follow this blog.

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