This is a giveaway you just can't pass up.
Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by any ONE of three ways
1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) button is below.
2) By leaving a comment
3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or the link in my right sidebar.
4) *NEW* By following me on Twitter
Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.
If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would.
446 {comments}:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 446 Newer› Newest»I'm following your blog...and I love it!
Great give away! Thanks for the link to the great site too!
Oh what a wonderful giveaway! I hope I win!!
this may be just the inspiration i need to finally get going on some new pretty clothes. :) i'm a long-time follower, and such a fan! thanks, what a great giveaway!
Yes please!
I already follow your blog. I love, love, love colette patterns. I would love the opportunity to get more. Thanks for a great giveaway.
love patterns - especially for kids!
follow your blog
I absolutely LOVE that red skirt... I really want one like that, but I rarely see fabric in that lovely bright red colour... they always seem to be a bit dark.
Awesome giveaway!
Also, I follow you on twitter, same user name.
Sign me up...I love patterns.
I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be amazing!!
I love their patterns and a gift certificate would be awesome!
I'm an avid follower!
What a great shop - I wouldn't have any problems at all spending $50 there :)
I'm a follower :)
Oooo! Pretty!
I would love to win this!
This is the best giveaway ever and I want it!
I'v been following your blog for some time now.
This is such a great giveaway!
yay! I'm a follower!
I love this giveaway! I always make clothes for my kid, but never for me. These patterns are beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity.
What an awesome giveaway... Thank you thank you
I follow your blog :)
Schweet giveaway! :D
I follow you on twitter!
I follow your blog and I am so happy I do! So creative!!
I am a blog follower, and just started following you on Twitter, too. I love your blog, and love those Magpie patterns! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you :-)
(MissAndree at Hotmail dot com)
Sounds like a lovely giveaway!
I like all the pieces you have featured on this post. And one can never have too many patterns or sewing books! :)
I leave a comment then and keep my fingers crossed!
I love Madpie's patterns. Super excited about the gieaway!
good morning all!
i follow grosgrain!
Wow, they've got some gorgeous patterns that I haven't noticed elsewhere! I'm off to check out their site.
I am a follower, and link added.
Thanks Again for bringing these.
hooray for giveaways! i'm a follower :)
So many wonderful patterns!! I'd love to give a new one a try!
Here's my comment. Please, oh please.
New follower here!!
New follower here!!
lovely patterns!
Ooo nice giveaway, and thanks for introducing me to Magpie! :)
I already follow your blog, and I love it! So much great stuff here. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I already follow both your blog and twitter as well :)
I follow your blog!
Thanks for the great giveaway, I'd love to get more clothes sewing patterns!
Awesome giveaway!
I follow you on twitter (as tingtongnthings)
I posted a link on my blog!!
You are great, Kathleen...:)
Wonderful! I always love getting new patterns or sewing books.
Oooh, I've been wanting to try the Oliver + S sketchbook shirt!
I would be estatic to win this giveaway! So many of the patterns on her site are on my Christmas list! It would be awesome if I could ask for fabric to create the finished item rather than just a pattern!
I also already follow your blog. Love it! Keep up the good work :)
the zakka sewing book is a must; why did i never think to make a squirrel shaped tea cozy?
I stumbled across your blog about a month ago. I love you style, your sewing skills, and the thrift store finds. I also hope I win the Magpie pattern giveaway.
Leaving a comment, and hoping for the best. :)
Awesome! Enter me!
You're already linked to our food blog and our family blog. Fingers crossed!
I've been a follower for some time - love to read your blog!
thanks for all the inspiration and giveaways!!
I'm a follower!!
would be so cool to win. As a non-pattern person, I'm aware that I need to start trying to use them because not everything in the world can have raglan sleeves and peasant-style tops, and drafting my own sleeve pattern sounds frightening!
All these patterns are gorgeous...I can smell the chicness! Thanks for the chance!
Heather L (can't get google password to work!)
I'm a follower, and thanks for the giveaway! :)
I love this giveaway!
Ooo, would love to win this, thanks!
I follow you...and I'd love some patterns!
I'm following on both twitter & your blog.
I am a follower too!
I'm also a follower and would love win this pattern giveaway.
I'm also linking to you from my blog
Follow you on twitter-AutumH
tweeted this giveaway as well- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/27044655219
Oh, those are some of my favorite pattern designers! I would to be entered, and I already follow your blog.
So many great patterns!
I'm following your blog--love it!
And that "sweet dress" pattern is just too cute! But how could I ever decide which patterns to buy? So many neat ones....
It's nice to see that they carry that many patterns that sould appeal to a variety of costumers.
I'm a follower, and I LOVE all those!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I've been a follower of your blog for a while, i love your frock by fridays!
This is a great giveaway, I hope I win!
Fingers crossed!!! Thanks for the giveaway, I have been following your blog (and loving it) for a few months now.
I'm a follower! And who doesn't love Lady Grey?!!!
Must have pattern!
I created a link on my blog: homemadebyjessica.blogspot.com
I follow your blog! Thanks!
Too many funny things!
I follow!
Thanks for the chance to win. I would love some new patterns!!
What lovely designs. I really admire these independent pattern companies for their dedication to making their designs available to other seamstresses.
Whohoo!!! I'm a follower! And I shared on my blog! And now have left a comment!
This is an amazing give away! Especially since I'm the cheapest person on the planet and only buy sewing patterns for 10 cents at the thrift store :) Finger crossed!!
I am a new follower to your blog which is funny b/c you're listed on our blogroll!! Sarai from Collette is super lovely and any chance to grab an extra pattern by her is terrrific!!
Leaving a comment (already a follower)! Great giveaway!
How fantastic! I'm leaving you a comment, letting you know I'm a follower! (and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!)
What a great giveaway!! I follow your blog too.
Looks like a wonderful site!
I have been following you for at least a year now. I am loving the new tutorials.
I am too preggo for the sew alongs- but hopefully in the future!
love this!!! i hope i win.... i want to make everything i've seen so far!
I love the Magpie patterns. Awesome giveaway.
I love Magpie Patterns, I've bought a few childrens patterns that I love from there.
I already follow your blog and twitter account, so fingers crossed! Thank you for the opportunity.
I have followed your blog!
I'm following you on twitter now :)
Want this so badly!!!
Ohh. I want to win:)
I would Love to win! ( i'm a follower!)
Oh, how wonderful! I would love to make myself some beautiful clothes....I still can't fit into my clothes...having a baby wreaks havoc! :)
I am a huge fan of Grosgrain and a follower!
follow your blog too!
Ooh, fun giveaway!
I am a follower as well!
i am just leaving a comment. i hope that is enough. if i win (by some odd chance) just contact me through my blog.
thanks so much for having this lovely blog!
Yippee! Free patterns make me smile. Thanks for the giveaway!
I totally follow your blog ;)
I also follow you on twitter (tartdeco)
what cute patterns!
Fantastic giveaway, hope I win it! :-)
What a great giveaway!
I love patterns! And I'm a follower!
What an excellent giveaway!
I started following your blog. And by the way (in case you read this comment) THIS BLOG IS AMAZING!!!
Great giveaway!
I follow you.I hope I win because I have always wanted to,but it just never happens!
*fingers crossed!*
I've seen her shop before, and it's absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway(and I've started following you on Twitter, YA!)
So many cute patterns! thanks!
I follow your wonderful blog!
Oh how I'd love to win.. I never win anything and this is a wonderful giveaway!
Great Giveaway!
Wow, thanks for offering such a FANTASTIC giveaway! I would love to get my hands on some of those patterns, in fact, some are on my shopping list!
I also follow you, and I'll be linking to my blog A Few Threads Loose
I also follow you on twitter.
Pick me... Pretty please. :)
Love Magpie :)
i've been following your blog for a few weeks now, and you have inspired me to dust off my sewing machine! thanks :)
Me me me!!!! ~waving franticly here*
I follow you and linked from my blog.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
Magpie has such an amazing collection of goods, I think I'd have to add another book or two to my own, personal collection if I won.
i love your blog! and i love new patterns and books too!
I'm leaving a comment- I do love your blog and mostly use google Reader to make sure I never miss anything.
my winter plans involve...sewing, sewing, and sewing....i hope i win! ;)
Hey, I recently started reading your blog. Nice. Very nice giveaway. Fingers are crossed.
i'd love to be entered! i follow your blog :)
REALLY need some sewing books for this clumsy sewer. Would love to win.
I would love new patterns! Please pick me!
So cool! This looks like a wonderful givaway!
I follow your blog!
I follow you already. . . and love it!
I am following you on twitter. :D
Great giveaway!
Twittered about you here:
I follow your blog and my gal pal has made one of those dresses pictured from her site. Would love to check out more of the patterns!
I follow you on blog & twitter!
I would LOVE to get one of these!
Oh I could definitely spend $50 there... or even more. Much more. :D
Thanks for making things easy for me...direct me to a great free pattern and new sewing book and I am one happy girl! I would love to be your winner.
Im a follower too!
I'm always up for more kid's patterns.
I'm a follower, too... :)
Huzzah! Everyone needs more patterns. :)
A great giveaway! Yeah!
Fun giveaway! I know it'll help me start sewing :)
Oh,looks delightful!
Count me in!
Please pick me!!!!!!!! <3 your blog.
I am a follower of your blog,. thanks so much.
I just started following today...after using your tutorial on the Coffee Date dress from Burdastyle. I love your site and your creations.
I follow your blog on Google reader and I also follow you on Twitter. I hope I win! You're a huge inspiration in this digital sewing world!
Thanks for the giveaway. Leslie at dumbnessie(at)hotmail(dot)com
Great give away! Me, please! ;)
You are right, we do love a good pattern giveaway!
Great giveaway!
Ohhhh! All of the patterns are so cute. I would love to win.
Fantastic giveaway. Happy Monday!
I'm just waiting for the time to muslin my Lady Gray, and I'd love to make many of the patterns that you've pictured here!
I'm Catchick6 on Twitter and I'm now following you on twitter! Love this giveaway!
what a fun giveaway! thanks!!
Sounds great! I follow your blog.
What a great giveaway...fingers crossed!
Fun, fun, fun! I hope I win!
oh! so many pretty things!
I already follow your blog! Thank you so much for doing this -- not only hosting the give away but for always sharing your ideas and tutorials! FBF is my absolute fave! :) Thanks again :)
What fun! I'd love to win!
yay! wonderful giveaway. many thanks!
LOVE your blog. It is so inspiring. If I had a wordpress blog, is there a way to link to your blog and have you know that I did it?
Love love.
I'm already following your blog... great site!
I have wanted to make that tunic pattern for so long! And those children patterns are amazing! what a great giveaway. Thanks!
Adore your sewing skills and blog, follow you on twitter (Mareenchen). Would madly love to win as well. :)
I follow grosgrain... thanks for the giveaway...
Thanks for the give aways, Have posted a link on my uk blog www.sugarfabrics.com. just realized i've posted twice about your site in succession ! oopppsss..
Linked, commenting, and following(x2). Would love to be entered for this one!
Love your blog. Love the patterns. Love, love, love.
Magpie Lovely is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just stumbled on your blog from links of links...not sure where the original actually was...but I'm so glad I found you! Your blog is lovely and a contest too...how cool! Looking forward to checking in once and a while!
I follow in google reader, does that count? Thanks for the great giveaway.
This is an awesome giveaway!
I love following your blog. The children patterns are to die for.
My fingers are crossed to win such cute patterns! I am so inspired by your Thrift Store Thursdays.
I'm a follower (of your blog that is)
melindasr5 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win - love those books.
melindasr5 at yahoo dot com
I am so inspired by your Thrift Store Thursdays! Magpie Lovely Patterns are adorable must haves. My fingers are crossed.
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