Recently she has also written a book Prudent Advice for My Baby Daughter and it is one of those reads that you pick up and can't stop sifting through.
It's full of those wonderful funny things in life that you don't think about but seeing them in written form makes you laugh out loud or feel wistful. 
I would like to live close to Jamie me and be her friend. Although I probably wouldn't live up to all those pieces of wisdom I get the feeling she would understand. 
I thought the excerpt on the inside of her book jacket said it well. "Through modern and atypically witty, Prudent Advice overflows with insight this is occasionally time-honored (There is no substitute for baking soda), sometimes tactical (Anytime you are debating whether to shower or not, take the shower), and other times incredibly profound (When something tragic happens to someone you care about, do not ignore them just because you don't know what to say).
Here are a few of my favorite excerpts from her book. I gave my little thoughts after each one.
80 Not everyone is going to like you, and that's just fine.
Me: Ain't that the truth. I struggle with this one at times.
176 A Wrap Dress is Universally flattering
Me: No Kidding.
348 Pack a bathing suit. You never know when the opportunity to swim might present itself.
Me: I've kept one in my trunk ever since I first owned a car. And every time I've used it, it's felt soooo good.
438 Be the second person to leave the party, never the first.
Me: This is one rule I follow well.
98 If you haven't worn it in a year, give it away. Exceptions to this rule include jewelry and wedding dresses.
Me: I've done this recently. It's changed my life! And my closet space.
51 If you flip other drivers off on the road, you will usually feel stupid afterward.
Me: As a teenager I learned this one the hard way.
244 If you don't have money to buy an extravagant gift for someone special, bake!
Me: I've practiced this too. Only replace 'bake' with 'sew'.
280 The first stall is always the cleanest. I've heard that people half-consciously assume that the first stall in a public restroom is dirty and consequently skip it, so it actually remains more sanitary.
242 Your future together is not a great subject to discuss on a first date.
Me: Hah! I've never done this but it made me laugh.
Thanks Jaime for writing down all those pieces of wisdom. I think I will definitely give this to my daughter to look over when she becomes a teenager.
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111 {comments}:
This book looks amazing and I SO want to read the whole thing!
This book sounds wonderful. I'd love to pass on this wisdom and maybe learn from it myself.
Do first commenters ever win random drawings? We'll see, I guess! :) Love Prudent Baby.
What a great book! I would love to win it. And how did I know about this giveaway? I am a long time follower! Thanks!
I would love to win this looks great!
she has such a great blog!
this sounds like a fun little book.
i am a follower... :)
a piece of advise I read in a book once (but cannot remember what book!!) has really stayed with me. It is something like: always remember what it was like to be young, all the joys and folly, but also remember that a young person cannot know what it is like to be grown up.
I remind myself (and my daughter) that I was her age once and can empathize with her, but, i have experience she will have to earn.
This book is just what I need!
Lovely concept for a book. I would love to read this to my little girl.
My sister-in-law is having a baby, so this would be a perfect gift!
squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm a blog follower!
squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
this book sounds fabulous!!!
Sounds like a lovely book!
I posted a link.
Thanks for the wisdom.
I did read about this book on Daily Candy. It would be nice to have this cute book to pass it on to my daughters.
Sounds like a wonderful book to put on a coffee table or in a gift bag for a special friend (or daughter). :)
What a wonderful giveaway!
What a beautiful book! Love the opportunity to win! BTW - love your new picture header with the Halloween colored ribbons! :)
Sounds like an incredible book! I linked to my blog :-)
Please enter me ..
Sounds amazing
Even the cover is lovely. I hope I get to read the whole thing!
What a fun book! (I follow you.)
WOuld love a chance at this one!
WHat a great book!
What a great-sounding book- thanks for the chance to win!
...And I also now follow you on Twitter :-)
i totally want to win this book! it's sure got great reviews on amazon and i LOVE prudent baby's blog, so i know it must be fab!!
What a great book! Love all the advice so far!
Sounds like a great book!
i follow you on twitter and tweeted about it!!!/sandyalamode/status/27753091552
would love to gift this for my sister!
I love your blog and this book seems so awesome.
I have posted the give away on my own blog.
Thanks a ton for this post.
Sounds like a book with a high laughing factor.
I follow your blog and my link is up!
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
Sounds like a fun read!
I was just at a baby shower on Saturday and we all wrote letters to the baby for her to read in the future. I was thinking it would be precious to have a book of advice for the baby girl from a bunch of women who have already made mistakes and learned from them. Plus, I figure she will be more likely to believe it in the future if it's not coming from her parents.
Saw this review on another blog--looks like a good read;) Thanks for the chance to win!!
The book sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Haha, I ALWAYS use the first stall! Im a follower :-)
It sounds like a perfect gift from mother to daughter.
I want this book so bad!
What a beautiful gift to write for your daughter. And very wise advice indeed! xx
How lovely!
I'm already a follower of both your blog and on Twitter. I really enjoy all you do and I have to say this looks like a lovely givaway!
I've twittered about it here:
Thanks for hosting this. I would love to read this book!
sounds really interesting!
Sign me up for the win!
I have two daughters and this would be a real gem to have and pass on. Thanks for highlighting this great book!
(And I'm a follower)
I love this book: smart, witty and so true! :)
This sounds fabulous!
I so, so, so want to learn from this book!
I left a Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter!
Actually, a wrap dress is absolutely not flattering to those of us with narrower shoulders than hips and smaller busts. Gapping!
Looks like a must-have book. Thanks for reviewing it!
I love her blog and can't wait to buy the book for myself and/or christmas gifts...Just Beautiful! Thanks for the chance!
What a cute book!
Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great book! I'm a follower.
Yes, this book sounds like a wonderful book to have around. I'm a follower!
This book looks fantastic! Please share the story of how you learned #51 the hard way. :)
I would love to read this book!
Follower of this creative blog!
I would so love to win this book! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I follow the Prudent blog and the book is getting great feedback from all over the craft blog world :)
Looks like a great book.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely keepsake.
I would love to give this book to my daughter (and to read myself)! It sounds great!
Actually it *is* quite a story.
I was driving on the highway to school and this SUV cut me off and I had to slam on my breaks. I gave him the finger and he slammed on his breaks in the middle of a 65mph highway and came to a complete stop almost causing me to almost hit from behind.
Then this man in business attire got out of his car and started screaming obscenities and threatening me from inside my car.
I was actually really freaked out because we were in the middle of a very busy highway. I *should* have gotten his license plate and reported him. It was a clear case of road rage.
So when I retold the story to other people I felt stupid about telling them I flipped him off. It would have been a much better story if I had just honked my horn and honestly I think this guy would have done the same thing either way.
And I felt stupid doing it too. I was only 19 and silly. It was the only thing I could think of at the time.
Nowadays I stick to the horn.
I love good books that I can relate to and who can't relate to some wisdom every once in a while. I'd love to win and I'm also a follower!
You know it is so funny... yours and Jamie's are 2 of my top 5 favourite blogs and a few days ago I was thinking: do they know each other...? I love them both... I wish they were friends and someday would write something together...!
I am a follower of your blog.
Thank you so much for this giveaway. I think I will LOVE her book.
Hehe I guess I better go out and get myself a wrap dress. Or sew one! Sounds like a terrific book :)
I like sage and witty advice! And I'm a follower. Eeps, sounds like we're in the Grosgrain cult! ;)
looks great. i want more!!
I'm a follower, linked and I would love this book! So funny! and TRUE!
how cute!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
This sounds like a book we should all read at some point, even as an adult I could probably learn a few things...
Looks great... I'd LOVE to read all the advice.
This sounds like a great book! I'd love to win!
such a good idea.
I would LOVE one for my girls!
Looks like an awesome book!
I'm a follower! :)
I have an 11 month old daughter, Ella, who is fiercely independent already - yipe! (and hooray, though she may be a tough teen, I'd be happy to raise a strong woman). Anyhow, if she won't listen to me, perhaps she'll absorb some good-to-know info through this book :)
I'm a big fan of and definitely enjoy her snarky/humorous writing style!
What a treasure of a book!
i recently started following her blog and would love ti have the book!
I've seen a similar one for boys. I would love to win it!
Thanks for the giveaway.
what a fun book! I'm a follower.
Oh I'm in :) I love your work also! I'm a follower
i love the one with swimmingsuit :)
The book sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win.
would like to read the whole thing!
following you here and there, too:))
What a fantastic idea. Thanks for the review. I love it! I now follow you on Facebook.
Sounds like an amazing book! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Camila F.
Sounds like a wonderful book with lots of wisdom!
I would love to win this book. I think it has a wealth of advice that I would definitely want to give my daughter!
From what I've read so far, I love this book! My fingers are crossed....
I'm also following.
What a great collection of fun, yet profound little gems! Would love a copy for my little girl, but I know I would read it too! (And probably learn a lot...)
Looks like a very cool book!
great book!
i wish i had a book like that when i was growing up!
Just before Prudent's book was published, I started a list of things to tell my daughter. (definately not the size of a book...) However, I would love to have this book so that I can add my own advice to it!
Love your blog!!
I follow your blog.
Looks like a fun read!
What a fun book!
What a fun and insightful book! Thanks for sharing it with us.
I've read other excerpts from the book and I think I need to own it. Fabulous.
I would love a copy of this book, thanks for the giveaway.
I have been "following" your blog but just offically signed up as a follower today. Thanks for the giveaway.
How hilarious is this? I love it!
soundss like a great book!
Fabulous book idea and a clever title! Oh, and I love your blog; and I just started following you on Twitter.
would love a copy to read.
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