Stitch by Stitch: AKA your new sewing bible

October 1, 2010

If you are one of my readers who admire my work but have never even looked at a sewing machine you must must must take a look at Stitch by Stitch, a new sewing book by Deborah Moebes of Whipstitch.

That being said, I myself as non-beginner found a tremendous amount of info in this book as well. There were a couple techniques that I was doing incorrectly in which Deborah walked through properly and also some terminology that I had never heard of before.

But as I said, it is a great book for beginners. Through simple projects you gradually learn to sew using new techniques with each new project. Along the way, you get answers to questions like 'what is a fat quarter' anyway? And I know a lot of you have been asking for a bias tape tutorial. This book has a great one!

There is a whole section about your sewing machine. A lot of sewing books assume you know the ins and outs of your machine. Stitch by Stitch assumes nothing and takes you by the hand, eliminating the intimidation of all those knobs and dials. It also discusses important but easily overlooked advice like tension and how to hem curves (I know a couple of you have had questions about this).

You know when you're watching Project Runway and the contestants are using a strange gadgets you've never seen before? THIS BOOK HAS THOSE! The tools section was divine! Deborah discusses which are essential, which are good to have and which are just fun to have around.

The fabric section is also quite useful and I think it gets overlooked by a lot of beginners. When I first started sewing clothing I had no idea what I was doing in JoAnn's. I bought bottomweights for blouses, batistes for unlined skirts. As long as it was on sale it ended up in my project. I definitely recommend beginners read this section thoroughly. It will go a long way with results.
Starting from a fancy napkin, readers work their way up to a-line skirt variations with all the patterns provided on a CD in the back of the book. I actually loved the reversible tote bag project and could make a hundred of these. Deborah actually has some good advice on how to make a hundred. Well, maybe not a hundred but she does have advice on how to sew many quantities in a shorter amount of time, great if your a prospective etsy seller.

Don't be intimidated by zippers and buttonholes any longer!

14 {comments}:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the great review. Because I do not want to buy an other sewing book that has the same information as the rest. This seems like it will take me to an other level.

the doll house said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Kathleen, I live in Argentina, my husband and I are missionaries here. I absolutely love your blog, and I have learnt soooo much from you and also got so much inspiration that I want to thank you!
Thanks for sharing this book with, I'm gonna get it if I can get it down here, I'm also waiting for your book to be published!
Thanks for sharing your pasion you are surely inspiring me!
(an argentine, married to an american, doctor, wife, missionary by day; aspiring seamstress and homemaker in my free time).

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

I so want this book. I love those pictures!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Excellent and thorough review. This book is officially wishlisted.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the review, I really needed a book like this, so it was perfect timing. I've just ordered it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the review, I really needed a book like this, so it was perfect timing. I've just ordered it!

MissMelanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect! I'm just about to teach my 7 year old, Seleia, how to sew on a machine and have been at a loss for where to start. This looks like fun for both of us, thank you!

A Simple Thing said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you so much!
I've been flicking through it on amazon and it looks exactly like the book I've been looking for.
I'm going to drop hints to everyone I know so that I can get a copy for Christmas!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Not dropping hints...just took the plunge and bought it for myself!

Robin Ange said... Best Blogger Tips

I need this to laern those darn button holes!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have the book and it's wonderful!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for sharing! I need to buy this book and stop harassing my friends on the phone with "How do you..." questions.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

thank you for posting this! ive been trying to get good quality sewing books to help me!

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