Hair 6

April 28, 2011

Need to try this.

11 {comments}:

Kellie said... Best Blogger Tips

i love my short hair, but when i see things like this it makes me wish i had my long hair back. simple and classy.

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh thanks for sharing. I am a hugfe fan of the sidebraid but this could spicy it up a bit!!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I am DEFINITELY doing this!

Bless by Tone said... Best Blogger Tips

I just made the heart braids you showed last week on my twins - they look so cute. Posted on my blog. Tone

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have an appointment to chop my long hair on Sat. (and donate to Locks of Love) but will need to give this a try tomorrow before it is all gone!

Shelley said... Best Blogger Tips

cute!! I will be trying this asap!

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't tell what she's doing in step 6. Is that a bobby pin?

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes. I tried it myself. It's hard to get a good pic though because my hair is so dark.
<a href="></a>

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes. I tried it myself. It's hard to get a good pic though because my hair is so dark.

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

TO DIE FOR!!! I don't think my hair is quite long enough but when it is I am all over that!

Missy Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

I did something similar a couple of weeks ago, except I did two low ponytails (like dog ears) that I knotted the same way. Then put my sun hat on and went yard saling!

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