Inspiration 19: Pushing Daisies

May 8, 2011

Do you guys remember a show last year called 'Pushing Daisies'. I guess not enough people watched it. But, I watched it. Not just for the supernatural aspect but I LOVED Charlotte's wardrobe! How would someone dress that adorable in real life? Answer: she wouldn't. Okay. Fine. But I can still dream.

If there were all these amazing outfits in the short life the show aired imagine all the ones we missed out on if the show had gone on for another five years! Here's to wishing that show was still on, if not to just oogle the dresses. All collages complied by Jemima.Bean.

Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest

46 {comments}:

Grrenadine said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE Pushing daisies! The atmosphere and the photography really have a vintage touch.

Sbriciola said... Best Blogger Tips


April said... Best Blogger Tips

uhm...yes yes and yes! Love it all! ~April @ Wildflowers & Whimsy

Adventures in Dressmaking said... Best Blogger Tips

Aaah!! OMG, so cute! I have never seen Pushing Daisies and had no idea there was such cute wardrobe inspiration!

Diana said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show! The clothes are adorable!

KnitNat said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely adore "Pushing Daisies," and half of the reason is the costumes. I would dress like Charlotte every day of the week if I could!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

It was a great show, shame it never caught on! The clothes are wonderful, I'd love her wardrobe, would make house work so much nicer!

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show, too. So sad it went off the air - I think the strike had something to do with the lack of interest. It would have been difficult to create a loyal following with the interruptions. Too bad! Charlotte's outfits were amazing!

Thanks for posting this and reminding us...

~april said... Best Blogger Tips

i ADORED that show. i have no idea why not enough people watched it. i did faithfully. i loved charlie's clothes and the whole set!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Yeah, I watched that show entirely for the eye-candy -- and I don't mean the leading men! Gorgeous costuming, gorgeous sets, and I loved the pie shop aspect. Ahh. I miss it still.

Mari said... Best Blogger Tips

That show was the love of my life! I was PO'ed that ABC axed it!

Alison said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show and her clothes! Thanks for sharing.

HarmlessColor said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show...I even wrote to the network to tell them...and then they canceled it :-p
The coats were my favorite!

Jenny Plumb said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, that was a great show. So sad all that eye-candy is gone. I would dress everyday like that too if I could!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVED that show, especially Chuck's wardrobe!

Sharde said... Best Blogger Tips

i loved the show while it was on. and i really looove the yellow dress and coat! i liked her wardrobe too!

Stephanie Lynn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Pushing Daises! I have the first season on DVD and have been in the mood to watch it again. :)

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

I am going to watch out for repeats, even if only for the clothes!

emma said... Best Blogger Tips

ugh! can I have all those outfits please?!!

Marianne & Clayton said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved it too! I feel like the stylists on Glee have taken a page or two from Pushing Daisies for Emma. So sad it left.

P.S. Olive's whole look was fun too, and I adored her hair.

Kayla Moncur said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show so much. I'm so heartbroken it was canceled. Both Chuck and Olive dress so cute!

Freckles in April

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Love that show!! Love the clothes and bright colors and little mysteries and everything. I think Charlotte needs a website like Emma Pillsbury. . . .

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been re-watching this show on Netflix streaming this week! I started thinking I need to make all of Chuck's dresses. Not sure how I'm going to manage that, but I want to figure it out.

SS said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved Pushing Daisies! Looks like you are not alone in your love for the show and her wardrobe. :-)

Aubree said... Best Blogger Tips

Her wardrobe was the best part of the show! Although it was a great show!

flynn said... Best Blogger Tips

The wardrobes were fantastic and the show was almost as adorable. Also ... can we mention the boobs? I feel like it was one of the only shows on where the women had curves without it being tawdry. If there's a chesty girl on most shows it means she's easy or the like. The ladies on Pushing Daisies were classy, but with cleavage, and it was nice to see that the bustiness wasn't put in as some sort of character attribute. I've been looking for pics of her outfits - thank you so much for sharing!

flynn said... Best Blogger Tips

@sixtyfourcolorbox Oh my goodness - this is a BRILLIANT idea. If you do it, please blog it!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I was able to catch the show on Netflix last year and watched the first two seasons in like 2 weeks! Great visual show! I think I was more excited to see what she was wearing in each episode than the actual plot line. I was so bummed when I realized there wasn't anything left to watch because it had been cancelled. Thanks for the flashback.

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never heard of the show but I remember dressing like that in the 1950s. I'm glad to see the return of very feminine pretty dresses and that young women like them! Nothing makes a girl feel more like a girl than a pretty dress and a pretty hairdo. I've seen quite a few new/old dress designs on the sewing sites lately.

Jessica Deering said... Best Blogger Tips

I freaking love this show! Her wardrobe is indeed amazing. The colors in that show are fantastic. Everything's so pretty!!!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for sharing this! Pushing Daisies was my favourite show! I have the seasons they did make on DVD. Her style is lovely! So feminine and fun!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I too was a huge Pushing Daisies fan! The sets, the colors, the dialouge and the plots! And of course the clothes! It was all so cool. Just a little to non-reality for most of Americans I guess.... Sad to see it go, but happy to at least read something about it. Fun pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Rae said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh totally!! I watched Pushing Daisies for a few seasons and YES Charlotte's wardrobe is amazing. I would sit there the whole time just taking notes and making sketches.... :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

My teen daughter and I swoon over Chuck's dresses too!

Pandora31 said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved this show too! I forgot all the wonderfully vintage dresses! Thanks for the montage! PS, it's totally on netflix instant now....I think I'll go watch an episode or three...

Melanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I was so sad that they cancelled it. My hubs and I watched it together. I loved her outfits too

Kameron said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show and my husband and I were so disappointed when they cut it! I love Charlotte's wardrobe too. Sigh. I wish I could pull that off!

Kameron said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show and my husband and I were so disappointed when they cut it! I love Charlotte's wardrobe too. Sigh. I wish I could pull that off!

Jes said... Best Blogger Tips

I miss this show SO much! I watch and re-watch the 2 seasons on DVD all the time!...even my husband likes this one! :)

Kayla said... Best Blogger Tips

I really loved that show--and I LOVED her wardrobe too..thanks for sharing!

kelerabeus said... Best Blogger Tips

It's amazing, I actually do have a folder full of pushing daises snap shoots! I LOVE Chuck's dresses, even some that Olive wears :) That was really great show, to bad they couldn't finish it.

Bobonne said... Best Blogger Tips

Have you seen "Ned in the move 'Ceremony' with Uma Thurman? I only considered Charlotte's wardrobe as obviously gorgeous, and never saw Ned as a stud... But oh my! In Ceremony he's without a doubt equally gorgeous!

Just LOOK at him!

Anastasia said... Best Blogger Tips

I loved that show....and have a very serious thing for Lee Pace.

Doris said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been watching the DVDs the last few weeks--she has the best. wardrobe. ever. Evah!!!!

Oh how I miss that show...

Little Bean said... Best Blogger Tips

I miss this show! I love everything about it...the color and design especially! Thanks for the reminder of it! Maybe if enough people comment we can bring it back! LOL!

Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

There are a lot of these looks that could easily be replicated with some of the recent Burda Style patterns. I particularly love the Yellow Print Dress, the Yellow Coat, and the Green Dress, whose shape is remarkably similar to one of the dresses from the October 2010 BS issue.

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