Wedding 8: Mini Veil

May 8, 2011

I've never seen this before but it IS super cute. Maybe good for a less formal wedding? Underneath a bun like in the second photo.

8 {comments}:

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Just fond your blog, but am a little disappointed that the posts don't show up in google reader. is there anyway to fix that? :(

AmyBean said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this would be a nice idea for the reception.

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

I second that Rachel - I wish the posts would fully display in Google Reader, then I might look at every post....

Hands Sew Full said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these smaller veils. I got remarried almost two years ago and I wasn't going to wear a veil but my daughter really wanted me to have one. So on one of our trips to the bridal salon I saw this tiny veil and the lady told us they were called "get away" veils. They were also almost $200.00! So you can bet I came home and made my own! $3.00 and an antique clip for $10.00 and I had the cutest "get away" veil in town!

Alisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I third! ;)

Jenny Plumb said... Best Blogger Tips

I had a similar back to the second photo on my wedding dress and I had my hair styled just like that with a small veil under the bun. And BTW, I made it for a grand total of $15 and it looked like the $100 version. Sewing comes in handy sometimes. :-)

What I Did Today said... Best Blogger Tips


Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm considering changing it once the blog switches to wordpress in June.

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