Weddings 8: Bridesmaid Dresses

May 12, 2011

I think a really great alternative to buying bridesmaids dresses at a high end bridal shop (usually $100+ for plain styles) is going on Modcloth and picking one. It's going to be WAYYY cheaper for your friends AND (in my opinon) you're going to get something that's way cuter for your money and unique). Best of all, it will be something they can wear again. Shop the new arrivals to get full choice of all sizes.

15 {comments}:

Megan F said... Best Blogger Tips

If only they didn't sell out so quickly!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that site! Such cute dresses! I also like the idea of bridesmaid dresses where the bride gives everyone a color and then everyone can pick out a flattering dress in that color that they know they'll wear again. It's hard to find a style that truly looks good on a lot of body types, and makes everyone feel comfortable (with different comfort levels on dress length, sleeveless dresses, etc.), and this solution can keep things looking relatively cohesive but still have everyone looking and feeling great.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this idea except for the fact that ModCloth's hemlines are insanely short. I'm 5'1 and feel naked in them; I'd hate to think where they land on a taller women.

Ashley Sisk said... Best Blogger Tips

Those dresses are so cute - I wish the wedding I was in this weekend had done that. Mine cost $250 before alterations. ACK!

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, that's what Brian's sister is doing for her wedding. I like that too. I was a little disappointed at the selection of bridesmaids dresses at bridal shop though. They all look very plain with not much fabric variation.

tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

i agree! originally, my best friend/bride-to-be was going to let us choose our dresses, but later she retracted that option... now i've paid $175 for a dress i'll never wear again...

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

The $80 teal number (third row down) is my favorite.

Giulia said... Best Blogger Tips

omg I love all these dresses!
Maybe I could try to make something similar by myself one day :)

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE some of these dresses! If I could redo my wedding I would let my girls pick dresses from this site within certain colors.

Becky Goerend said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree! I'm in a friend's wedding in October and we can choose our own dress in a shade of green. I'm stalking Modcloth in hopes of finding something there!

Lara Petch said... Best Blogger Tips

Have you seen the dresses at twobirds? They are a little more expensive but they are really nice, I think I may go that route for my bridesmaids.

Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Modcloth, and go there often looking for good knock-off ideas! My bridesmaids would have loved dresses like these.

Emily in Wonderland said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love all of Modcloth's dresses and I look at them ALL the time, but I am WAY too freaked out to buy them... Whenever I look at them, it looks like they are all just a uniform super short length of like mid thigh! Which freaks me out! I am not a skinny minnie and that is way too short! So I am way too scared to order any of their dresses! I don't know if it's how they are photographed or WHAT, but they all just look SO SHORT!

HarmlessColor said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the concepts, but they would all be so short, even on petite me, never mind my tall sisters...they would need leggings or something!

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

@Emily in Wonderland
I know exactly what you mean. I've lamented this with Forever 21 too (but they're way worse).

However, if you look at the "details" section it gives you exactly how long the dress is from shoulder to hem. So if you are unsure you can use a measuring tape and see where it falls.

I've bought a couple Modcloth dresses and I've never been uncomfortable with the length. However, I'm also only 5'1 which is about as short as they get:P

I've found that most of them fall around 33"-37". A few are shorter than that but they are usually the ones that are the least expensive.

But the details really help me decide if it's something I'll be comfortable in.

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