Bulbs: The Easy Way to Garden

April 19, 2012

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have a lot of flower beds around my house. It's such a shame because I'm not the gardening type. When I first moved into my house I saw the beds and thought "Ooooo, wow. I'm so lucky." Five years later and I'm more like "Ugh, another summer of ugly, weedy flower beds."
I plan on doing something this year to improve the front of our home. So I visited digdropdone.com. Makes bulbs sound easy. While exploring the site, you are introduced to three women. I guess I most identified with Marcy of course, the mom. She works part-time, has multiple kids and is looking for the easiest, simpliest way to take care of things, (ie gardening).
I learned that the bigger the bulb, the bigger the flower. I would have simply assumed that the cheaper the flower, the more I can afford, but if you want BIG bold blooms, it's best to go with a more quality bulb. Also, you shouldn't plant around trees and shrubs as the bulbs will be competing with these plants for nutrients. Finally, the reason you have to plant bulbs in the Fall (other than because everyone tells you to) is because bulbs require a long period of cool temperatures to undergo the biochemical process that allows them to flower. Ideally, that's six weeks before the first freeze to give them the time they need to develop strong roots.
I gotta say that for time spent on your hands and knees, you really get the most bang for your buck with bulbs! Simply, plant and done. Their blooms are simply gorgeous and get the most second glances.
And even if you don't have a yard, bulbs are fantastic for interior and exterior design, creative gift giving and decoration. Imagine spending less on gifts because you planted potted bulbs in fall. They also make entertainment activities for kids.
Finished Bulb Place Setting - Gladioli in Egg Holder   Finished Bulb Place Setting - Gladioli in Egg Holder
visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more

And be sure to visit Curbside Chaos to enter Dig, Drop, Done's $5,000 yard makeover contest! It's an educational effort designed to excite women about the surprisingly simple beauty of flower bulbs. All you need to do to enter is submit a photo of your yard at CurbsideChaos.com
The lucky winner will not only receive a $5,000 yard makeover, but they will also receive a visit from Taniya Nayak (@TaniyaNayak on Twitter) – Taniya will go through and give you tips on the best way to update your yard! She will give you creative ideas for incorporating flower bulbs into your landscape.
For every share on Twitter, "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." will donate $1.00 to Rebuilding Together - the nation’s leading nonprofit, working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize communities.

And be sure to try out the Garden Guru Tool located in the bottom left of the screen. This tool will help you figure out which bulb is perfect for your home depending upon where you live! To use the tool just:
Step 1 – Pick your Country
Step 2 – Pick your location within that Country
Step 3 – Choose the type of bulb you want to grow
Step 4 – Check out the Planting Guide that shows you how to plant your bulbs.
Here's the checklist I generated for my area:

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