Day 9: Tiana Disney Princess Inspired Ribbon Sculpture Pattern

August 15, 2012

Welcome to day NINE of the Disney Inspired Ribbon Sculpture Patterns. During each day of the week (except weekends) I'll be posting the pattern of a Disney Inspired Princess Ribbon. Fun, huh?! Today we're doing Tiana of the Princess and the Frog. Get all the tutorials for all the Disney Princesses as I post them in the link below:
Tiana is fun with her full ball gown dress with green overlay and fringe top.

Hot glue
no-fray spray (or hair spray)
pinking shears

Start out with these lengths of ribbon:
brown: 3", 2¼ "
green: six pieces of 1½ ", 2"
black: 2", 1"
white: 1", five pieces of 5"

Step 1: Roll 3" piece of brown ribbon into a circle and glue. This will be your head.

2.  Take your 2¼ " piece of tan ribbon and cut rounded ends. This will be your arms. Spray with no fray spray.

3. Take your 1" piece of white and using pinking shears cut across the top. Spray with no fray spray. Wrap it around the back of your body and glue ends at back.

4. Should look like this.

5. Take one of your green pieces of 1½ " ribbon and cut the top off with pinking shears. Spray with no fray spray. Glue end if green ribbon to back, 1/4" down from white ribbon with the pinked part facing up. This will be the bodice of her dress.

6. Wrap around and glue other end to back.

7. Take your white 5" pieces and glue ends together.

8. Glue pieces together at the top in a fan shape. Place a dot of glue on the brown ribbon under your green bodice and glue fan shape on top of your brown ribbon/under your green bodice. Do not put any glue under the green bodice.

9. Take your five pieces of 1½ " green ribbon and cut the ends at a slant. Spray with no fray spray.

10. Glue ends of green ribbon in a fan shape and then place a dot of glue under your green bodice and glue the green fan shape under your green body.

11. Flip over and glue her arms to her back between the white and green bodice as shown.

12. Take your 2" piece of black ribbon and wrap around head with ends glued to the nape of her neck.

13. Take your 1" piece of black ribbon and roll in ball. Glue ends together. Glue that ball to the top of her head.

14. Take your 2" piece of green ribbon and cut the top off with pinking shears. Spray with no fray spray.

15. Glue ends to back of head so that the pinked edges are facing up and wrap around front of head just below bun and just above bangs. Done!


1 {comments}:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Is 35 to old to where these?

Signed, a true Princess by the name of Tiana

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