I'll be posting about this in a couple hours but here's a little sneak peak. Last night I was on TLC's Craft Wars with my friend Beth of Stories A to Z. Sorry I couldn't mention it before now, confidentiality agreements and all. If you saw it, you know, our project was a BIG craft fail:( At least we were entertaining.
The only thing I wished they emphasized more was how awful I thought the end result was. It almost looked like that was what we had planned from the beginning. But in an effort to redeem ourselves, Beth and I recreated what we intended the rack to look like. Both she and I are posting about it later today along with a tutorial. PLUS! I made new dresses. We featured them in the photoshoot. See u then:) PS. I made my top and shorts for the show. We taped 2 months after I had Henri so I was so nervous about how I'd look. Maybe white wasn't the way to go?
The only thing I wished they emphasized more was how awful I thought the end result was. It almost looked like that was what we had planned from the beginning. But in an effort to redeem ourselves, Beth and I recreated what we intended the rack to look like. Both she and I are posting about it later today along with a tutorial. PLUS! I made new dresses. We featured them in the photoshoot. See u then:) PS. I made my top and shorts for the show. We taped 2 months after I had Henri so I was so nervous about how I'd look. Maybe white wasn't the way to go?
12 {comments}:
I saw that episode last night! I thought you looked so pretty....and you were robbed! EVERYONE needs to know how to make a cloth covered pie tin wine rack with fork legs. Did I mention how pretty you looked? Diana from Closet Crafter.
So awesome!! I wish I hadn't missed it but I'll be sure to catch it tonight on On Demand. :) My friend Minda was also on Craft Wars about two weeks ago. Very exciting!! :)
I watched the first 2 episodes of this show with high hopes and that was it,i didnt like the competitiveness and the rush.I prefer crafting presented as a more positive relaxing thing i guess.
@Ron and Diana PikeHah! Thanks Diana. Beth and I were both like "WHY are they 'glam shooting' this monster? It was like they just kept cutting to it spinning and spinning:P
@Michelle JadaaOkay, I will say that the rush of the first hour was awful. I'm kinda sad that we didn't get to experience the five hour challenge because even though there was more stuff to do I think it would have been less pressure. That being said, both Beth and I were kind of relieved we didn't have to go on. We were emotionally, physically and mentally SPENT by the end of the hour. You can't really tell on camera but I was just in a daze for the rest of the day processing everything. I actually might have literally passed out if we had to go another five hours.
How exciting! I might have to add this channel just so I can watch this show. Hopefully they'll show your episode again!
I watched last night but didn't realize it was you! I must have missed when you said your blog name. First off, you looked fabulous! Absolutely adorable. And you were TWO months post partum?! Never would have guessed. That challenge would have stumped me. You did good with what you had.
I saw you and was freaking out! I know, irrational reaction to someone I physically don't know, but since I read your blog everyday, it felt like someone I am acquainted with was on TV. Ok sorry for the ramble. But I thought you looked fantastic! And, the others didn't use the items as much as you do, so I say points to you!
Congrats Kathleen! You are so cool.
And I totally love your outfit!
I wanted to see this so much after you posted this that I stayed up after watching Project runway on demand so I could see this and not let it slip my mind! I'm just sad to know ahead of time you wont win :(
We were totally cheering for you and I thought you looked adorable! That would be so hard! I still think you did good!
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