Sorry for my absence yesterday. Today will probably be more of the same. I'm working on a project with Beth from Stories of A to Z which had to be pushed up for reasons which I'll disclose later. In the meantime, check out some of the pics she posted on her Instagram feed. BTW, I had always used Instagram before but I'm finding a new love for it recently since I started following other's feeds. It's a great view into the 'personal' lives of your favorite bloggers. A lot of bloggers don't post a great deal of everyday life on their blogs, or do so very sparsely, myself included. It's a nice way to get to know your favorite bloggers outside their blogs. Here's my Instagram feed which features our most recent trip to the playground last night;)
Doesn't my face scream confidence?
Ouch! They're sharp!
Me and my hanging light chandelier (unrelated;)
2 {comments}:
oh my goodness! Where on earth did you get the chandelier. It is sooo cooL!
@MadalynneI made it. I did it before I had a blog and Beth has been pushing me to do a tutorial on it. One of these days....
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