The Wine Tasting Frocks

August 24, 2012

So Beth had this awesome idea of recreating the wine rack we intended to make on the show while ALSO doing a photoshoot with dresses we designed and I sewed.
Out of the two I made, Beth's was my favorite. Or maybe it's just because she looks so gorgeous in it. That's probably it;)
She wanted it to be lacey but also modern. The first prototype I made was too long and looked dowdy with all the lace.
Plus, the first dress I made used a stiffer less wide lace trim. That was the only type I could find at JoAnn's. But for the second dress I made I went to my local outlet fabric shop and found this amazing vintage bridal lace for $8.50 a yard.
It was originally pure white but we wanted an off-white color for a more rustic look. So I tea dyed the lace with a touch of yellow RIT dye and it turned out JUST RIGHT!
I like the belt Beth choose for the dress. It added that modern/vintage flair that was perfect for the dress.
Okay but seriously, how gorgeous is Beth? This photoshoot was so iffy. We wanted to get it done before the Craft Wars episode aired. Then they pushed our episode up one week and we had to scramble to get everything completed in time. Not to mention a storm front came into the area on Sunday and we had to push the photos back until the day the show was to air. Things were TIGHT! But it all worked out. Tuesday was sunny but cool and even though the mosquitos were out for blood we managed to get everything done without a hitch.
Now, onto my dress. I also wanted something lacey but not dowdy. I've been watching a lot of Boardwalk Empire lately (great show BTW) and I was inspired by the maid's aprons. I made the bodice of this dress come all the way down to the waist in a V shape. I then added a green underlayer for a pop of color.
To keep it from looking too dowdy I made the skirt pegged and shorter.
My lace materal was a little stiff but I liked the design. It wasn't the traditional lace pattern you see. But if I had to make this dress again ideally I'd prefer a slippier, softer lace. That sort of material works best with pegged skirts.
I also painted my fingernails a sparkly glitter green. Fun.
The location we choose was really perfect. It's an old barn with a giant star on the top. Pretty well known in the area. It was built in 1872 and is listed as a National Historic Landmark with the National Register of Historic Places. They say it may be one of the most artistically photographed, painted, and replicated buildings in America because of its unique architectural design, building layout, and most notably, its giant five-point stars on each end.
 So this will be the last post pertaining to the entire Craft Wars experience. I know, I feel like I talked it to death too:P I feel like although our efforts were a big craft fail we got so much more out of the adventure than just a TV appearance. We learned a lot about what it's like to do a tv taping, I got to know Beth even better than I had and we had a lot of laughs along the way. Not to mention....cute dresses!
Check out this crazy cricket that happened to land on Brian's shoulder. Yikes! I would have totally freaked out!
Hope you enjoyed our journey as much as we did!

8 {comments}:

Joelle said... Best Blogger Tips

love the dresses and the location!! btw, that "crazy cricket" is a grasshopper. ;-)

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

@JoelleHah! I think I knew that but the first thing that came out was 'cricket':P

Cheilita said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the dresses! And yes you are both gorgeous.

Sewing Princess said... Best Blogger Tips

great pictures. I hope the show went well

Adela Escobar said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen Hi, my name is Adela and I am Brazilian, I met your blog some time ago and fell in love, you are very creative, inspiring, and navigating through facebook find a person saying that invented the bottle door I saw on your blog, I found absurd, since I know you are the original design. I believe it is my duty to inform you that you are using the image of your blog. without more, a big hug, Adela Escobar

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love those dresses! The location is fabulous! btw: I am a new follower and love your blog! If you get the chance pass by my blog, fellow sewer and fashion design student here;)


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey there! I so love these dresses, especially Beth's. It's exactly the style I've been looking for to renew my wedding vows. I was wondering... was the dress made as 2 separate dresses (a shift under the chiffon top dress with lace) or was the top just made that way? Did you use a pattern? If so, what was the brand. Any advise that you could give me would be SO GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thanks in advance! :) Heidi

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

@Heidi WellsI didn't use a pattern I just cut around a dress form. And the slip underneath Beth's dress is just a simple camisole slip that you can buy almost anywhere. I believe it got it at the thrift store in nude.

It's been a while since I made the dress but I would recommend looking for a loose dress pattern with short sleeves. Just go to JoAnn's and flip through their books. There must be one that's close to this shape. The key was finding wide crochet lace. I found mine at a discount fabric outlet where I live but if you don't have a place like that where you live I recommend looking on etsy. They have almost everything. Just type "wide trim crochet lace" in the etsy search engine. I found a few when I did:

Just make sure that the color matches your dress. Ivory vs. white.

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