Halloween Ghost Trick Mirror with Glow-in-the-Dark Mod Podge

October 5, 2012

So I decided to give the kids a little scare this Halloween with the help of Mod Podge! They have a hanging mirror in their bathroom which they use every night to brush their teeth. But when they go to bed I insist that they turn the light off and the switch is right by the mirror. SO, what I did was use the new glow-in-the-dark Mod Podge to stencil a skull template onto the mirror. When the glow-in-the-dark Mod Podge dries it's see though so they won't know it's there until they turn off the light. Then it will gllloooow. Mwahhaha!
Sorry for the blur. I had to set the shutter speed to long to get Molly's reaction in the dark and I couldn't use a tripod like in the top photo.
And this can be totally temporary. When the prank is over just peel Mod Podge off! Or do this on a black framed mirror and only hang during the Halloween season in the foyer or a guest bathroom. Check out their amazing line of products, new and oldies but goodies.
For this project I used a mirror, glow in the dark Mod Podge, a foam paintbrush and a skull template which I made from a vinyl cutting machine. Here's a different skull template I made in a VINYL CUTTING FORMAT. If you don't have a vinyl cutting machine just use this skull template which I designed. (Mine looks a little less menacing than the one I used for this project. He almost looks like he's smiling instead;)

Print it on paper then trace it onto cardboard (Don't use paper as it will adhere to your mirror and be difficult to remove. Cut out insides out (these are the black parts of the above jpeg NOT the white) and spray the back of your cardboard template with low-tack adhesive. You'll have to arrange the eyes, nose mouth and skull shadows inside the skull shape yourself.

 Step one. Clean your mirror. Then place the skull template on the mirror, sticky side down.
Step two. Paint with Mod Podge.
Step three. Lift your template while the Mod Podge is still wet otherwise it will peel with the template after it dries. Once dry, hang mirror back on wall.
Step four. Wait until dark for the fun!

When I finished my mirror you could see the skull outline in the mirror so this might only work on kids and not adults. If you want to barely see it I recommend using as thin a layer of the glow-in-the-dark Mod Podge that you can get. Using a squeegee would probably do the trick.

If you wanted the glow effect to be even greater you could paint the negative space instead of the positive space in the skull template. This way you would be painting the ENTIRE mirror and leaving the actual skull image free of Mod Podge.

You could even do this on a wall! Doesn't have to be on a mirror! Although I haven't tried it on a wall and I don't know how simple it would be to remove the Mod Podge from a more porous surface like a wall.

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Check out other great Mod Podge projects! ;

4 {comments}:

ARK said... Best Blogger Tips

You are SUCH a fun mom Kat!!

saraH said... Best Blogger Tips

I haven've visited your blog for awhile and I've been missing out! I love this mirror, so creative! I have yet to use modge podge yet but this looks so great!

Sue Niven said... Best Blogger Tips

Very very scary. Great stuff.

Carolina said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so funny! My son loves to be scared... I'm sure he would get a kick out of this!

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