Ideas: DIY Best Friends Puzzle Piece Necklace

October 17, 2012

I have an awesome idea that I'm going to try when Christmas rolls around. I saw these puzzle piece necklaces via Wanelo and thought they'd make an excellent 'Advent Calendar' gift for the girls. This would also be a neat idea for a mother/daughter or best friends necklace. Here's HOW!

Modpodge Dimensional Magic
3 actual puzzle pieces one for each of my daughters (plastic pieces would be best but cardboard would also do)
A piece of paper with one long word like 'sisters' OR a photo of all three recipients in a group shot.
Necklace chain
Necklace jump rings

1. Make a tiny hole in the corner of each puzzle piece large enough to fit a necklace jump ring through.
2. Create a design on paper with the word sisters OR print out a group photo of the people you are giving the necklace pieces to. Glue the paper too the puzzle pieces when they are connected. 
3. Cut the paper around each puzzle shape. Separate puzzle pieces.
4. Then coat the top of each piece with the Dimensional Magic. To do this just squeeze the Dimensional Magic onto the surface of the piece and swirl around with tip. Be sure surface is smooth and thick. If you used a cardboard piece, wait under the top is dry and repeat on the back and sides. Let dry completely. 
5. Add a jump ring through each of the holes you made. Then add a chain through the clasp.
6. When the pieces are connected you can see the word 'sisters' complete. If you used a group photo the whole photo will be complete when the pieces are put together.

3 {comments}:

Green Kids Crafts said... Best Blogger Tips

There's a product that you can run through your computer to create a custom puzzle. I can't remember who makes it but I used it last year to create custom Christmas gift tags and it worked very well. I printed a family photo on one side of the puzzle, then broke the puzzle apart and hand printed the recipient's name on the back of each piece. The puzzle pieces were easily tied to the package ribbon. Then later in the day everybody put their pieces on the dining table and put the puzzle together.

Connor Harley said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh. That puzzle necklace is a wonderful gift for your friends/bffs! I am not good at searching for gifts but the puzzle necklace is perfect.

Send gifts to pakistan said... Best Blogger Tips

Show your excellence in selecting gift items...

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