This Day's Threads: Plaza Boutique Dress

October 11, 2012

I haven't done a "This Day's Threads" in a while but I put this on today to pick up Molly from school and just couldn't resist taking a photo. It was all fall, scholastic and spot on for the season (could have used a pair of crochet tights though). If you like this outfit too get the dress and shoes at Modcloth and use this $20 coupon code! Get sources below.
Sweater- Mossimo

5 {comments}:

cheap dresses said... Best Blogger Tips

Very fine. Your dress are very fine.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! Modcloth always has the prettiest dresses! those shoes, too cute! btw: I have a new sewing blog and I'd love for you to check it out. I'm trying to get the word out to fellow sewers and bloggers I follow.

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Website is very comprehensive and informative.

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Nice! I am such a petite shorty gal that I have to get them.

cheap nike nfl jerseys said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, me encanto la colección de dress

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