I think I want to do a BIG costume this year like I used to but for a grown up. It's funny. My kids like store bought costumes. I could make the most dazzling, ornate, mind blowing costume they've ever seen and if it wasn't in "Chasing Fireflies" they want nothing to do with it. SO frustrating. So, I was trying to go back and think of this past year's popular culture costume references. Here were some of my favs!
I think this might my personal favorite. Elizabeth's wardrobe was so amazing. Not only was she the most beautiful but she got to wear the best dresses. Poor Ann. I'm sorry but maybe if she had worn a color other than army green she wouldn't have died of tuberculosis. Again....poor Ann. I loved Elizabeth's dress with the furry cuffed sleeves that fell in waves toward the floor.
2) The Great Gatsby
I bet who ever scored the job of costume design for this movie was like "Well, better start shopping for my Oscar gown". Doing something from Gatsby is an obvious choice but I don't know if it's really "halloween" appropriate. If I made a dress like the one shown below I think it would look like a dress and not a "costume" per say. But still, color me impressed!
3) Game of Thrones
Khalessi! She's my girl. The only trouble would be in deciding which look to pick! Should I go as warrior Khalesesi, bride Khaleesi, queen Khaleesi, horse heart eating Khaleesi? So hard to choose just one. I can't wait to see what Khaleesi will wear next! Someone should make a "WWKW" website! Oh my gosh, someone already has.

4) Oz the Great and Powerful
My favorite costume from this movie was Evanora's (I guess I have a thing for the villainess) though none of the costumes from this movie really WOWED me like Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman or Tilda Swinson in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Those were some really well dressed evil doers!
5) Once Upon a Time
Who knew a pants suit could look so attractive?! I actually really liked Once Upon a Time's take on the Snow White version of Hilary Clinton AND what's more....I happened to see that McCalls already has a pattern for it!
6)Boardwalk Empire
I don't think I'd be brave enough to put this on and post it on this blog but I actually really liked the Onyx show girl costumes in the newest episodes of Boardwalk Empire. I don't think that high waisted hot pants paired with a brassiere will ever look flattering to the hips (at least not mine) but when they're all lined up in a row the effect is pretty stunning.
7) The Hobbit
It seems a Galadriel costume is always timely. Is there every a year when she isn't starring in a Lord of the Rings movie? I don't think so.
Hey! If you think I've missed any let me know in the comments below. And a really great way to find relevant costume ideas is to google "comicon costumes 2013". It's good for passing the time when you're bored or avoiding real work (like me) ;-P
2 {comments}:
These are great ideas. I started my costume to be Melissandre from GOT. I have long, red hair so it helps. I have floor length scooped wine red dress and wine red crushed velvet cape lined with red satin and a brass choker. So excited!
I would pick the white queen. I'm not sure where you live, but it gets mighty cold for halloween where I am. The more covered you are, the better.
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