30 Days of DIY Workout Wear: Day 8 Sexy Side Fringe

April 20, 2014

Welcome to day 8 of 30 Days of DIY Workout Wear!! Today I made this cute fringe tee which shows off your sides.
See Previous Days
It's made with fringe trim (like for sofas!).
I got the idea from this Trash to Couture tutorial! Check it out!
Get the tutorial below:
Take your thrift store tee.
 Cut off the sleeves.
 Cut off the sides. Then turn inside out.
 Sew your fringe trim with the unsewn edge of the fringe to the wrong side of the side of your tee. From the front hem, over the shoulder and to the other back hem.
 Turn right side out and sew the sewn edge of your fringe trim together about 1' up from the hem.

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