Celebrate a Little Spring with Emerald Green in Your Wardrobe

April 28, 2014

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Caress® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Caress®.”
#CaressMe #FreshFashion 
It's time to put away those burnt autumn hues for some bright emerald greens! Go through your wardrobe and find some great fresh spring colors to wear outdoors in the warmer weather. Greens just POP when places next to almost any color. Pink, purple, white even gold. It's the color of choice this season.
From dresses to blouses to shoes to shorts. Wearing something green in spring is a simple easy way to feel seasonal and bright. When I wear green on a warm sunny day I swear it puts a spring in step.
It's lovely, wild and radiant which enhances your sense of well being.
If you don't have many emerald greens try wearing a green nail polish or eye shadow, perhaps a lovely green floral hair accessory.
Don't just stop at your wardrobe. Wear that spring fresh clean green feeling on your skin with with Caress® Emerald Rush™ Fresh Collection Body Wash.
The Caress® Fresh collection wraps your skin in vibrant scents and hydrating lather, leaving it revitalized and delicately scented. Try the new Caress® Fresh Collection and revitalize your skin like never before.

1 {comments}:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Where did you get those amazing shoes???

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