Coffee Filter Garland

August 21, 2014

I am partnering with Dollar Tree to promote the Value Seekers Club. All opinions are my own.
A very simple and easy way to dress up a party is with simple coffee filters purchased at your local Dollar Tree! A coffee filter garland creates a vintage homemade party look while also being easy and fun to make. I found this idea and a few more clever projects on Dollar Tree’s Value Seekers Club! It's a club full of crafts, recipes, décor, tips, contests, insider information, frugal fun ideas, and more! Membership is Free! Content changes each month! Project sheets can be saved or printed which makes it easy to bring to the store as a shopping list. I definitely recommend a look-see!
To get the tutorial for this project check out Dollar Tree's Value Seekers Club! I've found that there are two ways to color the filters but I'll cover the kid-friendly version first. This is the way we made ours. Please check out Dollar Tree's Value Seekers Club for the full instructions. I'll give you some tips that we found to be helpful.

I took my coffee filters and laid them out in the grass. I recommend the grass because the food coloring will stain a deck or cement. I also recommend laying them out in small stacks of 7-10 filters. It's somewhat tedious to lay them out one by one. Also, they fly away more easily when they're not stacked.
Plus, I found that my kids tended to over spray the filters which will work to your advantage when they're in groups. I had to turn them over and spray the backs later.
If I had to do it over again I think I'd also mix the colors. A few of our filters became mixed and it created an interesting watercolor look. Really, you can't go wrong with the spray bottles.

An alternate way to color the filters is to fill a bowl with colored water and take all the filters at once and place them in the water until they are all saturated. Then remove them from the water and separate them into thin stacks of 7-10 and lay them outside overnight to dry. This way is a bit simpler but not as fun!

Once the filters were dry we grabbed a few stacked together (between 7-10) and used a pair of scissors to cut a hole in the center.
Try this project our yourself and let me know how it goes. Enjoy!

I am giving away a $50 Dollar Tree gift card to one of my readers. To enter just use the Rafflecopter form below or leave a comment and I’ll pick a random winner.

5 {comments}:

Carrie @ lovely etc. said... Best Blogger Tips

I signed up for the club! Awesome coffee filter project.

Momma J said... Best Blogger Tips

Signed up, love to hear about new ideas and cheap!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said... Best Blogger Tips

I signed up
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

1froglegs said... Best Blogger Tips

I signed up with the email attached to the Rafflecopter.

David L

LauraJJ said... Best Blogger Tips

Im a member! I LOVE how you did that Coffee Filter project! Would make great fun decorations for birthdays!!!

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