More great fleece prints! I also got this one at Hancock Fabric as well. They just had so many great fleece prints there when I went. I liked this print because it wasn't your typical plaid or winter scene. Not that I don't LOVE those as well but this was a nice change of pace.
By the way all of these fleece fabrics I bought on sale for only $5 a yard. Since my pattern is only 1 yard I only paid $5 for all these great pants! Love it! The whole project takes only 20 minutes after you cut the material. I like to buy a whole bunch of fabric at once and cut multiple layers of each pattern piece so when I got to make the next version I'm not having to pull out the pattern and pin and cut which takes a while.
4 {comments}:
Like I just said on your comment on my blog I just adore your colorful clothing and the pattern of those pants is awesome.
Very cute! Did you modify this pair to not have a center front seam, or is it just concealed really well? Thanks!
@MegYes, there is a center front seam;-)
When I print the page with the 4" test square, I get a 3 1/2" square. How can I adjust this sizing on my page? This often happens when I try to print patterns.
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