I cut five sets of 12 houses plus the pine trees and bare trees and divided them by each person's preference. I made my houses with white cardstock. Ally made her houses with brown paper. The barn I made red with a brown roof.

I'd love to do another "craft night" like this! Christmas is certainly a great excuse to do one but I wouldn't have minded doing one of these every month.
Check out the finished scene!
I was just floored by how easy and adorable these houses turned out for everyone! I highly recommend this idea as a craft night to anyone because it was easy enough for even an uncrafty person to do and still succeed.
With the lights turned off the look was ethereal.
I bought the tea lights at the dollar store. They were only 2 for $1. I already had the white and brown paper but it's only $6.50 at Michaels with a 50% off coupon. The patterns were $8 all together. Ally went out and bought glitter and glue. So each craft for 5 people was only about $10 per person with most of the expense spent on the tea lights.
Now that it's less than 12 days before Christmas I've been filling each with a small gift for the kids. Michaels and AC Moore have these neat little rubber figurines in a tube called "Toobs". They are $10 for 12 figurines but only $5 when you use their 50% off coupon! I bought these for Henri since he likes planes.
Ally bought these for her daughter since she likes animals.
I added numbers to the houses later.
And set them on our living room mantle.
Last night was the first night I let the kids lift the houses.
I bought flavored Chapsticks for Lily and Molly.
Eloise got a horse figurine.
They loved playing with their figurines together.
Pretty cute and inexpensive way to do a crafty little mini-advent this year.
1 {comments}:
Kathleen, these turned out so gorgeous! I want to make them now! I'm so glad you had such a fun night with my sister and friends! ;)
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